- Updated OpenTelemetry dependent libraries to the latest versions (removed security vulnerability)
- ExceptionHandlingStrategy default value is changed to Throw (before Catch).
- Code is cleaned up. Outdated classes are removed. Affected classes are - SoccerEvent, SoccerStatistics, SoccerStatus.
- Asian proxy environments are no longer supported therefore they are removed from enum SdkEnvironment.
- Removed interfaces ICustomBetSelectionBuilderV1, ICalculationFilterV1, ICalculationV1, ISelectionV1, and IMatchStatusV1. Properties from these interfaces have been consolidated into ICustomBetSelectionBuilder, ICalculationFilter, ICalculation, ISelection, and IMatchStatus respectively.
- ExportableCompetitor.IsVirtual is null if the competitor's virtual flag was not retrieved initially.
- Removed configuration option for settings AdjustAfterAge for producer recoveries (now always true)
- Updated all dependencies to the latest versions (check migration guide)
- Renamed IAvailableSelections.Event to EventId
- Renamed IAvailableSelectionsFilter.Event to EventId
- ICompetitor.IsVirtual can be null if the actual value is not retrieved
- Added dependency on OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Runtime
- Added dependency on OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol
- IUofUsageConfiguration exposed as IUofConfiguration.Usage for properties configuring usage export (metrics)
- IUofConfiguration.Usage.IsExportEnabled (default: enabled)
- Added IConfigurationBuilder.EnableUsageExport(bool enable) method
- Updated Sdk dependencies
- Check associated migration guide for more details
- SportDataProvider.GetListOfSportEventsAsync issues the call to the right endpoint and properly returns data
- Improved how api requests are made (utilizing IHttpClientFactory)
- CustomBet ICalculation and ICalculationFilter extended with new property Harmonization (extended with ICalculationV1 and ICalculationFilterV1)
- CustomBet ISelection extended with new property Odds (extended with ISelectionV1)
- CustomBetSelectionBuilder extended with new method SetOdds (extended with ICustomBetSelectionBuilderV1)
- Fix: calling SportDataProvider.GetFixtureChangesAsync without additional filter
- Fix: calling SportDataProvider.GetResultChangesAsync without additional filter
- A player can now have different jersey numbers assigned for different teams (new interface ICompetitorPlayer)
- Added support for + or - operation in market and outcome name template (e.g. market 739, 725)
- Changed registering of ICustomBetManager to singleton
- Fix: Information whether competitor is virtual or not can reliably be fetched on all applicable sport events
- Enabled accessing match statistics on MatchStatus received via IMatch.GetStatus object (beside Soccer also supports Kabaddi statistics)
- Improved memory management and disposal of resources when UofSdk is closed
- Improved variant market handling when API call is not received or has some faulty data (i.e. missing outcome name)
- Fix: custom configuration now respect Ssl setting to rewrite api_url if needed
- Fix: directly build custom configuration from app.config settings
- Fix: default debug level to Debug in example project
- Fix for user apps when they use RabbitMq.Client library v6.6.0
- New major release
- Added support for ICompetitor.Division (moved and replaced from ITeamCompetitor)
- Extended IJersey with SquareColor and HorizontalStripesColor
- Added support for IVenue.Courses (returns list of ICourse instead of list of IHole)
- TargetFramework changed from netstandard2.1 to netstandard2.0
- Removed all default method implementations on interfaces
- Removed obsolete property or methods:
- IOutcomeSettlement.Result
- IOddsFeedConfigurationSection.UseIntegrationEnvironment
- IRound.GroupName
- IRound.GetGroupName()
- Root classes renamed
- IOddsFeed to IUofSdk
- Feed to UofSdk
- ReplayFeed to UofSdkForReplay
- IOddsFeedExt to IUofSdkExtended
- FeedExt to UofSdkExtended
- IOddsFeedConfigurationSection to IUofConfigurationSection
