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Igniting Our App Notes

We will build our own create_React_app.🚀

To make an App production ready, we should :-

 (1). Minify our file (remove our console.logs, bundle things up).
 (2). Need a server to run things.

Even through we can load aur App.js, we can't get optimized version.

Note:- Minify ->Optimization ->Clean console ->& Bundle.

In React, to get external functionalities, we use BUNDLERS

  • In create-react-app, the bundler used is webpack

Most bundlers do the same job

  • Bundlers are packages if we want to use a package in our code, we have to use a Package-Manager.
  • We use a package-manager known as npm or yarn

npm :- No Problem man😅

  • npm dosen't mean node pacakge manager but everything else.
> npm init   // this command create a `package.json` file
  • we use npm because we want a lot of packages in our project/react app.
> npm init -y   // this command will skip lot of options

  • In below Code -D and --save-dev denotes :- devdepenndency - bcoz, we want it in our developer machine
> npm install -D parcel
> npm install --save-dev

parcel denotes:- it is one of the dependency . then we'll we get package-lock.json file.

  • If there is any error while installing then try below code to install parcel
npm install -D parcel --registry=

caret(^) & tilde(~) sign

  • symbols are used to specify the version of a package that should be installed. The tilde(~) matches the most recent patch version, while the caret(^) matches the most recent minor version.

  • our project will automatically update if we use caret sign(^).

"devDependencies": {
    "parcel": "^2.9.3",


  • It will tell , which exact version of the library we are using

  • Common issues

    • "Something is working on my localhost/mymachine but not works in production" Why ?
      • package-lock.json file tell the exact version of library we are using. Suppose for developing we're using 2.8.4 version & it is write in package-lock.json file.
      • But in package.json file, it will be like "2.8.2"
      • package-lock.json file is an "x" file that locks the version.


  • It get installed after `npm install -D parcel", it is like a database for the npm.
  • This is where the Super Powers comes from.
  • Our app has dependency on Parcel.
  • parcel has also dependencies on something else.
  • All these dependencies/superPowers are in node_module.

Que. Why we don't put note_mudules into git ?

  • Because, our package-lock.json file have sufficient information to recreate node_mudeules.

  • package-lock.json file keep maintain the version of everything in node_mudeules.

  • node_mudeules in our machine can be regenerated in server using the package-lock.json file.

Note: Previosly we used CDN links to get react into our app. But This is not the Good way . We need to Keep react in our node_mudeules.

> npm install react

If the above code give some error then try

> npm install react --registry=

Now we have to install React Dom in our project

> npm install react-dom

To ignite our app.

> npx parcel index.html

here, npx means execute using npm and index.html is the entry point

  • After click enter, Then a miniserver is created for us, and it show
Server running at http://localhost:1234
✨ Built in 1.06s

As we removed CDN links, we don't have react in our app.
So, for that we want to import it into aur app. for that we use the keyWord "import".

Never ever edit/touch node_modules & package-lock.json

  • Normal JS browser don't know "import". SO, it shows error.
  • For that
    • import React from "react";
    • import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
  • As we got an error, we have to specify to the browser that "we are not using a normal scripting, but a module".
<script type="module" src="App.js"></script>
  • We can not import & export scripts inside a tag. modules can import and export.


Hot Module Reload(HMR):

Means that parcel will keep a track of all the files which you're updating.

How HMR works?

  • There is File Watcher Algorithms(written in C++). It keeps track of all the files which are chainging realtime & it tells the server to reload.

  • These all are done by "parcel".

  • There will be a folder called parcel-cachewhich will be there automatically.

  • In our projects, parcel needs some space. So, it creates parcel-cache1.

Note dist folder keeps the files minified for us when we run command.

> npx parcel index.html
  • This will creates a faster development version of our project & serves it on the server.

  • When I tell parcel to make a production build:

> npx parcel build index.html
  • It creates a lot of things, minify our file And parcel will build all the production files to the dist folder.

Que. What takes a lot of time to load in a website?

  • Media - images Parcel does image optimization also.
  • Parcel does take care of our older version of browser.
  • Sometimes we need to test our app on https. bcoz, something only works on https.
  • parcel gives us a functionality that we can just build aur app on https on dev machine
> npx parcel index.html --https
  • We can put parcel-cache in gitignore. because, anything which can be auto-generated should be put inside gitignore.

Parcel uses consistent Hashing Algorithm

Some Parcel features in a glance:

  • HMR - Hot Module Reloading
  • File Watcher Algorithm - C++
  • Bundling
  • minify code
  • Cleaning our code
  • Dev and producion build
  • Super fast build algorithm
  • Image Optimization
  • Caching while development
  • HTTPS on dev
  • port Number
  • Consistent Hashing ALgorithm
  • Zero config
  • Tree Shaking

Transitive Dependency

  • A transitiv dependency in React is a dependency of a package that you depend on.

  • For example, if our React application depends on the react-router package, then react-router depends on the react-dom package. This means that the react-dompackage is a transitive dependency of our React application, even though we didn't explicitly list it in our package.jsonfile.

  • Transitive dependencies can be a bit tricky to manage, because they can introduce security vulnerabilities or compatibility issues into our application.

  • For example, if the react-dom package has a security vulnerability, then our React application will be vulnerable to attack even if we haven't updated the react-dompackage ourself.

Que. How do I make our ap compactible with older browser

  • There is a package called browserslist & parcel automatically gives it to us.

  • browserslist makes our code compactible for a llot of browsers.

  • In pakage.json file do

"browserslist" : [
	"last 2 versions"

This support 74% of all browser in the world The above code means my parcel will make sure that my app works in last 2 version of all the browsers avalable.

  • If we don't care about other browser, except chrome, then do
"browserslist" : [
	"last 2 chrome versions"

It support 16%

That's why we say, Parcel is a beast🔥