Promises/A+ draws heavily from the following works, and the majority of credit goes to their authors:
- Promises/A proposal by Kris Zyp (@kriszyp), and
- UncommonJS Thenable Promises specification by Kris Kowal (@kriskowal)
- Brian Cavalier (@briancavalier)
- Domenic Denicola (@domenic)
The following people assembled and contributed to the concepts and content in Promises/A+:
- Brian Cavalier (@briancavalier)
- Domenic Denicola (@domenic)
- Yehuda Katz (@wycats)
- Kris Kowal (@kriskowal)
- Forbes Lindesay (@ForbesLindesay)
- Mark Miller (@erights)
- Luke Smith (@lsmith)
- Promises/A+ logo by Juan Ignacio Dopazo (@juandopazo)