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Releases: sqlalchemy/alembic


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: September 12, 2016

  • [autogenerate] The imports in the default are now at the top
    so that flake8 editors don't complain by default. PR courtesy
    Guilherme Mansur.

  • [feature] [operations] [postgresql] Added support for the USING clause to the ALTER COLUMN operation
    for Postgresql. Support is via the
    parameter. Pull request courtesy Frazer McLean.

    References: #292

  • [autogenerate] [feature] Autogenerate with type comparison enabled will pick up on the timezone
    setting changing between DateTime types. Pull request courtesy
    David Szotten.


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: July 26, 2016

  • [bug] [versioning] Fixed bug where upgrading to the head of a branch which is already
    present would fail, only if that head were also the dependency
    of a different branch that is also upgraded, as the revision system
    would see this as trying to go in the wrong direction. The check
    here has been refined to distinguish between same-branch revisions
    out of order vs. movement along sibling branches.

    References: #336

  • [bug] [versioning] Adjusted the version traversal on downgrade
    such that we can downgrade to a version that is a dependency for
    a version in a different branch, without needing to remove that
    dependent version as well. Previously, the target version would be
    seen as a "merge point" for it's normal up-revision as well as the
    dependency. This integrates with the changes for #377
    and #378 to improve treatment of branches with dependencies

    References: #379

  • [bug] [versioning] Fixed bug where a downgrade to a version that is also a dependency
    to a different branch would fail, as the system attempted to treat
    this as an "unmerge" of a merge point, when in fact it doesn't have
    the other side of the merge point available for update.

    References: #377

  • [bug] [versioning] Fixed bug where the "alembic current" command wouldn't show a revision
    as a current head if it were also a dependency of a version in a
    different branch that's also applied. Extra logic is added to
    extract "implied" versions of different branches from the top-level
    versions listed in the alembic_version table.

    References: #378

  • [bug] [versioning] Fixed bug where a repr() or str() of a Script object would fail
    if the script had multiple dependencies.

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed bug in autogen where if the DB connection sends the default
    schema as "None", this "None" would be removed from the list of
    schemas to check if include_schemas were set. This could possibly
    impact using include_schemas with SQLite.

  • [batch] [bug] Small adjustment made to the batch handling for reflected CHECK
    constraints to accommodate for SQLAlchemy 1.1 now reflecting these.
    Batch mode still does not support CHECK constraints from the reflected
    table as these can't be easily differentiated from the ones created
    by types such as Boolean.


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: April 14, 2016

  • [bug] [commands] Errors which occur within the Mako render step are now intercepted
    and raised as CommandErrors like other failure cases; the Mako
    exception itself is written using template-line formatting to
    a temporary file which is named in the exception message.

    References: #367

  • [bug] [postgresql] Added a fix to Postgresql server default comparison which first checks
    if the text of the default is identical to the original, before attempting
    to actually run the default. This accomodates for default-generation
    functions that generate a new value each time such as a uuid function.

    References: #365

  • [batch] [bug] Fixed bug introduced by the fix for #338 in version 0.8.4
    where a server default could no longer be dropped in batch mode.
    Pull request courtesy Martin Domke.

    References: #361

  • [batch] [bug] [mssql] Fixed bug where SQL Server arguments for drop_column() would not
    be propagated when running under a batch block. Pull request
    courtesy Michal Petrucha.


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: March 9, 2016

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed bug where the columns rendered in a PrimaryKeyConstraint
    in autogenerate would inappropriately render the "key" of the
    column, not the name. Pull request courtesy Jesse Dhillon.

    References: #335

  • [batch] [bug] Repaired batch migration support for "schema" types which generate
    constraints, in particular the Boolean datatype which generates
    a CHECK constraint. Previously, an alter column operation with this
    type would fail to correctly accommodate for the CHECK constraint
    on change both from and to this type. In the former case the operation
    would fail entirely, in the latter, the CHECK constraint would
    not get generated. Both of these issues are repaired.

    References: #354

  • [bug] [mysql] Changing a schema type such as Boolean to a non-schema type would
    emit a drop constraint operation which emits NotImplementedError for
    the MySQL dialect. This drop constraint operation is now skipped when
    the constraint originates from a schema type.

    References: #355


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: December 15, 2015

  • [feature] [versioning] A major improvement to the hash id generation function, which for some
    reason used an awkward arithmetic formula against uuid4() that produced
    values that tended to start with the digits 1-4. Replaced with a
    simple substring approach which provides an even distribution. Pull
    request courtesy Antti Haapala.

  • [autogenerate] [feature] Added an autogenerate renderer for the ExecuteSQLOp operation
    object; only renders if given a plain SQL string, otherwise raises
    NotImplementedError. Can be of help with custom autogenerate
    sequences that includes straight SQL execution. Pull request courtesy
    Jacob Magnusson.

