Warning: These notions refer to the next generation of React Cosmos which is still in the works. Consult the roadmap for more information.
Any React Node. Describes the state of one or more components.
Component wrapper for enhancing a fixture's capabilities.
State related to a rendered fixture, like component props, state or other data provided by fixture decorators. Changes to the fixture state alter the fixture elements (and in turn their output).
Hosts fixture state and provides the required context for a fixture (and its decorators) to render.
Manages a list of fixtures and the state of the selected fixture. Controlled remotely via WebSockets
or window.postMessage
. Platform agnostic.
Renders FixtureConnect in an isolated environment. Bundled using the user's source code and configuration. Platform specific.
Visual interface for browsing fixtures. Connects to one or more fixture renderers. Once a fixture is loaded, interaction is possible through controls that manipulate the fixture state remotely.
UI extensions via [react-plugin]. Can be bundled separately. Runs in the same window with the Playground core and shares a global copy of React.