For icon usage before v6.0.0, check here.
Many PX Blue components support the use of icons. These components will support passing in an icon in a variety of different formats.
The simplest way to use a icon in a component is to specify the icon as a simple object.
<Component icon={{family: 'pxblue', name: 'device'}} />
<Component icon={{family: 'material-community', name: 'chart-pie'}} />
<Component icon={{name: 'settings'}} />
Prop Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
family | Which library to draw the icon from | 'material' | 'material-community' | 'pxblue' |
no | 'material' |
name | The name of the icon to use | string |
yes | |
allowFontScaling | Should the icon size scale with the system font size | boolean |
no | true |
direction | How the icon should respond to changes in language direction | 'ltr' | 'rtl' | 'auto' |
no | 'auto' |
When specifying 'pxblue' as the family
, icons will be drawn from the @pxblue/react-native-vector-icons package. When specifying 'material' or 'material-community, icons will be drawn from the react-native-vector-icons package.
When specifying the direction
, 'auto' means that the icon will appear flipped for RTL and unflipped for LTR languages. 'ltr' will always appear unflipped, and 'rtl' will always appear flipped, regardless of language direction. Refer to our internationalization guidelines for more information on which icons should flip.
You can also use an inline functional component to render other components. This can be especially useful if you want to render something other than a Material, Material Community, or PX Blue icon, such as a progress icon. The functional component should support props for:
import { PixelRatio } from 'react-native';
import { Battery } from '@pxblue/react-native-progress-icons';
// A component that doesn't need to scale with font or flip directions
<Component icon={
({size, color}) => (
<Battery percent={50} size={size} color={color} />
// A component that DOES need to scale with font and flip directions
<Component icon={
({size, color, allowFontScaling, direction}) => (
size={size * (allowFontScaling ? PixelRatio.getFontScale() : 1)}
style={direction === 'rtl' ? {transform: [{ scaleX: -1 }]} : {}}
Prop Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
size | What size the icon / component should be | number |
no | |
color | What color the icon / component should be | string |
no | |
allowFontScaling | Should the icon / component size scale with the system font size | boolean |
no | |
direction | The current device language direction (for flipping components where necessary) | 'ltr' | 'rtl' |
no |
PX Blue components will pass these values to you for use in your component to achieve the correct appearance. It is your responsibility to apply them.
You can use the IconWrapper utility to create a functional component that matches the signature required for the inline option above.
NOTE: This was previously the only way to pass icons to PX Blue components. With the introduction of the newer options in version 6.0.0, this method is no longer recommended and will be deprecated in the future.
import Leaf from '@pxblue/icons-svg/leaf.svg';
const LeafIcon = wrapIcon({ IconClass: Leaf });
<ComponentName icon={LeafIcon} />;
You can also pass a JSX Element directly to the icon for a component. This is a very convenient way to pass icons, but you must be very careful with the size and color of elements passed in this way. Because you are not receiving props from the PX Blue component (as you do with the inline functional component), you are fully responsible for making sure that icons match the specs outlined in the documentation.
<ComponentName icon={<SomeOtherComponent size={correctSizeForComponent} color={correctColorForComponent} />} />
In some rare cases, you may wish to pass a simple string (e.g., a single letter or number) as the icon for a component. In this case, you may pass a string directly to the icon prop. This can also be used to render emoji icons.
<ComponentName icon={'A'} />
<ComponentName icon={'🍇'} />
The icon prop will also support images in various formats, either from local resources or from the web.
<Component icon={{ uri: '' }} />
<Component icon={require('./path/to/image.png')} />