- Minor release that adds new functions to EditTool.
- Cut, Copy, Paste buttons added to EditTool. One or many vector shapes can now be duplicated, moved between layers.
- Min width added to Toasts (320px same as min-width of toolbox).
- Refactored EditTool to simpplify and make the functions reusable.
- Renamed callback onRemovedFeature -> onRemovedFeatures. The callback now receives a array of all removed features.
- Changed icon of copy-coordinates-context-item to match copy icon of new vector-copy-button in the EditTool.
- Placed IgnoredKeys (used in serialization) in separate module.
- Changed icon of OverviewTool to pip.stroked. (picture-in-picture)
- Fixed error when adding new feature-layer using Enter-key in inputbox.
- Fixed error toggle layer with tooltips attached to features, ex Measurements. (onAddFeatureLayerByClick -> #onAddFeatureLayerByClick)
- Fixed error deleting feature using Delete-key. (onDeleteSelectedFeatures -> #onDeleteSelectedFeatures)
- Fixed wrong callback name for EditTool. (onTranslatEnd -> onTranslateEnd)
- Fixed wrong callback name in map.js files, only effecting examples off callback. (onTranslatEend -> onTranslateEnd)