Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Number | The ID of the Stage | [optional] |
orderNr | Number | Defines the order of the Stage | [optional] |
name | String | The name of the Stage | [optional] |
activeFlag | Boolean | If the Stage is active or deleted | [optional] |
dealProbability | Number | The Deal success probability percentage. Used/shown when the Deal weighted values are used. | [optional] |
pipelineId | Number | The ID of the Pipeline to add the Stage to | [optional] |
rottenFlag | Number | Whether Deals in this Stage can become rotten | [optional] |
rottenDays | Number | The number of days the Deals are not updated in this Stage would become rotten. Applies only if the rotten_flag is set. | [optional] |
addTime | String | The Stage creation time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | [optional] |
updateTime | String | The Stage update time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | [optional] |
pipelineName | String | The name of the Pipeline | [optional] |
pipelineDealProbability | Boolean | Pipeline Deal probability. When true, overrides the Stage probability. | [optional] |
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