All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Allow sorting on barplot columns in tables.
- New display mode options in the box plot. In addition to dark mode, users can render the plots filled and unfilled (default).
- Do not render a violin for plots with less than or equal to five samples.
- Show violin plot when summarizing nuermic term types for a custom term
- handle stderr from rust code in node js stream_rust() helper and route handler
- allow DE to work for custom term based on a single group
- fix issues with custom term based on a single group: 'others' group has sample size of 0
- fix the incorrect sample count of 'others' group upon clicking the custom term based on a single group while global filter presents
- termdb.cluster: gene/terms present in request body but skipped by backend should be messaged to client
- Add new test for corr.R
- New control add to sort the violin plots by either the default or median values.
- mds3 tk cnv legend will handle case when no cnv data is present due to server error and not to crash
- support gdc/singlecell state overrides, such as for demo mode
- Cleared single cell plot state related to the sample (jira-sv-2568)
- Passed download filename to the violin with more details (jira-sv-2569)
- Passed download filename to the GSEA. Updated GSEA download to download image on burguer menu download icon and download plot on table icon (jira-sv-2571)
- Updated labels requested on [JIRA] (FEAT-857)
- Fixed bug in the download image in GSEA
- hierCluster: remove term from hierCluster when no sample was tested for the term
- Added ability to visualize log2FC and NES scores as barplots within table columns
- HierCluster: should only cluster overlapping tested samples shared across all the selected genes/metabilites/terms
- Include filter0 in box plot server request args
- Update termsetting pill for gene expression terms
- mds3 tk sample summary can account for cnv-only mode and cnv filters
- Refactored showDownload/downloadFilename into a single function. Fixed bug with 0 values not being included in downloads
- On the SC plot:
- SC plot: Showed control settings only in Plots and Gene Expression. Showed Sample column after Case. Added download icon in the DE table. The downloaded plots now
- Table: Added download table option
- In the SC plot added tabs Differentially Expressed Genes and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis under Differential Expression
- at querying GDC cnv file, remove use of sample_type and adapt to new file format
- hide cases with 0 bam files in gdc bam ui bam table;
- mds3 tk bug fix for expanded skewers to be clickable
- Comprehensive test suite for maxLabelWidth.ts
- Added Violin tab to the SC plot
- On the SC plot sample info now shows on every plot at the top after the tab controls. Used yellow color as starting color in the color scale and
- Restored Diff Exp dropdown options; supported overriding UILabels on dataset; calculated plot size when
- improve navigation-by-keyboard of md3 leftlabel sample, variant buttons and lists; more text contrast in More menu
- GDC scrna UI shows sample submitter id
- scrna: allow to show extra properties in sample tab
- support fusion text file with missing coordinates or geneB
- Single Cell: Added legend menu upon click. Showed active sample on tab instead of moving samples table above
- address section 508 issues in single cell plot, mostly to label control inputs
- Added fixed and percentile modes to samplescatter when colorTW mode=continuous
- Users may change the size of the data points in the correlation volcano plot from the control panel or the legend. Clicking on the legend menu displays a menu to change the min and max radius in pixels.
- If featureTw isn't provided to the correlation volcano plot, the dictionary will render so user may select the feature of interest.
- Added fixed and percentile modes to samplescatter when colorTW mode=continuous
- Enable toggling between a linear and log axis scale in the mass box plot
- New component to show the difference in circle sizes across plots.
- Dynamically render scatter plot width with legend items and reduce the space between legend sections
- oncoMatrix: show white border for snvIndel cell in oncoPrint mode when CNV also presents
- oncoMatrix: exclude splice region consequence by default
- A new correlation volcano plot available through the mass UI. This plot depicts the correlation of gene features, like expression, and a predefined list of variables. The radii shown are proportionate to sample size. Plot controls include changing the feature, p value (adjusted or original), correlation method, statistical signficance, plot height, plot width, and colors. Hovering over the data points displays a tooltip with the variable name, sample size, p value, and correlation. Clicking on any data point launches the sample scatter plot. The plot is downloadable from the button in the controls.
