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Releases: rydmike/flex_color_scheme

Version 7.0.2

16 Apr 13:54
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Apr 16, 2023

  • Chore: Changed to using flex_seed_scheme: ^1.2.4 that depends on material_color_utilities with version constraint set to >=0.2.0 <0.4.0 from ^0.2.0.
    • This change enables the package to be used on current Flutter stable 3.7 versions, as well as the latest 3.10.x versions on channels beta and master. It will also work with the next stable Flutter release after 3.7.

Version 7.0.1

06 Apr 20:31
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Apr 6, 2023

  • Package
    • No changes.
  • Themes Playground
    • Less chatty UI
    • Revised media size breakpoints.
    • Vertical color selector mode.
    • More compact UI options for smaller laptop displays and tablets.

Version 7.0.0

02 Apr 17:23
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Apr 2, 2023

This is a major update to the FlexColorScheme package and a substantial leap for the companion app Themes Playground. For a detailed list of all changes, please refer to the incremental log from its development release linked below.

The Themes Playground app built for this release is unfortunately not a SKIA renderer build, it is using the HTML renderer. This makes it less performant than the app would otherwise be. Additionally, scaled content, like the Themes Simulator panel in the Playground, is also fuzzier than it would be with the SKIA renderer. Due to an issue in Flutter stable 3.7.0 to at least 3.7.9, builds made with the SKIA renderer performs very poorly and crash quickly. For more information, see Flutter issue #122189. A new build using the same package version will be made later and released when a fix for the SKIA issues are available on the Flutter stable channel.

Version 7.0.0-dev.3

18 Mar 19:33
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Version 7.0.0-dev.3 Pre-release


Mar 18, 2023

This is the final beta v7 release before stable v7. There will be no new features or API changes in the FlexColorScheme package from this version to stable version 7.0.0. The only changes to stable will be potential bug fixes, typo corrections, API doc comment improvements and adding more tests.

The companion app Themes Playground, may get label improvements plus spelling and grammar corrections. Layouts in it may also be modified and improved as needed. It will not get any new features, but it may of course receive bug fixes.

The Themes Playground app built for this beta release is unfortunately not a SKIA renderer build, it is using the HTML renderer. This makes it less performant than the app would otherwise be. Additionally, scaled content, like the Themes Simulator panel in the Playground, is also fuzzier than it would be with the SKIA renderer. Due to an issue in Flutter stable (3.7.7), builds made with the SKIA renderer performs very poorly and crashes quite quickly. For more information see Flutter issue #122189. Hopefully, before the stable v7.0.0 release, a fix will be available. If not, a new build using the same package version will be made later and released when a fix is available.


  • Fixed bug in legacy theme secondary and tertiary color swapping when using seed generated ColorScheme. In dark mode, combining legacy swapping and seed generation did not swap secondary and tertiary colors for schemes where it should do so. This is now fixed. If seed generation was not used, the swapping worked correctly in dark mode. In light mode it worked correctly also when seed generated schemes were used. The swapLegacyOnMaterial3 feature was introduced in version 6.1.0, it has had this bug for this case since it was introduced.

  • Fixed bug where FlexSubThemes.drawerTheme was using BorderRadiusDirectional.horizontal with end radius instead of start radius as its endShape. This bug was introduced by version 7.0.0-dev.1 and has not been in any stable version.

  • The FlexThemeModeOptionButton now correctly displays its hoverColor, previously it was obscured by the colored boxes inside it.

  • The systemNavigationBarDividerColor issue #100027 in Flutter that in FCS v5 forced removing support for divider on the system navigation bar in Android, that was available via FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar has been fixed. The issue could no longer be observed on Android versions 8 to 13 on Flutter 3.7.7 stable. The divider has been enabled again, and its test setting is also available in the Themes Playground app again. The extra SystemUiOverlayStyle call used as a work-around, for the same issue to fix an issue with Android 11, has also been removed, since the workaround was no longer needed.

