A tiny gulp plugin for replacing text using a object map between two regexes or strings
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gulpReplaceFrommap = require('gulp-replace-frommap');
gulp.task('test', function () {
return gulp.src('src/index.html')
before: 'class="',
after: '"',
map: './renaming.js'
Its an object to be passed along with the constructor of the plugin
Option | Description | Type |
before | tag to start matching from | String or Regex |
after | tag to end matching to | String or Regex |
map | your map file relative to the current directory | Object |
NOTE if you are using regex for before and after then wrap them in a group, e.g /class/ should be done as /(class)/
* e.g
* before -> class="
* after -> "
* map -> './renaming.js' which contains something like module.exports = { someclass: 'a', ... };
* then
* it will replace all instances of goog with 2 which are between class=" and "
- streams support
- tests