- Condensed MaxLabelLength.ts into a single function for box and violin plots and updated relevant calls
- getFilterName ignores cohort tvs
- enable hot module replacement in dev
- Do not show hidden values in the barchart
List sample
label menu option results.
- Add tests for decimalPlacesUntilFirstNonZero
- Color picker for individual box plots and filter added. Click on the box plot label to see the new menu options.
- numericDictTermCluster: allows adding pre-built numericDictTermCluster plots
- New control to order box plots from smallest to highest median value
- Toggle between vertical and horizontal orientation of the box plot
- Added comprehensive test suite for parseRange() of numericRangeInput.ts
- improve mass nav header rendering to obey ds customization on tabs
- Restored 'List samples' label menu option in both the violin and box plot. The filter label menu option restored as well.
- barChart: when term1/2 has only 2 visible categories, only show one associate test result (cover both categories) in p-value table
- conditionally enable regression methods based on term type and show customized Regression chart button if a single method is available
- Change menu options to buttons for pre-built scatter/matrix/numericDictTerm plots. Show pre-built plot name in the sandbox header after clicking
- GDC support 5-category cnv
- Added support for drawing contour maps on 3d plots
- Supported density contours for 2d scatter
- matrix: Remove text input option from mass chart button menu
- Matrix: matrix mass chart btn menu shows dict tree directly
- disco plot CancerGeneCensus filtering is now controlled by ds setting
- genome browser input box displays 1-based coordinate, resolves the issue that user inputted chr1:10000 will be shown as chr1:9999
- Portal ABOUT tab: show static total number of samples. FILTER tab: show number of samples only when filter applied
- clicking on a parent term in search results will no longer break and will allow user to view child terms
- brainImaging: enable divideBy and overlay with geneVariant terms.
- barchart: adding a checkbox for performing multiple testing correction
- Disco plot: users are able to change the cnv min and max as well as percentile from the color scale in the legend.
- Enabled additional percentile option in the dom ColorScale component.
- New color genomic features example in the JSON-BED card.
- allow to customize table header row style
- do not wrap scRNAseq plot div below its control div
- singleCellPlot should dispaly error message on ui
- prototype cnv-only mode using mds3 tk
- Matrix: allow user to modify colors on the legend
- Add twSpecificSettings to matrix config to replace tw.settings
- After convertting continuous terms from continuous mode to discrete mode, use default colors instead of reandom colors.
- mds3 "mutation" legend now shows CNV entry
- scrna gene exp violin disables brushing and label menu
- support MassNav.tabs.about.activeItems
- add roundValue2 to return rounded value with higher precision for computing
- add roundValue2 to return rounded value with higher precision to resolve tvs denisity brushing error
- mds3 tk will not commit subtk filter to state when it equals mass filter; fix filterJoin usage
- Fix error from launching violin plot in scRNAseq gene expression (GDC and native)
- matrix continuous row: clicking label to edit bar height and color
- matrix drag to select a small number of samples and zoom in, it still shows large number of samples
- fix tar error handling.
- survival plot enable 95CI by default
- launching matirx and hiercluster from custom term breaks
- Do not run a regression analysis multiple times after editing a variant locus variable
- after crossing out a matrix sandbox, resizing browser window will yield matrix err
- Box plot: new features include tooltips for the label and outliers, dark mode, list samples (when available), and hide/unhide plots.
- matrix/hiercluster: show value when it equals to 0 in hover over tooltip and click menu
- handle missing childType when launching gene exp summary plot
- updated brainImaging python script inside of server/utils
- BrainImaging: add color scale legend outside of image and add legend filters.
- barchart scale min should be zero even when unit='log', since a linear bar scale is still used
- Track proteinpaint-types as a prod dependency in server package.json so that it's installed in container.