  • Fixed a bug where when passing in a custom textTheme or primaryTextTheme, instead of defining text theme via fontFamily, that FCS tinted text feature, via subThemesData.blendTextTheme, was not being correctly applied to the custom text themes. This is now fixed. If subThemesData.blendTextTheme is not being used, then the used Typography, either via subThemesData.useTextTheme, or by using a custom FlexColorScheme.typography override, always gets correct brightness for both textTheme and primaryTextTheme, regardless of brightness on passed in text themes. They also get the used Typography appropriate opacities on their text styles. In practice, this means that M2 style 2018 typography has opacity on some text styles, while M3 style 2021 typography, is fully opaque for all text styles.


  • Add: drawerIndicatorOpacity to FlexSubThemesData.
    It controls the indicatorOpacity property in the FlexSubThemes.navigationDrawerTheme used to customize the opacity of used color on the NavigationDrawer indicator.

  • Add: segmentedButtonUnselectedForegroundSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData.
    It controls the unselectedForegroundSchemeColor property in the new FlexSubThemes.segmentedButtonTheme used to customize the SegmentedButton.

  • Add: usedColors value 7.
    In FlexColorScheme and FlexThemeData light/dark constructors, the usedColors now accepts value 7. When used, the primary, secondary and tertiary colors in the used input scheme, are used as defined, but primaryContainer, secondaryContainer and tertiaryContainer are computed. This is FlexColorScheme's own more Material2 version of seed generation of the container colors by using their main colors as input colors.

  • Add: bottomAppBarTheme, menuBarTheme and menuButtonTheme to FlexSubThemes.

  • Add: inputDecoratorPrefixIconSchemeColor, drawerWidth, drawerIndicatorWidth, drawerIndicatorRadius, drawerIndicatorSchemeColor, navigationBarIndicatorRadius, navigationRailIndicatorRadius, menuBarRadius, menuBarElevation, menuBarShadowColor, snackBarActionSchemeColor and bottomAppBarSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData.

  • Add: menuRadius, menuElevation, menuOpacity, menuSchemeColor and dropdownMenuTextStyle to FlexSubThemesData.

  • Add: drawerSelectedItemSchemeColor, drawerUnselectedItemSchemeColor, tabBarIndicatorSize, and tabBarDividerColor to FlexSubThemesData.

  • Add: Static helper function onSchemeColor to FlexSubThemes.

  • Add: To FlexThemeModeOptionButton added properties semanticLabel, focusColor and setFocusOnTap. If setFocusOnTap is set to true, the button will request focus when it is tapped. Display of previously not shown hover and focus effects where fixed, they now correctly use hoverColor and the new focusColor.

  • Add: Property snackBarRadius to FlexSubThemesData, it controls the border radius via FlexSubThemes.snackBarTheme by using its radius property.

    • NOTE: If this property is set, both SnackBars with behavior fixed and floating will get the assigned radius. See Flutter issue: flutter/flutter#108539
  • Add: Properties tabBarUnselectedItemSchemeColor, tabBarUnselectedItemOpacity, tabBarIndicatorWeight and tabBarIndicatorTopRadius to FlexSubThemesData.

  • Add: New configuration class FlexAdaptive used to configure on which platforms adaptive theming features are used. Including 100% unit test coverage for the new class.

  • Add: Four new FlexSubThemesData properties that uses the FlexAdaptive configuration class, to configure the features adaptiveRemoveElevationTint, adaptiveElevationShadowsBack, adaptiveAppBarScrollUnderOff and adaptiveRadius. The adaptiveRadius controls if the defaultRadiusAdaptive is used as value for effective global border radius instead of defaultRadius.

  • Add: Seven new FlexSubThemesData properties menuBarBackgroundSchemeColor, menuPadding, menuItemBackgroundSchemeColor, menuItemForegroundSchemeColor, menuIndicatorBackgroundSchemeColor, menuIndicatorForegroundSchemeColor and menuIndicatorRadius.

  • Add: Boolean property useInputDecoratorThemeInDialogs to FlexSubThemesData. Used to control if the application's themed input decoration is used or not, on time picker dialog theme text input fields. If not used, the time picker dialog uses null as input to its input decorator, in order to get the Flutter time picker default style. This toggle will also be used on date picker when/if it gets supported.


  • Style breaking: FlexSubThemes.blendTextTheme defaults to false.
    In FCS before version 7, the default for blendTextTheme in FlexSubThemes was true, and blended text themes were used by default. Going forward if you want it, and also if you had not defined earlier and do not want to break your apps past style, set blendTextTheme to true.

