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dc22161 · May 27, 2020


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198 lines (153 loc) · 6.46 KB


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Anemometer is a tool for running SQL queries and pushing results as metrics to Datadog

Why "Anemometer"

An anemometer is a device used for measuring wind speed and direction.

This project was originally created to help us monitor some tables in Airflow, but was later updated so it could work generically with any database.

Supported Databases

We currently support the following databases:

  • Postgres
  • Vertica

Adding support for another database

Support for any of the databases listed here can be added fairly easily!


The latest version of Anemometer can be found on the Releases tab.

Example Configuration:

    - environment:production
  - name: airflow-dag-disabled
      type: postgres
      uri: postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database?sslmode=disable
    sleep_duration: 300
    metric: airflow.dag.disabled
    sql: >
      SELECT  dag_id AS dag_id,
              CASE WHEN is_paused AND NOT is_subdag THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS metric
      FROM    dag
  - name: airflow-task-queued-seconds
      type: postgres
      uri: postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database?sslmode=disable
    sleep_duration: 300
    metric: airflow.task.queued_seconds
    sql: >
      SELECT dag_id AS dag_id,
             task_id AS task_id,
             EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (current_timestamp - queued_dttm)) AS metric
      FROM   task_instance
      WHERE  state = 'queued'


This is where you tell Anemometer where to send StatsD metrics

  • address - The address:port on which StatsD is listening (usually
  • tags - Default tags to send with every metric, optional


This is where you tell Anemometer about the monitor(s) configuration

  • name - The name of this monitor, mainly used in logging
  • database.type - The type of database connection to be used (postgres and vertica are currently supported)
  • database.uri - The URI connection string used to connect to the database (usually follows protocol://username:password@hostname:port/database)
  • sleep_duration - How long to wait between pushes to StatsD (in seconds)
  • metric - The name of the metric to be sent to StatsD
  • sql - The SQL query to execute when populating the metric's values/tags (see SQL Query Structure)

SQL Query Structure

Anemometer makes the following assumptions about the results of your query:

  • Exactly one column will be named metric, and the value is convertable to float64 (no strings)
  • All other columns will be aggregated into tags and sent to StatsD
  • The tags will take the form of column_name:value

Query Example

Single row result

To monitor the number of records in your user's table you might do something like this:

SELECT 'production' AS environment,
       'users' AS table_name,
       COUNT(0) AS metric
FROM   users

Resulting in the following:

 environment | table_name | metric
 production  | users      |     99

Assuming we named our metric table.records, this would result in the following data being sent to StatsD: table.records:99|g|#environment:production,table_name:users

Multiple row result

To monitor the number of queries each user is running in your database you might do something like this:

SELECT   'production' AS environment,
         usename AS user_name,
         COUNT(0) AS metric
FROM     pg_stat_activity
WHERE    query != '<IDLE>'
GROUP BY usename

Resulting in the following:

 environment | user_name | metric
 production  | cjonesy   |    160
 production  | postgres  |      6

Assuming we named our metric database.queries, this would result in the following data being sent to StatsD: database.queries:160|g|#environment:production,user_name:cjonesy database.queries:6|g|#environment:production,user_name:postgres

Notice that one metric is sent for each row in the query.


Basic Usage

Anemometer (A SQL -> StatsD metrics generator)

  anemometer [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  start       Start the Anemometer agent
  version     Print the version number

  -h, --help   help for anemometer

Use "anemometer [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To start the agent:

anemometer start -c /path/to/your/config.yml


Testing locally

If you want to test this out locally you can run the following to start Anemometer:

anemometer start -c /path/to/config.yml

You can see the metrics that would be sent by watching the statsd port on localhost:

nc -u -l 8125


make build

Running Tests

To run all the standard tests:

make test


This project is using goreleaser. GitHub release creation is automated using Travis CI. New releases are automatically created when new tags are pushed to the repo.

$ TAG=0.1.0 make tag

How to contribute

This project has some clear Contribution Guidelines and expectations that you can read here (CONTRIBUTING).

The contribution guidelines outline the process that you'll need to follow to get a patch merged.

And you don't just have to write code. You can help out by writing documentation, tests, or even by giving feedback about this work.

Thank you for contributing!