This example project is based on Symfony Standard distribution. The project aims to show how to build powerful restful apis mainly with :
- FOSRestBundle : This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony2.
- FOSUserBundle : Provides user management for your Symfony2 Project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM, and Propel.
- NelmioApiDocBundle : Generates documentation for your REST API from annotations.
- MopaWSSEAuthenticationBundle : Symfony2 bundle to implement WSSE authentication.
Just clone the project and execute:
curl -sS | php && php composer.phar install
Remember to set the database password properly in parameters.yml.
Now you will able to list the resources at http://localhost/app_dev.php
Nelmio API Doc provides you with a sandbox that you can use to check the controllers. There are services under @Secure interception that need authentication.
As an example, the following screenshot show the interface while posting a new user:
Just run phpunit from console:
phpunit -c build