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Releases: simpeg/discretize


08 Jan 00:44
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New mesh property: h_gridded

This function works for TensorMesh and TreeMesh types. Much like gridCC, h_gridded returns [hx,hy,hz] as a nCxdim numpy array. This function is important for multiple potential fields problems (Mag, VRM, grav) in 3D.

dependency management

07 Dec 19:57
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Changes from #80

  • properties >=0.3.6b0 is required for running this version of discretize
  • properties and vectormath are installed separately so versions can be managed explicitly

properties and serialization

05 Dec 18:05
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Implement properties in discretize

Use properties to define the properties of a class that are necessary to completely define the object. This allows us to serialize, save and load meshes (also copy!)

untitled 2017-09-19 10-41-46

Related issues and discussion

implement properties in discretize

19 Sep 08:48
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Implement properties in discretize

Use properties to define the properties of a class that are necessary to completely define the object. This allows us to serialize, save and load meshes (also copy!)

untitled 2017-09-19 10-41-46

Related issues and discussion

Extract Core Mesh Util

06 Jul 15:29
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originally from pr #67, with commits from @thast, @lheagy, review from @rowanc1

  • port over fixes that were made in SimPEG extract core mesh
  • add testing on the 1D and 2D extract core mesh util

cleanup imports

22 Jun 04:58
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Clean up Tree Mesh imports

Try / except the import of TreeMesh in Tests. This should remove all dependence that the cython code be properly set up in order to import discretize (continues to be an issue on windows...)

numpy upgrades, IO for UBC meshes

13 Jun 02:07
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IO: UBC meshes

contributions from: @thast, @micmitch, review from @lheagy
from pr #54

  • discretize.TensorMesh.readUBC is now a wrapper for loading either 2D or 3D mesh
  • discretize.TensorMesh.readUBC can take care of recognizing if the file is a 2D or 3D UBC mesh, or it can be an input given by the user (arg: meshdim)
  • the original functions are now hidden class function under discretize.TensorMesh._readUBC_3DMesh and discretize.TensorMesh._readUBC_2DMesh
  • comments in UBC files are assumed to be marked with "!" in front

utils.Zero: Numpy upgrades

contributions from: @lheagy, review and comments from @rowanc1, @jcapriot
from pr #61

Install Cleanup

18 May 06:38
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Noteworthy Changes

  • use a try / except pair when importing the TreeMesh in the main init
  • have efficiency warnings state that the user should use python install if cython code is not there in the interp utils
  • use a try / except in the when importing numpy to tell the user to install numpy if it fails.

Minor Changes

  • add codacy, quantified code badges to docs
  • pinning to sphinx==1.5.6 for sphinx gallery to build. This is stated in #57 and will be released when upstream changes are made

MeshIO, PyPi deploy, Cache averaging operators

30 Apr 01:13
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Minor Updates

  • bug fix in MeshIO for UBC mesh (and associated test)
  • deploy to pypi from appveyor, travis on tag
  • cache the averaging operator


Interpolation improvements

27 Feb 21:55
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Interpolation Improvements

implementing the bisection algorithm without the GIL. Gets rid of a lot of python overhead for speed-ups. If using Cython, might as well use it to get down to C-like code.

All of the for loops are executed without any calls to the python interpreter, and the bisection algorithm is equivalent to the np.searchsorted without the python overhead. Also, since we know how big the inds and vals array will be, might as well pre-allocate them.

At least 2x-3x speed on decent sized arrays.

Should address #23


  • bug fix to ensure we are using ints as indices and to create numpy arrays


  • Zero and Identity have a transpose