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File metadata and controls

267 lines (186 loc) · 6.36 KB


docker run -d --name kuard -p 8080:8080

# delete
kubectl delete deployments --all;

deploy jobs queue

# deploy replica set app
kubectl create -f replicaset-job-queue.yaml;

# deploy service that target previous replica
kubectl create -f service-job-queue.yaml;

# proxy port to localhost
pod_name=$(kubectl get pods -l app="work-queue,component=queue" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}');
kubectl port-forward $pod_name 8080:8080;

deploy volume storage

cd volume-storage;

# deploy volume
kubectl create -f mydisk-persistentVolumeClaim.yaml;

# deploy pod volume
kubectl create -f kuard-mydisk-pod.yaml;

# mount pod port forward local 8080
kubectl port-forward kuard-mydisk-pod 8080:8080

# get volumes
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/fs/mydisk-data/"

deploy nfs storage

NOTE: for PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim is not important. The important thing is that the deployments are made simultanously once. The main deifference between a disk and a nfs in claim deployment file is "storageClassName" parameters.

cd volume-storage;

# deploy nfs volume
kubectl create -f nfs-persistentVolume.yaml;

# deploy nfc claim for previous nfs volume
kubectl create -f nfs-persistentVolumeClaim.yaml;

# deploy nfs pod kuard
kubectl create -f kuard-nfs-pod.yaml;

# mount pod port forward local 8080
kubectl port-forward kuard-nfs-pod 8080:8080

# get volumes
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/fs/nfs-data/"

deploy jobs

cd jobs;

# create work keygen
curl -X PUT localhost:8080/memq/server/queues/keygen;

# create work items
for i in work-{0..99};do curl -X POST localhost:8080/memq/server/queues/keygen/enqueue -d "$i";done;

# ask works
curl localhost:8080/memq/server/stats;

# create jobs consumers
kubectl apply -f job-queue-consumers.yaml;

# delete work keygen
curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/memq/server/queues/keygen;

deploy configMap

cd configMap;
# create imperative
kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=my-config.txt --from-literal="extra-param=extra-value" --from-literal="another-param=another-value"

# create descriptive
kubectl create -f my-config.yaml;

# create pod that call enviroments from configMaps
kubectl create -f kuard-config.yaml;

deploy secrets and secrets volumes

# create
cd secrets;

# create secret from files
kubectl create secret generic kuard-tls --from-file=kuard.crt --from-file=kuard.key;

# describe upload secrets
kubectl describe secrets kuard-tls;

# create pod for get certs secrets
kubectl create -f kuard-secret.yaml;

# create proxy ports
kubectl port-forward kuard-tls 8443:8443 8080:8080;

# get browser https://localhost:8443 (invalid cert)
curl -k https://localhost:8443;

# save credentials for user docker image
kubectl create secret docker-registry my-image-pull-secret --docker-username=username --docker-password=password [email protected]:
# or create with file
#kubectl create -f my-config.yaml;

# create pod with credentials previously created
kubectl create -f kuard-secret-ips.yaml;


cd deployments;

# deploy
kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yaml;

# edit deployment version container and apply/replace/create again
# see the deployments versions
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx;

# dettails deploiments (remove --revision param for list)
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx --revision=1;

# get to preious deployment (rollback)
kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx --to-revision=3;

Integrations storage DB

# create nfs gcp and configure ip and directory in nfs-volume.yaml;

# deploy
kubectl create -f nfs-volume.yaml;
kubectl create -f nfs-volume-claim.yaml;
kubectl create -f mysql-replicaset.yaml;

# Comprobe replicaset
kubectl get rs --selector "app=mysql";

# expone service
kubectl create -f mysql-service.yaml;

Storage class

storage class doc

cd integration-storage;
kubectl create -f storageclass.yaml;
kubectl create -f dynamic-volume-claim.yaml;

# you can select disk type, like ssd

mogo integration

mongo simple

# get directory
cd integration-storage/mongo_statefulSets/;

# create statefullSet and service;
kubectl create -f mongo-simple.yaml -f mongo-service.yaml;

# init mongo with replica set master (mongo-0)
kubectl exec -it mongo-0 mongo;
# set resplica mongo
rs.initiate({_id: "rs0", members: [ { _id: 0, host: "mongo-0.mongo:27017"} ]});;
# set

mongo complete

# get directory
cd integration-storage/mongo_statefulSets/;

# create statefullSet and service;
kubectl create -f mongo-config-map.yaml -f mongo-service.yaml -f mongo.yaml;

Real application

Note: Loging in Docker docker loging.

  • Parse server is a parser for mongodb, use express.
cd real_application;

# build docker (nodejs + parse server)
docker build ${DOCKER_USER}/parse-server ./pares-server/;

# build
docker push ${DOCKER_USER}/parse-server;

# run mongo service;
kubectl apply -f ../integration-storage/mongo_statefulSets/mongo-config-map.yaml;
kubectl apply -f ../integration-storage/mongo_statefulSets/mongo-service.yaml;
kubectl apply -f ../integration-storage/mongo_statefulSets/mongo.yaml;

# run parse-app
kubectl apply -f parse.yaml;
kubectl apply -f parse-service.yaml;

# deploy mysql
kubectl apply -f real_application/mysql.yaml;
kubectl apply -f real_application/mysql-service.yaml;

# deploy ghost (forum app) (cm is not in use but is called by ghost.yaml)
kubectl create cm --from-file ghost-config.js ghost-config;
kubectl apply -f real_application/ghost.yaml;

# expose ports
kubectl expose deployments ghost --port=2368;

# get service in browser to:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/ghost/proxy/";

# validate databases
kubectl exec -it mysql-74c95db464-qthmx bash;

# in container
show tables;


cd real_application/redis;

kubectl create configmap --from-file="slave.conf=./slave.conf" --from-file="maste.conf=./master.conf" --from-file="sentinel.conf=./sentinel.conf" --from-file="" --from-file="" redis-conf;

kubectl apply -f redis-service.yaml;
kubectl apply -f redis.yaml;