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@ucast/sql NPM version

This package is a part of ucast ecosystem. It provides an interpreter that can translates ucast conditions into SQL query.


npm i @ucast/sql
# or
yarn add @ucast/sql
# or
pnpm add @ucast/sql

Getting Started

Latest code is in alpha branch and in the latest npm install @ucast/sql@alpha

Interpret conditions AST

In order to interpret something, we need 2 things: interpreter and AST. It's really easy to create interpreter just pick operators you want to use or pass all of them:

import {
} from '@ucast/sql';

const interpret = createSqlInterpreter({ eq, lt, lte });
// or
const interpret = createSqlInterpreter(allInterpreters);

interpret is a function that takes up to 3 parameters:

  1. Condition, condition to interpret
  2. options, SQL dialect specific options that tells how to escape field, create placeholders and join related tables. @ucast/sql provides options for the most popular SQL dialects.
  3. targetQuery, optional, this is the parameter that @ucast/sql passes as the 2nd one to joinRelation function. This is useful when integrating with ORMs and their query builders.

For the sake of an example, we will create AST manually using Condition from @ucast/core:

import { CompoundCondition, FieldCondition } from '@ucast/core';

// x > 5 && y < 10
const condition = new CompoundCondition('and', [
  new FieldCondition('gt', 'x', 5),
  new FieldCondition('lt', 'y', 10),

Now, we can combine these 2 together to get SQL condition:

import { CompoundCondition, FieldCondition } from '@ucast/core';
import { createSqlInterpreter, allInterpreters, pg } from '@ucast/sql';

// x > 5 && y < 10
const condition = new CompoundCondition('and', [
  new FieldCondition('gt', 'x', 5),
  new FieldCondition('lt', 'y', 10),
const interpret = createSqlInterpreter(allInterpreters);

const [sql, replacements] = interpret(condition, {,
  joinRelation: () => false

console.log(sql) // ("x" > $1 and "y < $2)
console.log(replacements) // [5, 10]

Conditions on related table

Interpreter automatically detects fields with dot (.) inside and interprets them as fields of a relation. It's possible to automatically inner join table using options.joinRelation function. That function accepts 2 parameters: relation name and targetQuery (3rd argument of interpret function). For example:

const condition = new FieldCondition('eq', 'address.street', 'some street');
const relations = { address: '"address"."id" = "address_id"' };
const [sql, params, joins] = interpret(condition, {,
  joinRelation: relationName => relations.hasOwnProperty(relationName)

console.log(sql) // "address"."street" = $1
console.log(params) // ['some street']
console.log(joins) // ['address']

Custom interpreter

Sometimes you may want to add custom operator or restrict supported operators. To do this, just pass desired operators manually:

import { createSqlInterpreter, eq, lt, gt, pg } from '@ucast/sql';

const interpret = createSqlInterpreter({ eq, lt, gt });
const condition = new FieldCondition('eq', 'x', true);

interpret(condition, pg);

To add a custom operator, all you need to do is to create a function that applies Condition to instance of Query object. Let's create an operator, that adds condition on publishedAt field:

import { DocumentCondition } from '@ucast/core';
import {
} from '@ucast/sql';

const isActive: SqlOperator<DocumentCondition<boolean>> = (node, query) => {
  const operator = node.value ? '>=' : '<';
  return query.where('publishedAt', operator, new Date());
const interpret = createSqlInterpreter({
const condition = new DocumentCondition('isActive', true);
const [sql, params] = interpret(condition, pg);

console.log(sql) // "publishedAt" >= $1
console.log(params) // [new Date()]


This library provides sub-modules that allows quickly integrate SQL interpreter with popular ORMs:

import { interpret } from '@ucast/sql/sequelize';
import { CompoundCondition, FieldCondition } from '@ucast/core';
import { Model, Sequelize, DataTypes } from 'sequelize';

const sequelize = new Sequelize('sqlite::memory:');

class User extends Model {}

  name: { type: DataTypes.STRING },
  blocked: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN },
  lastLoggedIn: { type: DataTypes.DATETIME },

const condition = new CompoundCondition('and', [
  new FieldCondition('eq', 'blocked', false),
  new FieldCondition('lt', 'lastLoggedIn', - 24 * 3600 * 1000),

// {
//  include: [],
//  where: literal('(`blocked` = 0 and lastLoggedIn < 1597594415354)')
// }
const query = interpret(condition, User)
import { interpret } from '@ucast/sql/objection';
import { CompoundCondition, FieldCondition } from '@ucast/core';
import { Model } from 'objection';
import Knex from 'knex';

Model.knex(Knex({ client: 'pg' }));

class User extends Model {}

const condition = new CompoundCondition('and', [
  new FieldCondition('eq', 'blocked', false),
  new FieldCondition('lt', 'lastLoggedIn', - 24 * 3600 * 1000),

// the next code produces:
// User.query()
//   .where('blocked', false)
//   .where('lastLoggedIn', - 24 * 3600 * 1000)
const query = interpret(condition, User.query())
import { interpret } from '@ucast/sql/mikro-orm';
import { CompoundCondition, FieldCondition } from '@ucast/core';
import { MikroORM, Entity, PrimaryKey, Property } from 'mikro-orm';

class User {
  id!: number;

  blocked: boolean;

  name!: string;

  lastLoggedIn = new Date();

const condition = new CompoundCondition('and', [
  new FieldCondition('eq', 'blocked', false),
  new FieldCondition('lt', 'lastLoggedIn', - 24 * 3600 * 1000),

async function main() {
  const orm = await MikroORM.init({
    entities: [User],
    dbName: ':memory:',
    type: 'sqlite',

  // the next code produces:
  // orm.em.createQueryBuilder(User)
  //   .where('blocked = ?', [false])
  //   .andWhere('lastLoggedIn = ?', [ - 24 * 3600 * 1000])
  const qb = interpret(condition, orm.em.createQueryBuilder(User));

import { interpret } from '@ucast/sql/typeorm';
import { CompoundCondition, FieldCondition } from '@ucast/core';
import {
} from 'typeorm';

class User {
  id!: number;

  blocked: boolean;

  name!: string;

  lastLoggedIn = new Date();

const condition = new CompoundCondition('and', [
  new FieldCondition('eq', 'blocked', false),
  new FieldCondition('lt', 'lastLoggedIn', - 24 * 3600 * 1000),

async function main() {
  const conn = await createConnection({
    type: 'sqlite',
    database: ':memory:',
    entities: [User]

  // the next code produces:
  // conn.createQueryBuilder(User, 'u')
  //   .where('blocked = ?', [false])
  //   .andWhere('lastLoggedIn = ?', [ - 24 * 3600 * 1000])
  const qb = interpret(condition, conn.createQueryBuilder(User, 'u'));


TypeScript Support

Written in TypeScript and supports type inference for supported ORMs.

Want to help?

Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent! Read up on guidelines for contributing


Apache License, Version 2.0