Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | The name of the product. Cannot be an empty string | [optional] |
code | string | The product code | [optional] |
description | string | The product description | [optional] |
unit | string | The unit in which this product is sold | [optional] |
tax | float | The tax percentage | [optional] [default to 0] |
category | float | The category of the product | [optional] |
owner_id | int | The ID of the user who will be marked as the owner of this product. When omitted, the authorized user ID will be used | [optional] |
is_linkable | bool | Whether this product can be added to a deal or not | [optional] [default to true] |
visible_to | VisibleTo | The visibility of the product. If omitted, the visibility will be set to the default visibility setting of this item type for the authorized user. Read more about visibility groups <a href="\" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.<h4>Essential / Advanced plan</h4><table><tr><th style="width: 40px">Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner & followers</td><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Entire company</td></tr></table><h4>Professional / Enterprise plan</h4><table><tr><th style="width: 40px">Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner only</td><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Owner's visibility group</td></tr><tr><td>`5`</td><td>Owner's visibility group and sub-groups</td></tr><tr><td>`7`</td><td>Entire company</td></tr></table> | [optional] |
prices | object[] | An array of objects, each containing: `currency` (string), `price` (number), `cost` (number, optional), `direct_cost` (number, optional). Note that there can only be one price per product per currency. When `prices` is omitted altogether, a default price of 0 and the user's default currency will be assigned. | [optional] |
billing_frequency | \Pipedrive\versions\v2\Model\BillingFrequency1 | [optional] | |
billing_frequency_cycles | int | Only available in Advanced and above plans The number of times the billing frequency repeats for a product in a deal When `billing_frequency` is set to `one-time`, this field must be `null` When `billing_frequency` is set to `weekly`, this field cannot be `null` For all the other values of `billing_frequency`, `null` represents a product billed indefinitely Must be a positive integer less or equal to 208 | [optional] |