Core utilities and shared functionality powering SnapWP's composeable framework for Headless WordPress.
🐉 There be dragons! This project is in active development and considered experimental. Some features may be incomplete, unstable, or subject to change.
npm install @snapwp/core
import { findElementAndGetClassNames } from '@snapwp/core';
const renderedHTML =
'<div class="class1"><div class="class2" id="div-2"></div></div>';
const classNames = findElementAndGetClassNames( renderedHTML, '#div-2' ); // class2
import { generateGraphqlUrl } from '@snapwp/core';
const url = generateGraphqlUrl( homeUrl, graphqlEndpoint );
import { getClassNamesFromString } from '@snapwp/core';
const htmlString = '<div class="class1 class2 class3"></div>';
const classNames = getClassNamesFromString( htmlString ); // [ class1, class2, class3 ]
import { getColorClassName } from '@snapwp/core';
const colorClassName = getColorClassName( 'red', 'background' ); // has-red-background
import { getConfig } from '@snapwp/core/config';
const config = getConfig();
This package is part of SnapWP's monorepo and is actively maintained by rtCamp. Packages are published to npm from the packages
directory, and can be used standalone in the headless WordPress ecosystem or as part of SnapWP's framework.
Contributions are welcome and encouraged! To learn more about contributing to this package or SnapWP as a whole, please read the Contributing Guide.
For development guidelines, please refer to our Development Guide.