A minor release with some new features for the Edit tool, as well as some bug fixes.
- Fixed wrong id (18151210-> 6812cc22-f490-46b7-a9f3-42eb9ea58ac2) for 'Custom Bookmark' between example and dev-directories
- Fixed wrong key in en-us files (iconFille -> iconFill) for IconMarkerModal
- Fixed error when deleting MapLayer that is not of type VectorLayer (issue#33 Reported By @Vazquez1240)
- Added missing translations in the toolbox for the EditTool
- Added new toolbox-button in EditTool to rotate selected features
- Added new toolbox-button in EditTool to get information about selected feature
- When deactivating the EditTool, all selected Feature are first deselected
- Removed the custom random-method, replaced with _.random from lodash
- Updated icon in ContextMenu for ResetNorthTool to have same rotate-icon as the new rotate button as in the EditTool
- Adjusted width of info-window from 360px to 330px on mobile devices, for better experience
- Updated build process to copy ./assets to ./demo directory