diff --git a/packages/app/README.md b/packages/app/README.md
index 6fdfa2612..bc3fb583d 100644
--- a/packages/app/README.md
+++ b/packages/app/README.md
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Data provider for [H5Grove](https://github.com/silx-kit/h5grove).
@@ -201,12 +201,15 @@ The base URL of the H5Grove server.
The path and/or name of the file to display in the UI.
-#### `axiosParams?: Record` (optional)
+#### `axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig` (optional)
-By default, `H5GroveProvider` does not make any assumption as to which query
-parameters to send to the server. If you use one of H5Grove's default API
-implementations, then you'll need to use this prop to pass the `file` query
-parameter as shown above.
+By default, `H5GroveProvider` does not make any assumption as to how to
+configure its internal [axios](https://axios-http.com/docs/req_config) client.
+If you use one of H5Grove's default API implementations, then you'll need to use
+this prop to pass the `file` query parameter as shown above.
+If your API server requires authentication or is on a different domain, you'll
+need to pass the necessary request headers and configuration as well.
#### `getExportURL?: (...args) => URL | (() => Promise) | undefined` (optional)