Every instance of a log in loglevelnext
is a LogLevel
class. This reference
applies both to the default logger and all loggers created with getLogger()
By default loglevelnext
ships supporting the following log level name-value
INFO: 2,
WARN: 3,
The constructor for this class accepts an options
Object. The following is a
property reference for the Object:
Type: Class:MethodFactory
Default: null
Specifies the factory to use when wrapping console
methods. The value must be
a class which inherits from MethodFactory
Type: String|Any
By default, the identifier for a logger is set internally and equal to the specified logger name. The caching of the loggers works off of this property. However, in some environments or scenarios it may be preferable for no caching of loggers, resulting in each logger requested being a separate instance.
If you require multiple unique loggers of the same name, set this id
property to a unique identifier.
Type: String
Default: 'info'
Specifies the level the logger should use. A logger will not produce output for any log level beneath the specified level. Available levels and order are:
Note: The level names shown above correspond to the available logging methods,
with the notable exception of the silent
Type: String
Default: +new Date()
Specifies the name of the log to create. This property is required, and used to
differentiate between loggers when webpack-log
is used in multiple projects
executing in the same process space.
The prefix
object defines properties for adding a prefix to each bit of data
disable() { this.level = this.levels.SILENT; }
Instructs the logger to hide output for every log level. This is equivalent
to setting the level
property to 'silent'
or 5
Instructs the logger to produce output for every log level. This is equivalent
to setting the level
property to 'trace'
or 0
Type: Function
Default: options => `[${options.level}]`
A function used to define the value used to replace instances of
within the prefix template. The options
argument will
contain an Object
matching { level: (String), logger: (LogLeveL) }
. This
function should represent the current level of log producing output.
Type: Function
Default: options => `[${options.name}]`
A function used to define the value used to replace instances of
within the prefix template. The options
argument will
contain an Object
matching { level: (String), logger: (LogLeveL) }
. This
function should represent the name of the logger producing output.
Type: String
Default: '{{time}} {{level}} '
Defines the template that represents the prefix. The template uses
Mustache syntax. When prefixing log output, the
logger will interpolate the template string and attempt to execute a function on
the prefix
object corresponding to a given tag.
For example:
prefix: {
foo: () => 'bar',
template: '{{foo}}-'
Would then result in a prefix of 'bar-'
prepended to the output for each log
method call.
Type: Function
Default: () => new Date().toTimeString().split(' ')[0]
A function used to define the value used to replace instances of
within the prefix template. This function should
represent the time at which the logger produced output.
Type: Class:MethodFactory
Gets or sets the factory to use when wrapping console
methods. When setting
this property, the value must be a class which inherits from MethodFactory
Type: String|Number
Gets or sets the level the log should operate on. When setting this property, the
value must be a String
or Number.
Type: Object
Gets an object which represents the valid level name-value pairs for this log instance.