  • Style breaking: Card elevation default 1 dp.
    The Card opinionated sub-theme now defaults to null elevation, resulting in same default of 1 dp elevation as Flutter SDK in both M2 and M3 mode. Previously, FCS defaulted to elevation 0 dp on Cards when opting in on sub-themes.

  • Style breaking: ColorScheme.outline and ColorScheme.outlineVariant.
    The FCS built-in computed none seeded values for ColorScheme.outline and ColorScheme.outlineVariant were modified. The new values are more in line with what you get with the M3 default seed algorithm, but plain grey-scale variants of them without any primary color blend. Technically light mode color for outline was changed from 30% lighten of light mode onBackground color to 45%, and outlineVariant from 60% lighten of onBackground to 75%. Likewise for the dark mode, but with darkening of the onBackground with the same percentage changes. The new values match the M3 design intent better.

  • Style breaking: lightSurfaceVariant and darkSurfaceVariant.
    FCS v7 introduces FlexColor.lightSurfaceVariant and FlexColor.darkSurfaceVariant colors that are used when making none-seeded ColorSchemes. The colors are plain not tinted light and greys, matching the grey level of the tinted versions you get with seed-generated M3 colors. The colors are used as defaults for light and dark surfaceVariant color in none-seeded versions of generated FlexColorScheme color schemes. In previous versions surfaceVariant was just white and black in light and dark theme mode. To be able to better match the M3 color system, without using seed generation, this surface color should not be just white or black. The new surfaceVariant corrects this past design to improve compatibility with the M3 color system when not using seed generated color schemes.

  • Style breaking: NavigationBar
    Changed the default NavigationBar h...

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Version 7.0.0-dev.2

25 Jan 00:41
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Version 7.0.0-dev.2 Pre-release


Jan 25, 2023


  • Updated to require minimum Flutter stable 3.7.0, compared to 7.0.0-dev.1 that required beta 3.7.0-1.4.pre.
  • Updated to stable release of FlexSeedScheme ^1.2.0.


  • Fix new scheme redM3 faulty dark mode colors.


  • CHANGE: Explanation for SegmentedButton.
  • CHANGE: Intro text, to say that M3 in Flutter SDK is now ready for production.
  • FIX: Wrap for PopupMenuButton.
  • ADD: ThemeShowcase now includes Badge, so it gets featured as well.


  • MUST DO: Review and do actionable TODOs in the code.

  • MUST DO: Review and fix test coverage. Test new colors too.

  • MUST DO: Review and test all tutorial examples.

  • MUST DO: Add important changes to

    • Changelog.
    • ListTile transparent added to core defaults, may not be needed. Review before release.
    • Update known Flutter M3 and theming impacting issues. Remove fixed ones, add new known ones. (Slider update issue, not yet reported.)
    • Info section (plus article later) about what is still missing in Flutter 3.7 from M3.
  • After release, more updates to FlexColorScheme docs:

    • New color scheme images
    • Review and update older screenshots and GIFs.
    • Use image zoom feature in more on current images.
    • Use new highlight banners feature, in the tool when appropriate.
  • MAYBE: Make tinted disabled controls apply consistently to all controls when applied.

  • MAYBE: Make tinted interaction effect apply consistently to all controls. New M3 widgets need to define it in their own sub-themes to get them, they don't use the hover, focus, highlight color from ThemeData for their defaults.

Postponed TODOs, that were planned for FCS stable 7.0, but moved forward to 7.1 or later.

  • Add more sub-theme component color presentations to the Playground's Component Themes panel.
  • Add some theming options for the new NavigationDrawer theme.
  • Add some theming options for the new MenuBar theme.
  • Add more "Set to M3 design" buttons like on Text Field panel, e.g. to Navigation Bar and Navigation Rail panels.
  • To TabBar theming, add unselected color, not selected dim/undim and custom bottom borderline color.

Version 7.0.0-dev.1

23 Jan 09:59
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Version 7.0.0-dev.1 Pre-release


Work in progress!

Jan 23, 2023

This major release does not contain any breaking API changes. However, the major version is bumped because some past styles and defaults, when opting in on Material 3, have been slightly tuned to better align with new Material 3 widgets and design, included in the Flutter 3.8/4.0 (?) release. The new features are also significant.


