The export
command allows you to export the views within a Structurizr workspace to a number of different formats.
Files will be created in the same directory as the workspace, one per view that has been exported.
- -workspace: The path or URL to the workspace JSON file/DSL file(s) (required)
- -format: plantuml|mermaid|websequencediagrams|ilograph|json (required)
To export all views in a JSON workspace to PlantUML format:
java -jar structurizr-cli-*.jar export -workspace myworkspace.json -format plantuml
To export all views in a JSON workspace to Mermaid format:
java -jar structurizr-cli-*.jar export -workspace myworkspace.json -format mermaid
To export all dynamic views in a DSL workspace to WebSequenceDiagrams format:
java -jar structurizr-cli-*.jar export -workspace myworkspace.dsl -format websequencediagrams
To export a DSL workspace to the JSON workspace format:
java -jar structurizr-cli-*.jar export -workspace myworkspace.dsl -format json