- OddsFeedConfigurationSection to UofConfigurationSection
- IOddsFeedConfiguration to IUofConfiguration
- Introduced IUofAdditionalConfiguration
- Removed OperationManager (properties moved to IUofConfiguration)
- IEnvironmentSelector - removed SelectIntegration() and SelectProduction() - use SelectEnvironment(SdkEnvironment ufEnvironment)
- Renamed Feed.CreateBuilder() to UofSdk.GetSessionBuilder()
- App.config section moved to Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Api.Internal.Config.UofConfigurationSection
- UofConfigurationSection property supportedLanguages renamed to desiredLanguages
- Renamed IRound.Name to Names
- Renamed IRound.PhaseOrGroupLongName to PhaseOrGroupLongNames
- IProducerManager method Get() renamed to GetProducer()
- Renamed suffix DTO to Dto (internal)
- Removed CI suffix in Exportable classes (internal)
- Renamed suffix CI to CacheItem (internal)
- Enum values in MessageType changed to CamelCase
- Enum values in ExceptionHandlingStrategy changed to CamelCase
- Enum values in CashoutStatus changed to CamelCase
- Enum values in FixtureChangeType changed to CamelCase
- Enum values in MarketStatus changed to CamelCase
- Enum values in OddsChangeReason changed to CamelCase
- Enum values in PropertyUsage changed to CamelCase
- Enum values in ResourceTypeGroup changed to CamelCase
- Dependent library changes:
- Removed Newtonsoft.Json
- Humanizer 2.8.26 -> 2.14.1
- RabbitMQ.Client 5.1.2 -> 6.5.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 3.1.0 -> 7.0.0
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager 4.7.0 -> 7.0.0 - Should be changed with Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 7.0.0,
- Removed System.Runtime.Caching 4.7.0 replaced with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
- App.Metrics replaced with OpenTelemetry 1.6.0
- Unity replaced with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 7.0.0
- Introduced Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks 7.0.11
- Introduced Microsoft.Extensions.Http 7.0.0
- Removed Castle.Core
- Tests projects upgraded to NET 6.0
- Tests projects depended libraries upgraded to latest versions
- Inconsistent naming
- IOddsFeedConfigurationSection.UseSSL -> UseSsl
- IOddsFeedConfigurationSection.UseApiSSL -> UseApiSsl
- ReplayPlayerStatus.Setting_up - SettingUp
- IFixture.StartTimeTBD -> StartTimeTbd
- ExportableFixture.StartTimeTBD -> StartTimeTbd
- EventStatus.Not_Started -> NotStarted
- FeedMessage.EventURN -> EventUrn
- URN -> Urn
- Changed namespace
- API namespace renamed to Api
- REST namespace renamed to Rest
- replay interfaces to Api.Replay
- feed managers to Api.Managers
- feed providers to Api.Managers
- enum types moved to Common.Enums
- IOddsFeedConfigurationSection moved to Api.Internal.Config
- configuration interfaces moved to Api.Config
- MessageInterest class moved to Api.Config
<section name="oddsFeedSection" type="Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.API.Internal.OddsFeedConfigurationSection, Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK" />
<section name="uofSdkSection" type="Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK.Api.Internal.Config.UofConfigurationSection, Sportradar.OddsFeed.SDK" />
- Added support for StageType.SprintRace
- Introduced OperationManager.MaxConnectionsPerServer property (in DI HttpClientHandler is created with setting MaxConnectionsPerServer)
- Fixed lock issue when calling SportDataProvider.GetActiveTournamentsAsync repeatedly
- Improved performance for market/outcome name generation
- CustomBetManager respects configured ExceptionHandlingStrategy
- BookingManager respects configured ExceptionHandlingStrategy
- Fixed WNS API endpoints (removed /sports/ from url)
- Optimized daily cache population of available sport and category data (does not delete any previous ones anymore)
- Optimized execution of some internal async methods
- Improved speed on API requests with high concurrency
- IProducer extended with Scope property
