import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import createLinkedList from '@skidding/linked-list';
import createFooProxy from '../';
// The final responsibility of proxies is to render the user's component at
// the end of the proxy chain. While it goes beyond unit testing, testing a
// complete proxy chain provides a clearer picture than solely dissecting the
// props that the tested proxy passes to the next.
const Component = () => <span>__COMPONENT_MOCK__</span>;
const NextProxy = props => {
const { nextProxy } = props;
return <nextProxy.value {...props} nextProxy={} />;
const LastProxy = ({ fixture }) => <fixture.component {...fixture.props} />;
// Fixture updates from inner proxies need to bubble up to the root proxy
const onFixtureUpdate = jest.fn();
// Vars populated from scratch before each test
let wrapper;
const mountProxy = () => {
// Create Proxy with default options
const FooProxy = createFooProxy();
// Mouting is more useful because it calls lifecycle methods and enables
// DOM interaction
wrapper = mount(
// Ensure the chain of proxies is properly propagated
nextProxy={createLinkedList([NextProxy, LastProxy])}
component: Component,
// Except for some rare cases, the proxy needs to pass along the
// fixture without changing it
foo: 'bar'
onComponentRef={() => {}}
const getNextProxy = () => wrapper.find(NextProxy);
const getNextProxyProps = () => wrapper.find(NextProxy).props();
beforeEach(() => {
it('renders next proxy', () => {
it('sends fixture to next proxy', () => {
component: Component,
foo: 'bar'
it('passes 2nd next proxy to next proxy', () => {
it('bubbles up fixture updates', () => {
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