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File metadata and controls

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Available Environment Variables

Default Application

By default, the app is using a predefined list of applications to allow access. In case you opt-in for another APP_MANAGER_DRIVER, these are the variables you can change in order to change the app settings.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
APP_DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ORIGINS appManager.array.apps.0.allowedOrigins ["*"] - The default app allowed origins for the array driver. Overrides the APPS_LIST if set.
APP_DEFAULT_ENABLE_STATS appManager.array.apps.0.enableStats false - Wether statistics should be enabled for the app. Overrides the APPS_LIST if set.
APP_DEFAULT_ID echo-app - The default app id for the array driver. Overrides the APPS_LIST if set.
APP_DEFAULT_KEY appManager.array.apps.0.key echo-app-key - The default app key for the array driver. Overrides the APPS_LIST if set.
APP_DEFAULT_MAX_CONNS apiManager.array.apps.0.maxConnections NaN - The default app's limit of concurrent connections. Overrides the APPS_LIST if set.
APP_DEFAULT_SECRET appManager.array.apps.0.secret echo-app-secret - The default app secret for the array driver. Overrides the APPS_LIST if set.

Apps Manager

The apps manager manages the allowed apps to connect to the WS and the API. Defaults to the local, array driver predefined by the APP_DEFAULT_* variables, but you can opt-in for example for an API driver which connects to an external API in order to retrieve an app, like renoki-co/echo-server-core does.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
APPS_LIST appManager.array.apps '[{"id":"echo-app","key":"echo-app-key","secret":"echo-app-secret","maxConnections":"-1","enableStats":false}]' - The list of apps to be used for authentication.
APPS_MANAGER_DRIVER appManager.driver array array, api The driver used to retrieve the app. Use api or other centralized method for storing the data.
APPS_MANAGER_ENDPOINT appManager.api.endpoint /echo-server/app - The endpoint used to retrieve an app. This is for api driver.
APPS_MANAGER_HOST - The host used to make call, alongside with the endpoint, to retrieve apps. It will be passed in the request as ?token=
APPS_MANAGER_TOKEN appManager.api.token echo-app-token - The token used for any API app manager provider to know the request came from the Node.js server.

CORS Settings

A per-app CORS setting exists, but you can opt for global check for allowed origins. Defaults to all (*).

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS cors.origin ["*"] - The array of allowed origins that can connect to the WS.


For local, single-instance applications, no replication is needed. However, to store presence channel data members replication is needed in order to be able to scale up the Echo Server instances.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
DATABASE_DRIVER database.driver redis redis, local The database driver for storing socket data. Use redis or other centralized method for storing data.
  • redis - Enabled Pub/Sub communication between processes/nodes. Presence channels members are stored in key-value store.
  • local - There is no communication or Pub/Sub. Presence channels members are stored locally, in-memory.


Options for application debugging. Should be disabled on production environments.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
CLOSING_GRACE_PERIOD closingGracePeriod 60 - The amount of time to wait after the server gets closed. This is useful to wait for arbitrary tasks after the sockets disconnect.
DEBUG development false true, false Weteher the app should be in development mode.


Statistics are continously being stored and get a snapshot on a given interval. Statistics are globally enabled by default, but they are disabled on the default app.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
STATS_ENABLED stats.enabled true true, false Wether to enable the stats store.
STATS_DRIVER stats.driver local local, redis The stats driver used to store the stats to.
STATS_SNAPSHOTS_INTERVAL stats.snapshots.interval 60 * 60 - The amount of time to wait between taking stats snapshots, in seconds.

For non-distributed systems:

  • local - Stats are stored in-memory. Snapshots are stored in-memory.

For distributed systems:

  • redis - Stats are stored in Redis. Snapshots are stored in Redis.


Configuration needed to connect to a Redis server.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
REDIS_HOST - The Redis host used for redis driver.
REDIS_PORT database.redis.port 6379 - The Redis port used for redis driver.
REDIS_PASSWORD database.redis.password null - The Redis password used for redis driver.
REDIS_PREFIX database.redis.keyPrefix echo-server - The key prefix for Redis. Only for redis driver.

Socket.IO Settings

Configuration needed to specify the protocol, port and host for the server.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
SOCKET_HOST host null - The host used for Socket.IO
SOCKET_PORT port 6001 - The port used for Socket.IO
SOCKET_PROTOCOL protocol http http, https The protocol used for the Socket.IO.

SSL Settings

If the Socket.IO protocol is https, SSL settings can be applied with the following variables.

Environment variable Object dot-path Default Available values Description
SSL_CERT ssl.certPath '' - The path for SSL certificate file.
SSL_KEY ssl.keyPath '' - The path for SSL key file.
SSL_CA ssl.caPath '' - The path for CA certificate file.
SSL_PASS ssl.passphrase '' - The passphrase for the SSL key file.