  • [batch] [bug] Batch mode generates a FOREIGN KEY constraint that is self-referential
    using the ultimate table name, rather than _alembic_batch_temp.
    When the table is renamed from _alembic_batch_temp back to the
    original name, the FK now points to the right name. This
    will not work if referential integrity is being enforced (eg. SQLite
    "PRAGMA FOREIGN_KEYS=ON") since the original table is dropped and
    the new table then renamed to that name, however this is now consistent
    with how foreign key constraints on other tables already operate
    with batch mode; these don't support batch mode if referential integrity
    is enabled in any case.

    References: #345

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Added a type-level comparator that distinguishes Integer,
    BigInteger, and SmallInteger types and
    dialect-specific types; these all have "Integer" affinity so previously
    all compared as the same.

    References: #341

  • [batch] [bug] Fixed bug where the server_default parameter of alter_column()
    would not function correctly in batch mode.

    References: #338

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Adjusted the rendering for index expressions such that a Column
    object present in the source Index will not be rendered
    as table-qualified; e.g. the column name will be rendered alone.
    Table-qualified names here were failing on systems such as Postgresql.

    References: #337


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: October 16, 2015

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed an 0.8 regression whereby the "imports" dictionary member of
    the autogen context was removed; this collection is documented in the
    "render custom type" documentation as a place to add new imports.
    The member is now known as
    AutogenContext.imports and the documentation is repaired.

    References: #332

  • [batch] [bug] Fixed bug in batch mode where a table that had pre-existing indexes
    would create the same index on the new table with the same name,
    which on SQLite produces a naming conflict as index names are in a
    global namespace on that backend. Batch mode now defers the production
    of both existing and new indexes until after the entire table transfer
    operation is complete, which also means those indexes no longer take
    effect during the INSERT from SELECT section as well; the indexes
    are applied in a single step afterwards.

    References: #333

  • [bug] [tests] Added "pytest-xdist" as a tox dependency, so that the -n flag
    in the test command works if this is not already installed.
    Pull request courtesy Julien Danjou.

  • [autogenerate] [bug] [postgresql] Fixed issue in PG server default comparison where model-side defaults
    configured with Python unicode literals would leak the "u" character
    from a repr() into the SQL used for comparison, creating an invalid
    SQL expression, as the server-side comparison feature in PG currently
    repurposes the autogenerate Python rendering feature to get a quoted
    version of a plain string default.

    References: #324


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: August 25, 2015

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Added workaround in new foreign key option detection feature for
    MySQL's consideration of the "RESTRICT" option being the default,
    for which no value is reported from the database; the MySQL impl now
    corrects for when the model reports RESTRICT but the database reports
    nothing. A similar rule is in the default FK comparison to accommodate
    for the default "NO ACTION" setting being present in the model but not
    necessarily reported by the database, or vice versa.

    References: #321


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: August 22, 2015

  • [autogenerate] [feature] A custom EnvironmentContext.configure.process_revision_directives
    hook can now generate op directives within the UpgradeOps
    and DowngradeOps containers that will be generated as Python
    code even when the --autogenerate flag is False; provided that
    revision_environment=True, the full render operation will be run
    even in "offline" mode.

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Repaired the render operation for the ops.AlterColumnOp object
    to succeed when the "existing_type" field was not present.

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed a regression 0.8 whereby the "multidb" environment template
    failed to produce independent migration script segments for the
    output template. This was due to the reorganization of the script
    rendering system for 0.8. To accommodate this change, the
    MigrationScript structure will in the case of multiple
    calls to MigrationContext.run_migrations() produce lists
    for the MigrationScript.upgrade_ops and
    MigrationScript.downgrade_ops attributes; each UpgradeOps
    and DowngradeOps instance keeps track of its own
    upgrade_token and downgrade_token, and each are rendered

    References: #318

  • [autogenerate] [feature] Implemented support for autogenerate detection of changes in the
    ondelete, onupdate, initially and deferrable
    attributes of ForeignKeyConstraint objects on
    SQLAlchemy backends that support these on reflection
    (as of SQLAlchemy 1.0.8 currently Postgresql for all four,
    MySQL for ondelete and onupdate only). A constraint object
    that modifies these values will be reported as a "diff" and come out
    as a drop/create of the constraint with the modified values.
    The fields are ignored for backends which don't reflect these
    attributes (as of SQLA 1.0.8 this includes SQLite, Oracle, SQL Server,

    References: #317


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: August 12, 2015

  • [batch] [bug] Fixed bug in batch mode where the batch_op.create_foreign_key()
    directive would be incorrectly rendered with the source table and
    schema names in the argument list.