  • Added 12 new Material 3 color schemes: redM3,pinkM3, purpleM3, indigoM3, blueM3, cyanM3, tealM3, greenM3, limeM3, yellowM3, orangeM3 and deepOrangeM3 for a total of 52 built-in light and dark theme pairs. These schemes work well in Material 3 with or without seed generation. But using FCS advanced and flexible key color-based seed generation is recommended when using Material 3. You can always lock e.g. primary and tertiary color to custom brand color values you used as keys.

  • Added support for new ColorScheme colors scrim and outlineVariant.

  • Added support for fontFamilyFallback and package so that a copyWith on FlexColorScheme generated ThemeData is not needed to use them.

  • Added support for Material 3 buttons FilledButton and FilledButton.tonal.

    • Supported via FlexSubThemes.filledButtonTheme that is controlled via FlexSubThemesData properties filledButtonRadius, filledButtonSchemeColor and filledButtonTextStyle.
    • When setting up theming for FilledButton it was noticed that variant FilledButton.tonal cannot be themed separately, see issue: flutter/flutter#115827.
  • Added option to keep using the M2 style Divider in M3. The in M3 used primary color tinted outlineVariant does not fit on any color. The M2 style based on black or white with opacity does. It is also less prominent than the M3 style and may be preferred. Set FlexSubThemesData property useM2StyleDividerInM3 to true to use the M2 style in M3. Defaults to false.

    • FlexColorScheme also sets ThemeData.dividerColor to ThemeData.colorScheme.outlineVariant when ThemeData.useMaterial3 is true. This keeps the in Flutter SDK to be deprecated ThemeData.dividerColor always same as actually used effective Divider color. Thus, if an app uses Theme.of(context).dividerColor while it still exists, to set a color to it, and expects it be the same color as effective Divider color, it will be so in FCS, regardless of if M2 or M3 is being used. This is not the case in Flutter SDK by default, see issue flutter/flutter#117755 for more information.
  • Added elevation to FlexSubThemes.timePickerTheme, and make it use the dialog shared FlexSubThemesData.dialogElevation setting. This property does not yet exist in Flutter beta 3.7.0-1.4.pre. It is thus unsure if it will land in next stable Flutter, if it does not it will be commented and removed for the next FCS release as well.

  • Added boolean tintedDisabledControls to FlexSubThemesData. If set to true, disabled widgets will get a hint of their active main color when disabled. In future minor versions, this will also apply to components that use own themed settings for disabled color, not only to the ones where disabled color controlled by ThemeData.disabledColor. Previously tinted disabled color for ThemeData.disabledColor was included and defined when FlexSubThemesData.interactionEffects was set to true. It is now instead controlled by this separate tinted disabled-controls setting. Defaults to true, for an FCS opinionated default. This matches past default when it was included in FlexSubThemesData.interactionEffects.

  • Added boolean inputDecoratorFocusedHasBorder to FlexSubThemesData. Default to true. If set to false, there is no border on the InputDecorator, typically used by text fields, when the input decorator is focused. It controls the new parameter focusedHasBorder in FlexSubThemes.inputDecorationTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value inputDecoratorBorderSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData. It is used to define and customize the border color of InputDecorator on e.g. TextField. It controls the new parameter borderSchemeColor in FlexSubThemes.inputDecorationTheme.

  • Added appBarTheme and tabBarTheme to FlexSubThemes.

  • Added Material 3 styling to TabBar when M3 is used. Use FlexTabBarStyle.flutterDefault to get the SDK default colors in M3 mode. TabBar may get more configuration options in the next FCS version.

  • Added double value appBarScrolledUnderElevation to FlexSubThemesData. It is used to define and customize the themed scrolled under elevation of the AppBar. It controls the new parameter scrolledUnderElevation in FlexSubThemes.appBarTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value toggleButtonsUnselectedSchemeColor and toggleButtonsBorderSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData. They are used to define and customize the themed unselected button and border color of ToggleButtons. They control the new parameters unselectedSchemeColor and borderSchemeColor in FlexSubThemes.toggleButtonsTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value sliderIndicatorSchemeColor, and enum FlexSliderIndicatorType value sliderValueIndicatorType, plus enum ShowValueIndicator value sliderShowValueIndicator to FlexSubThemesData. They control the new parameters valueIndicatorColor, valueIndicatorType and showValueIndicator in FlexSubThemes.sliderTheme.

