- Added ErrorManager to catch any unhandled errors
- Added CORS option to Maplayer modal
- Added explicit zIndex to both feature- and map layers
- Added markers to show bookmarks on the Map
- Added markerLayerVisibleOnLoad option to BookmarkTool
- Added option to disable buttons for individual layers, will override options set globally in LayerTool
- Added option to ignore keys in object serialization (StateManager)
- Changed initialization of managers, list of objects {manager, options} (BootstrapManager)
- Changed function signature for addMapLayers, addMapLayer and addFeatureLayer (LayerManager)
- Minor style changes in the tippy-scss
- Improved eventlog to show type of logged item with different colors and added new fatal level
- Fixed undefined LocalStorageKey rawTool -> drawTool
- Fixed stroke color issue when creating marker
- Fixed security-error when using magnifier because canvas is CORS-tainted
- Fixed undefined callback when downloading feature layer
- Fixed arrow-icon not displayed on some devices
- Fixed setName issue on mapLayers
- Fixed issue when removing map-layer causing events to trigger unwanted actions in SplitViewTool
- Fixed import problem src/oltb/js/generators/GenerateWindbarb.js -> src/oltb/js/generators/GenerateWindBarb.js
- Added method getAndMergeStateObject to StateManager
- Added GeometryType
- Installed Husky, ESLint and Lint-Staged
- Renamed all filescope constants to follow standard prefix, CLASS_, ID_, KEY_, ZINDEX_BASE_
- Ranamed URLManager -> UrlManager
- Renamed ExportPNGTool -> ExportPngTool
- Renamed FormatTypes -> FormatType
- Renamed LayerTypes -> LayerType
- Renamed SourceTypes -> SourceType
- Moved incorrect properties from LocalStorageDefaults -> DefaultOptions (BookmarkTool)
- Modified windbarbs to calculate the correct svg path to display
- Replaced magic numbers and repeted classnames with constants
- Reduced repetitive code in modal extensions
- Added Cycle.js to handle circular references in JSON.stringify process
- rollup 3.19.1 -> 3.25.1
- parcel 2.8.3 -> 2.9.2
- ol 7.3.0 -> 7.4.0
- eslint 8.41.0 -> 8.43.0
- buffer 5.7.1 -> 6.0.3
- @rollup/plugin-terser 0.4.0 -> 0.4.3
- @rollup/plugin-node-resolve 15.0.1 -> 15.1.0
- @rollup/plugin-commonjs 24.0.1 -> 25.0.2
- @parcel/transformer-sass 2.8.3 -> 2.9.2