Releases: slackapi/java-slack-sdk
Releases · slackapi/java-slack-sdk
version 1.0.11
version 1.0.10
- [slack-api-model] #477 #478 Add default_to_current_conversation in (multi_)conversations_select - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #487 Add admin.conversations.whitelist.* API - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #486 Move UsersLookupByEmailResponse to the right package (source code compatible) - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #480 Fix potential false detection of subtypes in RTMClient - Thanks @gaspardpetit
version 1.0.9
- [slack-api-client] #487 Add admin.conversations.whitelist.* API - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #486 Move UsersLookupByEmailResponse to the right package (source code compatible) - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #480 Fix potential false detection of subtypes in RTMClient - Thanks @gaspardpetit
version 1.0.8
- [slack-api-model] Add missing fields in objects ( in blocks, user.is_invited_user: boolean, message.hidden, Slack post related fields in file objects) - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client etc] #466 #462 Calls API support - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #475 #474 Make redirect_uri for oauth.access / oauth.v2.access optional - thanks @natevaughan @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #476 Bump dependencies (okhttp, micronaut, tyrus-standalone-client) - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #459 Adding ping message and pong event to RTM client - thanks @gaspardpetit
- [slack-api-client] #451 Add support and check for the event subtypes in RTM client - thanks @gaspardpetit
- [bolt] #455 Improve OAuth flow module to consider the cases where team is missing in oauth.v2.access responses - thanks @seratch
- [bolt] #476 Bump dependencies (aws-java-sdk-s3) - thanks @seratch
version 1.0.7
- [slack-api-client] #444 okhttp 4.4 -> 4.6 uprgrade (as it's highly recommended) - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-model] #441 #442 Fix Block Elements' object equality issues - thanks @eamelink
- [slack-api-client] #445 #448 Add admin.usergroups.* API supports - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-model] #440 Add external data source supports for dialogs - thanks @favalos
- [slack-api-model] #437 Update composition.OptionObject to have mrkdwn - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-model] Add teams[].team_url to admin.teams.list response - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-model] #449 Add attachement.author_id - thanks @seratch
- [slack-app-backend] #446 Add channel_count to subteam_created / subteam_updated events - thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client etc] #444 #450 bump patch versions of AWS SDK, Micronaut, Jetty - thanks @seratch
All the changes in this release are: v1.0.6...v1.0.7
version 1.0.6
- [bolt] Add
header sent byContext#ack()
method - thanks @Jian-Min-Huang - [docs] Revise some navigation and organization in the website - thanks @shaydewael @seratch
- [slack-api-model] Add
API method response - thanks @seratch
version 1.0.5
- [bolt-micronaut] Fix request body issue in SlackAppMicronautAdapter #425 #426 - thanks @mfuntowicz @seratch
version 1.0.4
version 1.0.3
version 1.0.2
- [slack-api-client] Fix #409 Group from SCIM is not according to the actual response - Thanks @MMotta-zAgile
- [slack-api-model] Fix #410 Hint for a Modal Surface's Input block - Thanks @TarasPavliuchyn
- [slack-api-client] Bump okhttp patch version from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 square/okhttp@parent-4.4.0...parent-4.4.1 - Thanks @seratch