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Helper Tools for PPG FlySight Flight Log Management

🚨 This is an alpha project. User-facing functionality is still under development 🚨


Install from PyPi with your favorite pip invocation:

$ pip install ppg-log

You can confirm proper installation via the ppglog CLI:

$ ppglog --help
Usage: ppglog [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  batch   Batch flight log processing pipeline.
  db      Interact with a PPG Log database instance.
  single  Single flight log processing pipeline.


Environment Variables

The following environment variables are provided to help customize pipeline behaviors.

Variable Name Description Default
DB_URL Flight log database URL './tmp.db'
PROMPT_START_DIR Start path for UI file/dir prompt '.'

ppglog single

Process a single FlySight log file.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
--log-filepath Path to FlySight log to parse. Path|None GUI Prompt
--start-trim Seconds to discard from the beginning of the flight log. int|float 45
--airborne-threshold Minimum groundspeed, as m/s, required to be considered airborne. int|float 2.235
--time-threshold Duration, as seconds, used to characterize flight segments. int|float 15
--midair-start Consider the start of the file as the start of a flight segment.1 bool False
--show-plot Show parsed flight log summary plot. bool True
--plot_save_dir Path to save parsed flight log summary plot.2 Path|None None
--db-insert Insert flight logs into the currently configured database. bool False
  1. If True, any specificed --start-trim will be discarded
  2. If None, the summary plot will not be saved

ppglog batch

Batch process a directory of FlySight log files.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
--log-dir Path to FlySight log directory to parse. Path|None GUI Prompt
--log-pattern FlySight log file glob pattern.1,2 str "*.CSV"
--start-trim Seconds to discard from the beginning of the flight log. int|float 45
--airborne-threshold Minimum groundspeed, as m/s, required to be considered airborne. int|float 2.235
--time-threshold Duration, as seconds, used to characterize flight segments. int|float 15
--plot-save-dir Path to save parsed flight log summary plot.3 Path|None None
--db-insert Insert flight logs into the currently configured database. bool False
--verbose Display in-console information on the running parsing operation. bool True
  1. Case sensitivity is deferred to the host OS
  2. Recursive globbing requires manual specification (e.g. **/*.CSV)
  3. If None, the summary plot will not be saved

ppglog db

Subcommands for interacting with the PPG Log database.

ppglog db set-address

Save the db address to a local .env file.

NOTE: If a .env file does not exist in the current directory, one will be created for you.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
--value db address string. str Required


Development Environment

This project uses Poetry to manage dependencies. With your fork cloned to your local machine, you can install the project and its dependencies to create a development environment using:

$ poetry install

A pre-commit configuration is also provided to create a pre-commit hook so linting errors aren't committed:

$ pre-commit install

Testing & Coverage

A pytest suite is provided, with coverage reporting from pytest-cov. A tox configuration is provided to test across all supported versions of Python. Testing will be skipped for Python versions that cannot be found.

$ tox

Details on missing coverage, including in the test suite, is provided in the report to allow the user to generate additional tests for full coverage.