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@dojo/widgets/select widget

Dojo's Select provides a dropdown menu form control using either the native <select> element or a fully custom component. The custom version uses the Listbox widget as its list of options.


  • Compatible with any underlying data provider, data format, or store
  • Allows customization of option state and vdom through reactive patterns
  • Keyboard accessible

Keyboard Usage

The custom Select supports keyboard navigation for opening and closing the options menu and moving through options. If useNativeElement is true, it defers to native keyboard support.

Trigger Button Events

  • Enter Key: opens the options menu
  • Space Key: opens the options menu

Options Menu Events

  • Enter Key: selects the current option and closes the menu
  • Space Key: selects the current option and closes the menu
  • Up Arrow: highlights the previous option
  • Down Arrow: highlights the next option
  • Home/Page Up: highlights the first option
  • End/Page Down: highlights the last option
  • Escape Key: closes the options menu without selecting an option

Accessibility Features

The simplest way to create a an accessible select field that works across all browsers, devices, and assistive tech is to set useNativeElement to true. However, the custom element also sets appropriate ARIA attributes handles keyboard interactions.

All instances of this widget should make use of the label property or a separate label node associated with the select's widgetId property.

Internationalization Features

Option text is handled through the getOptionLabel property. Localization is handled by the parent component and localized strings can be reactively passed in using this method.

Example Usage

Wrapped Native Select

import Select from '@dojo/widgets/select';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';

interface OptionData {
	disabled: boolean;
	label: string;
	value: string;

let value: string;

w(Select, {
	getOptionDisabled: (option: OptionData) => option.disabled,
	getOptionLabel: (option: OptionData) => option.label,
	getOptionValue: (option: OptionData) => option.value,
	getOptionSelected: (option: OptionData) => !!value && option.value === value,
	label: 'Native select example',
	options: optionsData,
	useNativeElement: true,
	onChange: (option: OptionData) => {
		value = option.value;

Custom select using default option calculations

import Select from '@dojo/widgets/select';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';

const options = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
let value: string;

w(Select, {
	label: 'Option label defaults to option data',
	onChange: (option: string) => {
		value = option;

Custom select with formatted option text and placeholder

import Select from '@dojo/widgets/select';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';

const options = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
let value: string;

w(Select, {
	label: 'Option label defaults to option data',
	getOptionLabel: (option: string) => {
		return v('span', { classes: [ 'optionClass' ] }, [ option ])
	placeholder: 'Choose one',
	onChange: (option: string) => {
		value = option;


The following CSS classes are used to style the Select widget and should be provided by custom themes:

  • arrow: Applied to the custom arrow icon on both native and custom selects
  • disabled: Applied to both the root node and optional label when the widget is disabled
  • dropdown: Applied to the node wrapping the Listbox widget in the custom select
  • focused: Applied to both the root node and label if the component contains focus
  • input: Applied to the select node of the native component
  • inputWrapper: Applied to the node wrapping either the select element or the custom trigger and listbox
  • invalid: Applied to both the root node and optional label when the widget is invalid
  • open: Applied to the inputWrapper of the custom component when the dropdown menu is open
  • placeholder: Applied to the trigger button of the custom select when it is showing placeholder text
  • readOnly: Applied to both the root node and optional label when the widget is read-only
  • required: Applied to both the root node and optional label when the widget is required
  • root: Applied to the top-level wrapper node
  • trigger: Applied to the button containing the down arrow of the custom select
  • valid: Applied to both the root node and optional label when the widget is valid