You may have the possibility to generate a PDF from a URL.
URL of the page you want to convert into PDF.
namespace App\Controller;
use Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\GotenbergPdfInterface;
class YourController
public function yourControllerMethod(GotenbergPdfInterface $gotenberg): Response
return $gotenberg->url()
Route of the page you want to convert into PDF.
You must provide a URL accessible by Gotenberg with a public Host.
Or configure sensiolabs_gotenberg.yaml
# config/packages/sensiolabs_gotenberg.yaml
base_uri: 'http://host.docker.internal:3000'
namespace App\Controller;
use Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\GotenbergPdfInterface;
class YourController
public function yourControllerMethod(GotenbergPdfInterface $gotenberg): Response
return $gotenberg->url()
->route('home', [
'my_var' => 'value'
Required to generate a PDF from Markdown builder. You can pass several files with that method.
namespace App\Controller;
use Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\GotenbergPdfInterface;
class YourController
public function yourControllerMethod(GotenbergPdfInterface $gotenberg): Response
return $gotenberg->markdown()
->wrapper('wrapper.html.twig', [
'my_var' => 'value'
For more information go to PDF customization.