feat: show enabled modules and log in main window
feat: show enabled modules and log in main window
wip: basic ipc messaging: logging to the main log() from webview
wip: basic ipc messaging: logging to the main log() from webview
feat: replace src/config.js to config.yml, env CONFIG
feat: replace src/config.js to config.yml, env CONFIG
feat(vad): new module vad, voice activity detection
feat(vad): new module vad, voice activity detection
feat(exec): ssh command, open ssh terminal
feat(exec): ssh command, open ssh terminal
fix(windows): update windows11-manager
fix(windows): update windows11-manager
feat(clipboard): some custom commands for click detected button
feat(clipboard): some custom commands for click detected button
feat(mouse): mouse back after point and click
feat(mouse): mouse back after point and click
feat(mouse): point (move and optional click)
feat(mouse): point (move and optional click)
feat(clipboard): new module clipboard, copy text to system clipboard
feat(clipboard): new module clipboard, copy text to system clipboard
Force push