Read the documentation here
Slim.js is a lightning fast library for development of native web-components and custom-elements based modern applications. No black magic involved. It uses es6+DOM native API and boosts up HTML elements with superpowers.
No! It's a slim code layer that adds superpowers to HTML elements, using the browser native capabilities. But... wait! there's more:
- It has data binding
- It can be extended
- It feels like a framework (but in a good way)
- It's 5475 Bytes! (gzipped) Yep!
- Single file, good to go.
- No tools required, everything is based on native browser API. Choose your own tools.
- es6
- web-components V2
- no transpiling or compilation required
- add Slim.js to your project and your'e good to go
The documentation site is built with Slim.js. Check out the source code, it's easy.