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Marketplace API

Marketplace API Specification

In this example contains core feature of the Marketplace API. The APIs separated into groups of functionalities with specification below. 

  • User Management /api/users

    • Anyone free to register using email, password and name.
    • User restricted only can modify and delete their own user data.
    • Email restricted only visible to the user itself anywhere on the API response.
    • List of users only accessible by Admin.
  • Shop Management /api/shops

    • Any registered user can create shop.
    • User who created the shop assigned as the Shop Owner by default.
    • User allowed to create multiple shops as they like.
    • Only Shop Owner can modify and delete the shop data.
    • Any login user should able to see list of all shops.
  • Shop User Management /api/shops/{pid}/users

    • Shop Owner can add more user to the shop as staff.
    • A Shop Staff has limited access to the shop.
    • Shop user list not accessible by non shop user.
  • Shop Product Management /api/shops/{pid}/products

    • Shop Owner and Shop Staff able to add new, modify and delete product.
    • Product contains multiple images.
    • Product base price only visible by Shop Owner and Shop Staff but not visible to other user.
  • Image Management /api/images

    • All users has access to upload images but maximum size allowed is 5 MB.
    • List of all images only accessible by Admin.
  • User Shipping Address Management /api/users/{pid}/shipping-addresses

    • All user can have multiple shipping address.
    • Only the owner of the data can view, modify and delete the shipping address.
  • Products List /api/products

    • All users able to see all products, products contains information about price, picture and the appropriate shop.
    • User can add the product later into their shopping cart.
  • Shopping Cart /api/carts

    • All users has shopping cart.
    • Shopping cart automatically created and kept open until closed (checked out).
    • Products from multiple shops can be added to shopping cart item.
    • When the same product added, it automatically merged and increase the quantity.
    • Shopping cart item can be modify and deleted.
    • Shopping cart items grouped based on shop.
    • Closed shopping cart can't be modified nor deleted.
    • A new shopping cart created after checkout process done.
  • Shop Order Management /api/shops/{pid}/orders

    • Showing list of user's orders related to shop.
    • Only accessible by the Shop Owner and Shop Staff.
    • Order is immutable except the state. Available state values for shops are Prepared and Sent.
  • User Order Management /api/users/{pid}/orders

    • Showing list of user's orders. Only accessible by the owner of the data.
    • User only can set the state value of the order.
    • Available state values for users are Received and Issue.

Entity Relationship Diagram

As a reference, here is the Entity Relationship Diagram of the database tables used by Marketplace API.
