From f386c0baeaa1cf40bed3bad4158254b69de41bbf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rob Letzler <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 00:11:12 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] butterfly with neutral column
doc/python/ | 105 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 103 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/python/ b/doc/python/
index 25aa9d4f7d1..f68a34989d9 100644
--- a/doc/python/
+++ b/doc/python/
@@ -214,6 +214,107 @@ for yd, xd in zip(y_data, x_data):
+### Diverging Bar (or Butterfly) Chart with Neutral Column
+Diverging bar charts offer two imperfect options for responses that are neither positive nor negative: omit them, leaving them implicit when the categories add to 100%, as we did above or put them in a separate column, as we do in this example. Jonathan Schwabish discusses this on page 92-97 of _Better Data Visualizations_.
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+data = {
+ "Category": ["Content Quality", "Value for Money", "Ease of Use", "Customer Support", "Scale Fidelity"],
+ "Neutral": [10, 15, 18, 15,20],
+ "Somewhat Agree": [25, 25, 22, 20, 20],
+ "Strongly Agree": [35, 35, 25, 40, 20],
+ "Somewhat Disagree": [-20, -15, -20, -10, -20],
+ "Strongly Disagree": [-10, -10, -15, -15,-20]
+df = pd.DataFrame(data)
+fig = go.Figure()
+# this color palette conveys meaning: blues for negative, reds for positive, gray for neutral
+ "Strongly Agree":'darkblue',
+ "Somewhat Agree":'lightblue',
+ "Somewhat Disagree":'orange',
+ "Strongly Disagree":'red',
+ "Neutral":'gray',
+# We want the legend to be ordered in the same order that the categories appear, left to right --
+# which is different from the order in which we have to add the traces to the figure.
+# since we need to create the "somewhat" traces before the "strongly" traces to display
+# the segments in the desired order
+ "Strongly Disagree":1,
+ "Somewhat Disagree":2,
+ "Somewhat Agree":3,
+ "Strongly Agree":4,
+ "Neutral":5
+# Add bars
+for col in df[["Somewhat Disagree","Strongly Disagree","Somewhat Agree","Strongly Agree","Neutral"]]:
+ fig.add_trace(go.Bar(
+ y=df["Category"],
+ x=df[col],
+ name=col,
+ orientation='h',
+ marker=dict(color=color_by_category[col]),
+ legendrank=legend_rank_by_category[col],
+ xaxis=f"x{1+(col=="Neutral")}", # in this context, putting neutral on a secondary x-axis on a different domain
+ # yields results equivalent to subplots with far less code
+ )
+# make calculations to split the plot into two columns with a shared x axis scale
+# by setting the domain and range of the x axes appropriately
+# Find the maximum width of the bars to the left and right sides of the origin; remember that the width of
+# the plot is the sum of the longest negative bar and the longest positive bar even if they are on separate rows
+max_left = min(df[["Somewhat Disagree","Strongly Disagree"]].sum(axis=1))
+max_right = max(df[["Somewhat Agree","Strongly Agree"]].sum(axis=1))
+# we are working in percent, but coded the negative reactions as negative numbers; so we need to take the absolute value
+max_width_signed = abs(max_left)+max_right
+max_width_neutral = max(df["Neutral"])
+ title="Reactions to the statement, 'The service met your expectations for':",
+ plot_bgcolor="white",
+ barmode='relative', # Allows bars to diverge from the center
+ )
+ zeroline=True, #the zero line distinguishes between positive and negative segments
+ zerolinecolor="black",
+ #starting here, we set domain and range to create a shared x-axis scale
+ # multiply by .98 to add space between the two columns
+ range=[max_left, max_right],
+ domain=[0, 0.98*(max_width_signed/(max_width_signed+max_width_neutral))]
+ xaxis2=dict(
+ range=[0, max_width_neutral],
+ domain=[(1-.98*(1-max_width_signed/(max_width_signed+max_width_neutral))), 1.0],
+ )
+ orientation="h", # a horizontal legend matches the horizontal bars
+ yref="container",
+ yanchor="bottom",
+ y=0.02,
+ xanchor="center",
+ x=0.5
@@ -260,7 +361,7 @@ fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(
), 1, 2)
- title='Household savings & net worth for eight OECD countries',
+ title=dict(text='Household savings & net worth for eight OECD countries'),
@@ -335,4 +436,4 @@
### Reference
-See more examples of bar charts and styling options [here](
See for more information and chart attribute options!
\ No newline at end of file
+See more examples of bar charts and styling options [here](
See for more information and chart attribute options!