- Added support for group urn type
- Changing API host for replay to non-global
- Optimizing number of competitor or player profile api calls
- Improvement so less chance the competition event returns null category
- Improvement so less chance the competition event returns null tournament
- Improved recovery retry on missing messages
- Fix ignore fixture_change_fixture endpoint for virtual producers
- Fix for competitor reference print
- Fix configuration apiHost for replay environment
- Fix merging of new sport and category which is not included in All tournaments for all sports endpoint
- Enabled BookingStatus for stages fetches fixture
- Fix for variant market descriptions (to ignore default static market description - effects playerprops markets)
- Fix for fetching missing summary only if required (effects ILongTermEvent entities)
- CustomBet - added support for calculate-filter endpoint
- Improved API data distribution to SportEventCache
- Setup that each API endpoint on critical path has its own HttpClient
- Fix: recovery request url when configuring custom environment
- Improvements for saving api data within caches (single item and for list of items)
- Changed the timestamp for periodic deletion of old event from cache (to now-12h)
- Improved logging format in LogHttpDataFetcher and SportDataProvider
- Improved logging for exceptions and warnings
- Added Age to FeedMessage string
- Added isOpen to OddsFeed
- Separate HttpClient for critical (summary, player profile, competitor profile and variant market description) and other requests
- Added configuration option for fast HttpClient in OperationManager (default timeout 5s)
- Extended ISportDataProvider with GetTimelineEventsAsync
- Improved merging of competitor profile
- Modified sliding expiration of profile cache items to avoid GC congestion
- Improved how SportDataProvider is handling exceptions
- Improved metrics and logging for raw data events
- Improved metrics with app and system metrics
- Added metrics for SemaphorePool
- Fixed exception handling in DataRouterManager
- Extended RawApiDataEventArgs with RequestParams, RequestTime and Language
- Other minor improvements for observability
- Added BetradarName to IRound
- Fix: ICompetition competitors did not expose IsVirtual correctly
- Added support for results in sportEventStatus received from api
- Added new log messages during recovery requests
- Improved how merging is done within Competitor
- Improved connection recovery after long disconnect
- Removed unnecessary locks in SportEventStatusCache
- Fix: connecting to replay server with production token
- Fix: some fields in raw feed message was not filled
- Fix: throws exception if match, stage or draw not found exception happens
- Improvements for connection resilience
- Added event RecoveryInitiated to IOddsFeed
- Added RabbitConnectionTimeout and RabbitHeartbeat to OperationManager
- Improved logging regarding connection and recovery process
- Changed default UF environment from Integration to GlobalIntegration
- Extended StageType with Run enum value
- Fix: how connection is made
- Fix: case when 2 rabbit connections are made
- Fix: getting the names of category for simple_tournaments
- Extended configuration with ufEnvironment attribute
- Extended ITokenSetter and IEnvironmentSelector
- New values added to SdkEnvironment enum (GlobalIntegration, GlobalProduction, ProxySingapore, ProxyTokyo)
- Improved exporting/importing and merging of player profile data
- Improved SemaphorePool handling
- Improvement: when fetching non-cached fixture change endpoint fails due to server error, try also normal fixture endpoint
- Improved tracking of last message timestamp per producer
- Fix: DI for SportEventStatusCache
- Fix: wrong max recovery time was used (now default is 1h)
- Fix: issue with concurrency when getting missing languages for competitor profile
- Fix: merging market mapping when no outcome mappings exists
- Fix: how after parameter is checked when adjustAfterAge in config is set
