Pulumi scripts to manage SlateDB committer access to:
- Github
- Discord
- Crates.io
Users must still be manually added to SlateDB's Pulumi cloud organization. The Pulumi state is stored in Pulumi Cloud. The state is stored in the slatedb
organization. The state is stored in the slatedb-pulumi/prod
The following environment variables must be set:
A Pulumi Cloud access token is used to authenticate with Pulumi Cloud. The Pulumi access token can be created in the organization access tokens page.
Can be created from https://crates.io/settings/tokens.
Can be created from https://discord.com/developers. The Github actions in this repository use @criccomini's Discord bot. If you ever need to create your own Discord bot, you can do so by following these instructions:
- Create a Discord bot. (follow these inscrutions)
- Add the discord bot to SlateDB with the appropriate permissions. (follow these instructions)
Can be created from https://github.com/settings/tokens?type=beta.
The Github actions in this repository use @criccomini's personal access token to grant users access to the slatedb
Github organization. (Github does not allow the use of Github tokens in Github actions to grant users access to an organization.)
Pulumi has graciously provided SlateDB with free usage of their Pulumi Team Edition product.