All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add autoReconnect functionality to the Yeelight class (49e8b2a)
- add default value ("sudden") for transitions (710a2c5)
- added option to connect to a bulb by using the ID of the bulb only (ece71d5)
- Added ping method which pings the bulb regurarly, in order to determine if the connection has been disconnected (4710249)
- implemented config.filter function (already defined in interface) (b56bd4c)
- reworked discover class, to allow for infinite discovery (50e2b22)
- sendCommand now rejects promise if response from bulb is an error (9fe84be)
- update all dependencies to latest (5cce60d)
- add default duration to some methods, because the bulb behaved strange if it was missing (a5bbf3a)
- bug in device discovery, allowing event 'deviceAdded' to be emitted multiple times (885ede4)
- discover event 'deviceAdded' could be emitted multiple times for the same device, if the fallback scanByIp was run. Added a check using host & port, to prevent this. (aee700c)
- fixed setMusic host parameter (a5eaf54)
- handle multiple received messages (137ec75)
- lightId should be optional (1e50d15)
- ping should return null, not void (84a4ce5)
- port should be optional, use default port if omitted (3a76f31)
- reworked socket initialization due to possible event listener leak (b5727fb)
- use host & port instead of id to defermine if to emit new device (fade6e5)
- wrong formula for calculating color (rgb = r * 65536 + g * 256 + b) (2c74dbd)