  • Added SchemeColor value drawerBackgroundSchemeColor and double values drawerRadius, drawerElevation to FlexSubThemesData. They control the new parameters backgroundSchemeColor, radius and elevation in new sub-theme FlexSubThemes.drawerTheme.

  • Added menuTheme to FlexSubThemes, it provides styling for elevation, radius and background color with optional opacity for the new Mw components MenuAnchor, MenuBar and DropDownMenu. The same FlexSubThemesData that are used for PopupMenuButton are used to control this theme. Those are popupMenuRadius, popupMenuElevation, popupMenuSchemeColor, and popupMenuOpacity.

  • Added timePickerElementRadius to FlexSubThemesData that can be used to control elementRadius in FlexSubThemes.timePickerTheme, it changes the themed border radius of the time input entry elements.

  • Added segmentedButtonRadius, segmentedButtonSchemeColor, segmentedButtonUnselectedSchemeColor, segmentedButtonBorderSchemeColor and segmentedButtonBorderWidth to FlexSubThemesData they control the equivalent properties in the new FlexSubThemes.segmentedButtonTheme used to customize the SegmentedButton.


  • Style change on tinted disabled components when opting in on tintedDisabledControls. It is visually breaking, but subtle. Disable opacity alpha and alpha blend constants where tuned, kDisabledAlphaBlend from 0xAA (67%) to 0xCC (80%) and kDisabledBackgroundAlpha from 0x31 (19%) to 0x26 (15%). The new tinted disable colors look better. They are close in style to default grey ones, with a subtle primary tint, while still being more legible than in previous versions. Opting in on tinted disabled components is still not yet available on all components. It is more available in M2 mode. In upcoming minor releases, tinted disabled components will be made available on all themed components and consistently applied in both M2 and M3 mode. More visual tuning of this feature may be required in later releases.

  • Removed in version 6.1.0 included manual M3 elevation tint for BottomSheet and PopupMenuButton, in Flutter 3.7.0, the tint is included automatically as it should be and we no longer need the workaround.

  • The ListTileThemeData was added to core defaults. It sets ListTileThemeData.tileColor to Colors.transparent if ThemeData.useMaterial3 is true. This is done to avoid issue: flutter/flutter#117700. This extra M3 core default theme fix will be removed as soon as the issue is fixed.

  • Changed FlexColorScheme.bottomAppBarElevation to be nullable. In M2 mode if is null, it follows defined appBarElevation as before. In M3, it is kept null in order to default to M3's default elevation of 3, so that BottomAppBar get elevation tint by default. In M3 mode a minor spec deviation was noted in Flutter SDK and reported here flutter/flutter#118150.

  • Changed FlexColorScheme default BottomAppBar color to be colorScheme.surface, same as Flutter default. Previously FlexColorScheme used colorScheme.background color as an opinionated default. The change is minor, and in many designs the color values are the same.

  • The Material buttons ElevatedButton, OutlinedButton and TextButon, now only create custom sub-theme properties in Material 3 mode when using none default (none null) values. Previously, they created sub-themes for some properties corresponding to the default values. This task now falls back to the role of default widget behaviour, as it should. Effective styles are unchanged.

  • Previously existing "native" Material 3 color schemes, materialBaseline, verdunHemlock and dellGenoa were changed to use Material 3 error colors, also in Material 2 mode and when not using seed colors.

  • When making seed generated ColorScheme with a custom surfaceTint color. This tint color is now also used as seed-key for the neutral and neutral variant tonal palettes. Flutter SDK can only use
    primary color as seed-key for the neutral colors. This limitation in Flutter makes using a custom surfaceTint in seeded ColorSchemes less usable with often unappealing results. This happens because the custom tint color then differs from the slight primary tint that is hard coded into Flutter's seeded neutral colors used for surfaces and backgrounds, and the colors may clash. In FlexColorScheme the custom tint color is automatically also used to slightly tint the ne...

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Version 6.1.2

26 Dec 18:11
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Dec 26, 2022


Version 6.1.1

22 Nov 12:52
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Nov 22, 2022


  • Themes Playground (Example 5): Fixed scroll issue in page view mode on Web builds. Only examples related, no package impact.
  • API doc updates.

