The Space ROS Space Robots Demo docker image uses the moveit2 docker image (openrobotics/moveit2:latest) as its base image. Build instructions for that image can be found in this README. The Dockerfile installs all of the prerequisite system dependencies along with the demos source code, then builds the Space ROS Space Robots Demo.
This is for Curiosity Mars rover and Canadarm demos.
The demo image builds on top of the spaceros
and moveit2
To build the docker image, first ensure the spaceros
base image is available either by building it locally or pulling it.
Then build the moveit2
and the space_robots
demo images:
cd ../moveit2
cd ../space_robots
run the following to allow GUI passthrough:
xhost +local:docker
Then run:
Depending on the host computer, you might need to remove the --gpus all
flag in
, which uses your GPUs.
Launch the demo:
ros2 launch mars_rover
On the top left corner, click on the refresh button to show camera feed.
Open a new terminal and attach to the currently running container:
docker exec -it <container-name> bash
Make sure packages are sourced:
source ~/spaceros/install/setup.bash
source ~/demos_ws/install/setup.bash
Drive the rover forward
ros2 service call /move_forward std_srvs/srv/Empty
Stop the rover
ros2 service call /move_stop std_srvs/srv/Empty
Turn left
ros2 service call /turn_left std_srvs/srv/Empty
Turn right
ros2 service call /turn_right std_srvs/srv/Empty
Open the tool arm:
ros2 service call /open_arm std_srvs/srv/Empty
Close the tool arm:
ros2 service call /close_arm std_srvs/srv/Empty
Open the mast (camera arm)
ros2 service call /mast_open std_srvs/srv/Empty
Close the mast (camera arm)
ros2 service call /mast_close std_srvs/srv/Empty
Step.1 Initial settingsi
Check the config.json for input your API-Key and the LLM model you want to
Step.2 After run the launch demo command, run the code
("openai" of python module is verified in the version 1.44.0)
Step.3 Automatically saving the generated code by LLM
ros2 launch canadarm