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
- IStage extended with getStatusAsync method providing IStageStatus and method for getting match status
- Added Prologue value to StageType enum
- Added improvement for connection recovery when disconnection happens
- Fix: implemented safe release of all internal SemaphoreSlims
- Fix: added handling of variant market description when different market id between requesting and received id
- Fix: problem within SemaphorePool not acquiring new semaphore - waiting indefinitely
- Fix: setting configuration via CustomConfigurationBuilder
- Fix: exception with modified competitor players list
- Added OperationManager to provide option to set sdk values
- Added option to ignore sport event status from timeline endpoint for BetPal events
- Added pitcher, batter, pitch_count, pitches_seen, total_hits, total_pitches to SportEventStatus.Properties
- PeriodScore - match status code 120 mapped to penalties
- Improved importing, exporting competitors
- Improved getting competitor players
- Fix: throwing exception when no market description received from API for variant markets
- Extended IMatch with GetEventTimeline for single culture
- IOutcomeProbabilities extended with property AdditionalProbabilities
- IMarketWithProbabilities extended with MarketMetaData
- Extended ITournament with GetScheduleAsync
- Fix: Issue retrieving child stages from parent using GetStagesAsync() method
- Fix: corrected which market description is returned for variant markets
- Improvement: optimized fetching of player/competitor profiles
- Added ISportDataProvider.GetPeriodStatusesAsync to fetch period summary for stages
- Extended ICompetitionStatus with PeriodOfLadder
- Added support for SportEventStatus PeriodOfLeader - added to Properties
- Improved handling of outright market mappings (before for some markets there were no mappings returned)
- Improved merging of Competitor data
- Fix: IMarketWithOdds.GetValidMappings() returns incorrect results
- Fix: parsing TeamStatistics for SportEventStatus
- Added IEventChangeManager to IOddsFeed for periodical fixture and result change updates
- Changed type of property ITimelineEvent.Player from IPlayer to IEventPlayer (breaking change)
- Added IEventPlayer.Bench property in ITimelineEvent.Player property
- Added IGoalScorer.Method in ITimelineEvent.GoalScorer property
- Added property ICompetitor.ShortName
- Added property IProductInfo.IsInLiveMatchTracker
- Improved how internal cache sport event items handle competitor lists
- Changed ExportableCurrentSeasonInfoCI, ExportableGroupCI, ExportableTournamentInfoCI to return Competitors ids as list of string instead of ExportableCompetitorCI
- Improved caching of competitors data on tournaments, seasons
- Reverted populating Round Name, GroupName and PhaseOrGroupLongName to exactly what is received from API
- Updated FixtureChangeType - also if not specified in fixtureChange message returns FixtureChangeType.NA
- Added period_of_leader to the SportEventStatus.Properties
- Added StartTime, EndTime and AamsId to the IMarketMetaData
- Improved connection handling when disconnected
- Improved merging tournament groups (when no group name or id)
- Added some logs for errors when using unaccepted token
- Fix: WNS event ids can have negative value
- Fix: merging tournament groups
- Fix: TeamStatistics returned 0 when actually null
- Fix: EventResult Home and Away Score could be returned as 0, when actually null
- Fix: exporting/importing season data
- Fix: resolution of dependencies - removed some Guard check
- Added ISportDataProvider.GetLotteriesAsync
- Improved translation of market names (upgraded referenced library Humanizer to 2.8.26 and Dawn.Guard to 1.12.0)
- Added support for eSoccer - returns SoccerEvent instead of Match
- Added support for simple_team urn
- Adding removal of obsolete tournament groups
- Improved internal sdk processing. API calls for markets done only per user request. Optimized feed message validation.