Version 6.1.0

20 Nov 02:10
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Nov 20, 2022

FlexColorScheme version 6.1.0 contains many new features, more component sub-themes and configurable properties. It improves seed-generated color scheme capabilities by adding more pre-configured seed generation configurations and color contrast accessibility options.

A criticism of Material 3's color system and seed-generated color schemes, is that using colored contrasting colors may be less accessible. FlexColorScheme offers a way to enable in-app modification of its seed-generated color schemes, any seed generation configuration can optionally return results with plain white and black contrasting on colors. This can be applied separately for main on colors and on surfaces.

The Themes Playground application, has been updated to include most of the new features. It has been improved to make it easier to discover some of its previously existing features, like using custom colors in the Playground to define your own theme.


  • Scaffold background color can now be used as the themed AppBar background color. The enum FlexAppBarStyle that is used by property appBarStyle got a new value scaffoldBackground that enables this. This is useful for matching the AppBar color exactly to the Scaffold background color, when Scaffold background uses different surface blends than the theme's ColorScheme surface or background colors.
  • Added properties materialTapTargetSize and pageTransitionsTheme to FlexColorScheme and FlexThemeData. They are only convenience properties to avoid having to use a copyWith on FlexColorScheme produced ThemeData, to define them.
  • Property swapLegacyOnMaterial3 in FlexColorScheme.light/dark and FlexThemeData.light/dark allows for better automatic adjustment of built-in scheme colors to the Material 3 color-system. It applies to color schemes that were originally designed for Material 2, when using the Material 3 mode with or without seed-generated ColorSchemes.
    • Setting swapLegacyOnMaterial3 to true, will when useMaterial3 is true, swap the built-in scheme colors secondary and tertiary and also their container colors.
    • This only happens for built-in schemes where this swap makes the color design more compatible with the intended design and usage of the secondary and tertiary colors in Material 3 color system.
    • To implement this, the class FlexSchemeColor has a new boolean meta-data property called swapOnMaterial3, that has been defined to be true, if the FlexSchemeColor it defines, benefits design compliance wise from swapping its secondary and tertiary colors when using Material 3.
    • For backwards compatibility the swapLegacyOnMaterial3 is false by default, but it is recommended to always set it to true. The flag has no impact when using Material 2.
    • The swapLegacyOnMaterial3 flag can also be toggled in the Themes Playground, it is on by default there.
    • When the swap is done for a FlexSchemeColor, it is done before any other built-in scheme modifier properties, including swapColor and usedColors.
  • The FloatingActionButton can now be set to always be circular, also in Material 3 and without assigning a high-radius setting. If you always want a circular FAB, and stadium on extended FAB, then set fabAlwaysCircular in FlexSubThemesData to true, and FAB stays circular regardless of if you use M2 or M3, or how you modify the global default border radius. You could get this effect before too by setting a very high themed radius on the FAB, but this is more convenient.
  • Additional new FlexSubThemesData properties:
    • Slider theme can now be adjusted via FlexSubThemesData properties sliderBaseSchemeColor, sliderValueTinted and sliderTrackHeight.
    • The chipSelectedSchemeColor was added as themed background color, it is used by Chips that are selectable. The chipDeleteIconSchemeColor can be used to theme the "Delete" icon color on Chips. While adding these features, some Flutter M3 Chip spec and theming issues were found, see issue #115364 for more information.
    • Switch got a switchThumbSchemeColor property, to control the thumb color separately. A switch custom color theme was prepared for M3 Switch, which is not yet available in Flutter 3.3.
    • Tooltip theme now has FlexSubThemesData properties tooltipRadius, tooltipWaitDuration, tooltipShowDuration, tooltipSchemeColor and tooltipSchemeColor.
    • The bottomSheetBackgroundColor and bottomSheetModalBackgroundColor can be used to theme the background color of the BottomSheet.
    • Use navigationBarElevation to adjust the themed elevation of NavigationBar.
    • Use popupMenuElevation and popupMenuSchemeColor to further quick theme the PopupMenuButton.
    • The outlinedButtonBorderWidth, outlinedButtonPressedBorderWidth, toggleButtonsBorderWidth, inputDecoratorBorderWidth and inputDecoratorFocusedBorderWidth define the themed outline border thickness in different states of their respective components. These properties use previously existing properties thinBorderWidth and thickBorderWidth as their defaults. Resulting in that, the new properties are API backwards compatible, and they have shared global default settings. The new part is that you can now define themed outline border thickness separately for these components.
    • The elevatedButtonTextStyle, outlinedButtonTextStyle and textButtonTextStyle were added to be able to theme TextStyle on ElevatedButton, OutlinedButton, TextButton. These are convenience properties to allow different text styles on buttons without having to use copyWith on the overall ThemeData and its button component themes to modify the text styles, often sizes.
      • These properties do not offer any simplification over standard ThemeData and its button themes. The current version does not include adjusting them in the Themes Playground. Adding all possible usage of them is currently not in the scope of the Playground app. However, button font size changes may be added later as a usage example of these properties. These properties are using the tricky MaterialStateProperty, that have so far been avoided in this flattened simplified theming. It was used for the benefit of offering the text styles as ThemeData pass along properties. Modifying the ButtonStyle theme using copyWith, is a bit more involved than for other sub themes, with these properties you can customize the button text style using FlexSubThemesData properties instead. If you need to modify the FlexColorScheme created buttons themes even further for some not included properties, an example of how to do that can be found here.


