- Fixed service crash
- Fixed bubble's UI
- Added support for leading, trailing in SystemWindowGravity
- Added support for Flutter UI within the overlay window
- Added support for Android 14
- Updated Gradle, min SDK is now set as 21
- Added new notifications permission for Android 13
- Added removeOnClickListener
- Fixed an issue in invoking the callbacks, while running the app in release mode.
- Added comments for the methods
- Added support for background color across the system alert window through the param 'bgColor'. This will be used as a default background color
- Added support for disabling clicks across the system alert window through the param 'isDisableClicks'. This is not applicable for bubbles.
- Added comments for the methods
- Fixed a crash while updating the window layout
- Fixed Android Bubble related issue in Android 12 + Fixed log file crash related issue
- Changed the base folder of the logs
- Added provision to save and fetch logs + Fixed run time errors
- Removed unused fonts + updated pubignore
- Updated the gradle + removed unused dependencies
- Added try catch to fix runtime exceptions
- Fixed issue with casting
- Supporting latest flutter version.
- Fixed issues related to deprecated embedded versions
- Fixed issues in prefMode not being honored by the permissions and close layout calls
- Migrated to Null safety + Updated the readme
- Fixed issues in prefMode not being honored by the permissions and close layout calls
- Fixed prefMode crash
- Added support for prefMode to SystemAlertWindow. Using this users can force SystemAlertWindow to show overlay on Android 11 (prefMode = OVERLAY) and Bubble in Android 10 (prefMode = BUBBLE)
- Fixed the return types of request/check permission methods
- Fixed the return types of request/check permission methods
- Separated request permissions and check permissions
- Fixed a crash in system alert window while closing the window
- Fixed a crash in system alert window if permission is not given
- Updated the readme + Fixed issues in pubspec file
- Added bubble support for Android 11 and Android Go versions
- Fixed a crash while checking app permissions
- Updated the readme file, as gifs are not displaying on pub packages
- Updated the readme file. Now system alert window is draggable irrespective of it's width
- Fixed a rare crash, while updating system alert window. Now, update window method will consider the given width and height
- Migrated Overlay window to a new service and added notification to prevent it from getting unresponsive during long runtime
- Fixed a rare crash, while updating system alert window
- Added retries for callback events + added logs to identify errors (if any)
- Fixed a rare issue, window is not updating, Removed focus to the window, to allow keyboard interactions behind it
- Fixed a rare issue, callback of button click are not working
- Fixed a rare crash, while opening system alert window
- Fixed a crash, while closing system alert window
- Added logs to debug click call back events.
- Updated readme. Added debug logs to identify the crash while invoking callback.
- Added support for background dispatch of click events. So that the click events are not missed, in case the app is destroyed while displaying the overlay window.
- Added support for multiple buttons in the footer. Please refer to the updated example
- Fixed the casting issue in onClick callback.
- Refactored the code and replaced registerCallBack with registerOnClickListener. Please refer to the updated example.
- Now body and footer are optional
- Fixed issue with ButtonPosition.TRAILING alignment
- Fixed issue with bubble configuration on Android Q
- Fixed minimum required API version for bubbles + Optimized the exports of systemAlertWindow models
- Fixed an issue where overlay window is crashing during update overlay window call
- Fixed an issue where multiple overlay windows are creating during update overlay window call
- Fixed overlay window issue with older Android versions
- Fixed a crash with updateSystemWindow method for android 9 and below
- Fixed a bug in closeSystemWindow method
- Improved permissions checking logic
- Added support for updating the system alert window
- Moved bubble notification to foreground service, to allow the bubble to display in all cases
- Fixed the launcher icons of the example
- Added logging + Made minor changes to fix crashes with bubbles
- Renamed the models to avoid conflicts with the native libraries
- Added support to close the system alert window
- Improved the permissions API to include support for Android 10
- Initial release (Working only for Android)