We love pull requests from everyone.
git clone [email protected]:your-username/phonegap-plugin-push.git
Set up a branch for your feature or bugfix with a link to the original repo:
git checkout -b my-awesome-new-feature
git push --set-upstream origin my-awesome-new-feature
git remote add upstream https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push.git
Set up the project:
npm install
Make sure the tests pass before changing anything:
npm test
Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass:
npm test
Commit changes:
git commit -m "Cool stuff"
Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji:
* 🎨 :art:
when improving the format/structure of the code
* ⚡ :zap:
when improving performance
* 🚱 :non-potable_water:
when plugging memory leaks
* 📝 :memo:
when writing docs
* 🚑 :ambulance:
a critical hotfix.
* ✨ :sparkles:
when introducing new features
* 🔖 :bookmark:
when releasing / version tags
* 🚀 :rocket:
when deploying stuff
* 🐧 :penguin:
when fixing something on Android
* 🍎 :apple:
when fixing something on iOS
* 🏁 :checkered_flag:
when fixing something on Windows
* 🐛 :bug:
when fixing a bug
* 🔥 :fire:
when removing code or files
* 💚 :green_heart:
when fixing the CI build
* ✅ :white_check_mark:
when adding tests
* 🔒 :lock:
when dealing with security
* ⬆️ :arrow_up:
when upgrading dependencies
* ⬇️ :arrow_down:
when downgrading dependencies
* 👕 :shirt:
when removing linter warnings
* 🔨 :hammer:
when doing heavy refactoring
* ➖ :heavy_minus_sign:
when removing a dependency.
* ➕ :heavy_plus_sign:
when adding a dependency.
* 🔧 :wrench:
when changing configuration files.
* 🌐 :globe_with_meridians:
when dealing with internationalization and localization.
* ✏️ :pencil2:
when fixing typos.
* 💩 :hankey:
when writing bad code that needs to be improved.
* 📦 :package:
when updating compiled files or packages.
Make sure your branch is up to date with the original repo:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
Review your changes and any possible conflicts and push to your fork:
git push origin
At this point you're waiting on us. We do our best to keep on top of all the pull requests. We may suggest some changes, improvements or alternatives.
Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted:
- Write tests.
- Write a good commit message.
- Make sure the PR merges cleanly with the latest master.
- Describe your feature/bugfix and why it's needed/important in the pull request description.
The project uses .editorconfig to define the coding style of each file. We recommend that you install the Editor Config extension for your preferred IDE. Consistency is key.
The project uses .jshint to define the JavaScript coding conventions. Most editors now have a JSHint add-on to provide on-save or on-edit linting.
- Install jshint.
- Install jshint.vim.
- Install Package Control
- Restart Sublime
- Type
- Type Install Package
- Type JSHint Gutter
- Sublime -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> JSHint Gutter
- Set