- Fix: for a case when sdk does not auto recover after disconnect
- Extended ILottery with GetDraws to return list of IDraw (not just ids)
- Extended ISportDataProvider with GetSportEvent so also IDraw can be obtained
- Fix: getting fixture from API when result is tournamentInfo
- Fix: added removal of obsolete EventTimeline events
- Fix: not getting tournament data for stages
- Fix: getting ScheduleForDay endpoint when no events throw exception
- Fix: missing totalStatistics in SoccerStatus.Statistics
- Fix: soccer events not instance of ISoccerEvent
- Fix: getting null fetching sport and parent stage info for stages
- Added new stage types in StageType enum (Practice, Qualifying, QualifyingPart, Lap)
- Added CashoutStatus to IMarketWithProbabilitiesV1
- Fix: loading sportEventType and stageType from parent stage if available
- Fix: IMarketWithOdds.GetMappedMarketIDsAsync() returns multiple mappings
- Fix: exception casting TournamentInfoCI to StageCI
- IRound - GroupName renamed to Group, added GroupName property (breaking change)
- IStage - added GetAdditionalParentStages, GetStageType (breaking change - result changed from SportEventType to StageType)
- IEventResult extended with Distance and CompetitorResults
- ICompetition extended with GetLiveOdds and GetSportEventType property
- Added Course to the IVenue
- Added Coverage to IMatch
- Improvements in recovery manager
- Added support for markets with outcome_type=competitors
- Make replay manager available before the feed is open
- Improved connection error handling and reporting
- Fix: exception thrown when there are no fixture changes
- Fix: soccer events not instance of ISoccerEvent
- Fix: entities null even though data is present on the API
- Fix: event status enumeration
- Extended SeasonInfo with startDate, endDate, year and tournamentId
- Fix: special case when recovery status does not reflect actual state - results in wrong triggering ProducerUp-Down event
- Fix: URN.TryParse could throw unhandled exception
- Fix: several issues with CustomBet(Manager) fixed
- Fix: Export-Import breaks on missing data
- Fix: Lottery throws exception when no schedule is obtained from api
- Fix: missing nodeId in snapshot_complete routing key
- Fix: SportDataProvider.GetActiveTournaments returned null
- Fix: SportEventCache: improved locking mechanism on period fetching of schedule for a date
- Fix: reloading market description in case variant descriptions are not available
- Improved logging of initial message processing
- Added GetSportAsync() and GetCategoryAsync() to ICompetitor interface
- Throttling recovery requests
- Fix: support Replay routing keys without node id
- Fix: calling Replay fixture endpoint with node id
- Added support for configuring HTTP timeout
- Added overloaded methods for fixture and result changes with filters
- Updated supported languages
- Removed logging of feed message for disabled producers
- Exposed RawMessage on UnparsableMessageEventArgs
- Changed retention policy for variant market cache
- Improved reporting of invalid message interest combinations
- Fix: Synchronized Producer Up/Down event dispatching
- Fix: Disposing of Feed instance
- Fix: Permanent failure to open connection to feed
- Added FullName, Nickname and CountryCode to IPlayerProfile
- Added support for result changes endpoint
- IMatchStatus provide nullable Home and Away score (extended with IMatchStatusV1)
- Fix: MaxRecoveryTime is properly used to check for timeouts
- Added GetScheduleAsync to the BasicTournament
- Added bookmakerId to the ClientProperties
- Fix: fixture endpoint on Replay
- Fix: refreshing categories after complete sport data cache reload
- Changed Replay API URL
- Fix: invalid timestamp for cashout probabilities
- Fix: handle settlement markets without outcomes
- Fix: EventRecoveryCompleted is properly raised when snapshot completes
- Fix: added IOutcomeSettlement.OutcomeResult instead of IOutcomeSettlement.Result (obsolete)
- Fix: competitor references for seasons
- Fix: failing API requests on some configurations
- Added State to the Competitor
- Added State to the Venue
- Extended ISportInfoProvider.DeleteSportEventFromCache with option to delete sport event status
- Improved logging for connection errors
- Improved fetching fixtures for Replay environment
- Fix: calling variant endpoint only if user requests market data
- Fix: NullPointerException in ReplayManager
- Fix: DI error for FeedRecoveryManager
- Added new Replay API endpoints
- Updated DemoProject to use ILoggerFactory
- Added metrics to SpecificEntityWriter in DemoProject
- Fix: fetching outcome mappings for special markets that exists only on dynamic variant endpoint
- Port of UF SDK to .NET Standard 2.1
- Replaced Metrics.NET with App.Metrics
- Replaced Code.Contracts with Dawn.Guard conditions
- Replaced Common.Logging with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
- Upgraded RabbitMQ.Client to v5.1.2
- Upgraded Newtonsoft.Json to v12.0.3
- Upgraded Unity to 5.11.3
- Removed obsolete methods and properties
- Merged V1, V2, ... extended interfaces into base one