A collection of React hooks for implementing web3-onboard in to a React project
npm i @web3-onboard/react
import React from 'react'
import {
} from '@web3-onboard/react'
import injectedModule from '@web3-onboard/injected-wallets'
import trezorModule from '@web3-onboard/trezor'
import ledgerModule from '@web3-onboard/ledger'
import walletConnectModule from '@web3-onboard/walletconnect'
import walletLinkModule from '@web3-onboard/walletlink'
import portisModule from '@web3-onboard/portis'
import fortmaticModule from '@web3-onboard/fortmatic'
import torusModule from '@web3-onboard/torus'
import keepkeyModule from '@web3-onboard/keepkey'
const injected = injectedModule()
const walletLink = walletLinkModule()
const walletConnect = walletConnectModule()
const portis = portisModule({
apiKey: 'b2b7586f-2b1e-4c30-a7fb-c2d1533b153b'
const fortmatic = fortmaticModule({
apiKey: 'pk_test_886ADCAB855632AA'
const torus = torusModule()
const ledger = ledgerModule()
const keepkey = keepkeyModule()
const trezorOptions = {
email: '[email protected]',
appUrl: 'https://www.blocknative.com'
const trezor = trezorModule(trezorOptions)
const web3Onboard = init({
wallets: [
chains: [
id: '0x1',
token: 'ETH',
label: 'Ethereum Mainnet',
rpcUrl: 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/ababf9851fd845d0a167825f97eeb12b'
id: '0x3',
token: 'tROP',
label: 'Ethereum Ropsten Testnet',
rpcUrl: 'https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/ababf9851fd845d0a167825f97eeb12b'
id: '0x4',
token: 'rETH',
label: 'Ethereum Rinkeby Testnet',
rpcUrl: 'https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/ababf9851fd845d0a167825f97eeb12b'
id: '0x89',
token: 'MATIC',
label: 'Matic Mainnet',
rpcUrl: 'https://matic-mainnet.chainstacklabs.com'
appMetadata: {
name: 'Blocknative',
icon: '<svg><svg/>',
description: 'Demo app for Onboard V2',
recommendedInjectedWallets: [
{ name: 'MetaMask', url: 'https://metamask.io' },
{ name: 'Coinbase', url: 'https://wallet.coinbase.com/' }
function App() {
const [{ wallet, connecting }, connect, disconnect] = useConnectWallet()
const [{ chains, connectedChain, settingChain }, setChain] = useSetChain()
const connectedWallets = useWallets()
return (
<button onClick={() => connect()}>
{connecting ? 'connecting' : 'connect'}
{wallet && (
<label>Switch Chain</label>
{settingChain ? (
<span>Switching chain...</span>
) : (
onChange={({ target: { value } }) =>
console.log('onChange called') || setChain({ chainId: value })
{chains.map(({ id, label }) => {
return <option value={id}>{label}</option>
<button onClick={() => disconnect(wallet)}>
Disconnect Wallet
{connectedWallets.map(({ label, accounts }) => {
return (
<div>Accounts: {JSON.stringify(accounts, null, 2)}</div>
export default App
The init
function must be called before any hooks can be used. The init
function just initializes web3-onboard
and makes it available for all hooks to use. For reference check out the initialization docs for @web3-onboard/core
This hook allows you to connect the user's wallet and track the state of the connection status and the wallet that is connected.
import { useConnectWallet } from '@web3-onboard/react'
type UseConnectWallet = (): [
{ wallet: WalletState | null; connecting: boolean },
(options: ConnectOptions) => Promise<void>,
(wallet: DisconnectOptions) => Promise<void>
type ConnectOptions = {
autoSelect?: string // wallet name to autoselect for user
type DisconnectOptions = {
label: string // wallet label
type WalletState = {
label: string
icon: string
provider: EIP1193Provider
accounts: Account[]
chains: ConnectedChain[]
instance?: unknown
const [
wallet, // the wallet that has been connected or null if not yet connected
connecting // boolean indicating if connection is in progress
connect, // function to call to initiate user to connect wallet
disconnect // function to call to with wallet<DisconnectOptions> to disconnect wallet
] = useConnectWallet()
This hook allows you to set the chain of a user's connected wallet, keep track of the current chain the user is connected to and the status of setting the chain. Passing in a wallet label will operate on that connected wallet, otherwise it will default to the last connected wallet.
import { useSetChain } from '@web3-onboard/react'
type UseSetChain = (
walletLabel?: string
): [
chains: Chain[]
connectedChain: ConnectedChain | null
settingChain: boolean
(options: SetChainOptions) => Promise<void>
type SetChainOptions = {
chainId: string
chainNamespace?: string
wallet?: WalletState['label']
const [
chains, // the list of chains that web3-onboard was initialized with
connectedChain, // the current chain the user's wallet is connected to
settingChain // boolean indicating if the chain is in the process of being set
setChain // function to call to initiate user to switch chains in their wallet
] = useSetChain()
This hook allows you to track the state of all the currently connected wallets.
import { useWallets } from '@web3-onboard/react'
type UseWallets = (): WalletState[]
const connectedWallets = useWallets()