    References: #315

  • [commands] [feature] Added new command alembic edit. This command takes the same
    arguments as alembic show, however runs the target script
    file within $EDITOR. Makes use of the python-editor library
    in order to facilitate the handling of $EDITOR with reasonable
    default behaviors across platforms. Pull request courtesy
    Michel Albert.

  • [commands] [feature] Added new multiple-capable argument --depends-on to the
    alembic revision command, allowing depends_on to be
    established at the command line level rather than having to edit
    the file after the fact. depends_on identifiers may also be
    specified as branch names at the command line or directly within
    the migration file. The values may be specified as partial
    revision numbers from the command line which will be resolved to
    full revision numbers in the output file.

    References: #311

  • [change] [operations] A range of positional argument names have been changed to be
    clearer and more consistent across methods within the
    Operations namespace. The most prevalent form of name change
    is that the descriptive names constraint_name and table_name
    are now used where previously the name name would be used.
    This is in support of the newly modularized and extensible system of
    operation objects in alembic.operations.ops.
    An argument translation layer is in place
    across the alembic.op namespace that will ensure that named
    argument calling styles that use the old names will continue to
    function by transparently translating to the new names,
    also emitting a warning. This, along with the fact that these
    arguments are positional in any case and aren't normally
    passed with an explicit name, should ensure that the
    overwhelming majority of applications should be unaffected by this
    change. The only applications that are impacted are those that:

    -   use the `Operations` object directly in some way, rather
        than calling upon the `alembic.op` namespace, and
    -   invoke the methods on `Operations` using named keyword
        arguments for positional arguments like `table_name`,
        `constraint_name`, etc., which commonly were named `name`
        as of 0.7.6.
    -   any application that is using named keyword arguments in place
        of positional argument for the recently added
        `BatchOperations` object may also be affected.

    The naming changes are documented as "versionchanged" for 0.8.0:

    -   `BatchOperations.create_check_constraint()`
    -   `BatchOperations.create_foreign_key()`
    -   `BatchOperations.create_index()`
    -   `BatchOperations.create_unique_constraint()`
    -   `BatchOperations.drop_constraint()`
    -   `BatchOperations.drop_index()`
    -   `Operations.create_check_constraint()`
    -   `Operations.create_foreign_key()`
    -   `Operations.create_primary_key()`
    -   `Operations.create_index()`
    -   `Operations.create_table()`
    -   `Operations.create_unique_constraint()`
    -   `Operations.drop_constraint()`
    -   `Operations.drop_index()`
    -   `Operations.drop_table()`
  • [feature] [tests] The default test runner via "python test" is now py.test.
    nose still works via

  • [feature] [operations] The internal system for Alembic operations has been reworked to now
    build upon an extensible system of operation objects. New operations
    can be added to the op. namespace, including that they are
    available in custom autogenerate schemes.

    References: #302

  • [autogenerate] [feature] The internal system for autogenerate been reworked to build upon
    the extensible system of operation objects present in
    #302. As part of this change, autogenerate now produces
    a full object graph representing a list of migration scripts to
    be written as well as operation objects that will render all the
    Python code within them; a new hook
    allows end-user code to fully customize what autogenerate will do,
    including not just full manipulation of the Python steps to take
    but also what file or files will be written and where. Additionally,
    autogenerate is now extensible as far as database objects compared
    and rendered into scripts; any new operation directive can also be
    registered into a series of hooks that allow custom database/model
    comparison functions to run as well as to render new operation
    directives into autogenerate scripts.

    References: #301, #306

  • [bug] [versioning] Fixed bug where in the erroneous case that alembic_version contains
    duplicate revisions, some commands would fail to process the
    version history correctly and end up with a KeyError. The fix
    allows the versioning logic to proceed, however a clear error is
    emitted later when attempting to update the alembic_version table.

    References: #314


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: July 22, 2015

  • [bug] [versioning] Fixed critical issue where a complex series of branches/merges would
    bog down the iteration algorithm working over redundant nodes for
    millions of cycles. An internal adjustment has been
    made so that duplicate nodes are skipped within this iteration.

    References: #310

  • [batch] [feature] Implemented support for BatchOperations.create_primary_key()
    and BatchOperations.create_check_constraint(). Additionally,
    table keyword arguments are copied from the original reflected table,
    such as the "mysql_engine" keyword argument.

    References: #305

  • [bug] [environment] The MigrationContext.stamp() method, added as part of the
    versioning refactor in 0.7 as a more granular version of
    command.stamp(), now includes the "create the alembic_version
    table if not present" step in the same way as the command version,
    which was previously omitted.

    References: #300

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed bug where foreign key options including "onupdate",
    "ondelete" would not render within the op.create_foreign_key()
    directive, even though they render within a full
    ForeignKeyConstraint directive.

    References: #298

  • [bug] [tests] Repaired warnings that occur when running unit tests against
    SQLAlchemy 1.0.5 or greater involving the "legacy_schema_aliasing"