  • FlexColorScheme now uses FlexSeedScheme version 1.1. It includes the following new features and changes:
    • Features that enabled implementation of just black and white seeded on colors.
    • Additional FlexTones, the FlexTones.oneHue and FlexTones.vividBackground.
    • See FlexSeedScheme on for more information.
  • In FlexSubThemesData all component controlling properties except booleans, are now nullable and null by default. FlexColorScheme made sub themes still default to same values as before when assigning a default FlexSubThemesData() to FlexColorScheme.subThemesData. The properties are nullable to enable using different defaults in FlexColorScheme made sub-themes for Material 2 and Material 3 modes.
  • Style breaking: Changed component themes thinBorderWidth to default to 1.0. It was 1.5 before. This is a style breaking change from previous thin outline style in FlexColorScheme.
    • Using fractional values may cause artefacts on monitors using native resolution where 1 dp = 1 physical display pixel (common on desktop PC/Linux monitors). We see the new default as a design FIX to avoid such issues with default settings. You can still set thinBorderWidth to 1.5, to get the same result as previous default theme.
  • Style breaking: When opting in on opinionated sub-themes, the Chip style is slightly modified from previous versions. The new opinionated FCS default style is more distinct than before and more aligned with styling borrowed from the Material 3 mode Chip design. The deleteIconnColor now defaults to onSurface instead of primary and it can be defined to be any color scheme based color. The Chips revised style, look better than before. Using Material 3 and with it themed Chips is also fully supported, also customizing color on selected state of selectable Chips is available. Color-tinted chips are also available as before. Be aware though that Material 3 theming in the current 3.3 version of Flutter has some limitations. If you assign a custom color to selected chips, the disabled state of Chips can no longer conform, to M3 spec of disabled selected Chips.
    • For more information, see issue #115364. Note that if you deviate on Chips from its expected designed background brightness, which is now possible to do for selected Chips with the new theming capabilities in the Playground. There is no way via theming to set correct text and icon contrasting brightness for selected Chips that require dark text and icons on bright Chips in dark theme mode. Wise versa for light theme mode, setting light text on dark selected Chips in light mode, is also not possible. This limitation applies to selected FilterChip and InputeChip, there is simple not enough theme properties in ChipTheme to support this. Due to this limitation, we recommend only using Chip theme designs that work with dark text in light mode, and light text in dark mode.
  • Style breaking: Wh...
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Version 6.0.1

21 Sep 10:57
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Sep 21, 2022


  • A null check was fixed by sososdk in FlexColorScheme.light when using custom scheme PR #90. Issue did not exist in FlexColorScheme.dark.

  • Cam16 from Material Color Utilities was exported by accident by FlexColorScheme in version 6.0.0 via its FlexSeedScheme package export. This export was removed. Cam16 was not exported before moving features to FlexSeedScheme and should not have been now either. FlexSeedScheme does however export it as before, it is used by the FlexColorPicker.