Dojo's TabController
widget provides a user interface capable of displaying tabbed content. The content shown at any given time is based on the currently-selected tab button.
- Tab buttons can be positioned above, below, before, or after tab content
- Tabs can be closeable, disabled, and can fetch data asynchronously
- Completely keyboard accessible
supports standard keyboard navigation for switching between and closing tabs.
Tab Button Events
- Escape key: closes a closeable tab
- Left Arrow: If tab buttons are aligned above or below content, requests to select the previous tab
- Right Arrow: If tab buttons are aligned above or below content, requests to select the next tab
- Up Arrow: If tab buttons are aligned before or after content, requests to select the previous tab
- Down Arrow: If tab buttons are aligned before or after content, requests to select the next tab
- Home key: Requests to select the first tab
- End key: Requests to select the last tab
Beyond complete keyboard accessibility, TabController
ensures that all appropriate ARIA attributes are included.
Basic Example
import TabController from '@dojo/widgets/tab-controller';
import Tab from '@dojo/widgets/tab';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';
w(TabController, {
activeIndex: this.state.activeIndex,
onRequestTabChange: (index: number) => this.setState({ activeIndex: index })
}, [
w(Tab, {
key: 'foo',
label: 'Foo'
}, [ 'Some content...' ]),
w(Tab, {
key: 'bar',
disabled: true,
label: 'Bar'
}, [ 'Some more content...' ])
Closeable Tab
import TabController from '@dojo/widgets/tab-controller';
import Tab from '@dojo/widgets/tab';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';
w(TabController, {
activeIndex: this.state.activeIndex,
onRequestTabChange: (index: number) => this.setState({ activeIndex: index }),
onRequestTabClose: (index: number, key: string) => {
this.setState({ closedKeys: [...closedKeys, key] });
}, [
w(Tab, {
key: 'foo',
label: 'Foo'
}, [ 'Some content...' ]),
!this.state.closedKeys.includes('bar') ? w(Tab, {
key: 'bar',
label: 'Bar',
closeable: true
}, [ 'Some more content...' ]) : null
Align Buttons Under Content
import TabController, { Align } from '@dojo/widgets/tab-controller';
import Tab from '@dojo/widgets/tab';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';
w(TabController, {
activeIndex: this.state.activeIndex,
alignButtons: Align.bottom,
onRequestTabChange: (index: number) => this.setState({ activeIndex: index })
}, [
w(Tab, {
key: 'foo',
label: 'Foo'
}, [ 'Some content...' ]),
w(Tab, {
key: 'bar',
label: 'Bar'
}, [ 'Some more content...' ])
The following CSS classes are used to style the TabController
widget and should be provided by custom themes:
: Applied to the button associated with the currently-active tabalignBottom
: Applied to the top-level wrapper node when buttons are positioned under contentalignLeft
: Applied to the top-level wrapper node when buttons are positioned before contentalignRight
: Applied to the top-level wrapper node when buttons are positioned after contentclose
: Applied to a closeable tab button's close icondisabledTabButton
: Applied to the button associated with a disabled tabroot
: Applied to the top-level wrapper nodetab
: Applied to the currently-visible contenttabButton
: Applied to the button associated with a given tabtabButtons
: Applied to the element containing all tab buttonstabs
: Applied to the element containing all tabs