- hiercluster: make zscore transformation a checkbox option in Clustering menu
- improve isNumeric() helper to not allow truncated alphanumeric parseFloat(), and create strictNumeric() helper
- New box plot available in the mass UI summary chart.
- allow hiercluster to work with numeric dictionary term data
- Removed cloneDeep import to fix bundling issue
- detect and set the gdc version first before caching
- Removed cloneDeep import to fix bundling issue
- Added example of the .mclassOverride argument in the Additional Track Features cards
- report genome name on samtools-fasta error
- Phenotree parser accepts a new 'unit' column for numeric terms.
- create src/helper.ts with joinUrl()
- prototype cnv filter prompt to change cnvMaxLength
- handle genes that has no expression data for any sample in the gene exp clustering tool
- Add a footnote to the bottom of survival plot p-value table to explaine that pvalues are still computed with all survival data when Survival Time Cut-Off is set
- if a small number of radios, show in a single line by default
- do not allow <3 genes in the termdb/cluster request and instruct the user to do a page refresh to clear the error
- use string concat to preserve the apiHost.geneExp path that was being stripped by url.resolve()
- use url.resolve() for GDC gene_selection route URL
- matrix cnv: when cnv has quantification, cell tooltip should show it in addition to gain/loss
- Instead of the
code updated
date, the header displays the release version a link to the appropriate github release page.
- inclusion of univariate results in a multivariable regression analysis is now a user-controllable option that is enabled in all datasets
- wait for the genelookup request to return before detecting when to display genesearch errors
- fix geneSearchBox errors: 1. type a valid gene name and enter, see "Gene not found". 2. type a valid gene name and enter, see previous gene typed. 3. type a valid gene name and enter, gene hits still showing.
- BAM Slicing Download and Sequence Reads: Disable Submit button when 1. case/file is loading, 2. Under Variants tab, variant not selected, 3. Under Gene or position tab, no valid result from search box.
- pass unfrozen filter to launch mds3 tk from Disco
- reset highlighted top/left dendrogram to black when data changed
- fix the workspace directory detection/loop when publishing packages
- fix the order of workspace entries, which affects order of publishing
- fix CI-related scripts to include shared workspace versioning and packing
- Survival plot: add a control "Survival Time Cut-Off" to filter out all the survival data with Time-to-Event longer than Survival Time Cut-Off
- section 508 issues in singleCellPlot controls: aria-label should be on element with roles
- wip fix to limit cnv track to under 200px for lots of cnv segments
- support new GDC /status api return in stale cache check
- survival plot: use pre-defined order in db for overlay and divideby
- scatter plot: use pre-defined order in db for divideby
- compute both univariate and multivariate analyses by default in multivariate regression analysis for Neuro-Oncology datasets
- Support GDC scrna gene exp API (only in qa-int) for GDC scRNA-seq plot
- address section 508 issues for GDC Sequence Read and BAM slicing download apps
- initialize optional matrix tw props in TwBase constructor
- genome browser plot now saves mds3 subtracks in state and recover from session
- May change the shape of lollipop skewers when the track is filtered or a subtrack.
- Address section 508 issues in OncoMatrix and Gene Expression Clustering tools
- fetch genomes supporting specific datasets from a specified host
- allow q.mode=continuous for q.type=custom-bin to fix numeric edit UI toggling
- At mass summary plot header, when there's only one subtype tab, do not show the toggle
- Support scRNAseq analysis tool in GFF
- improve text color contrast in PP SSM lollipop view
- wsiviewer - load files and metadata from db
- Add brain imaging as individual chart type, use a sample table to select samples to plot on template.
- Able to open an app card on an example with new
URL parameter. - Integration tests for the sample view plot in the mass app.
- Prototype for about tab in mass ui. Intended to build out per dataset.
- display WSI metadata
- Disable sample view download data button when an invalid sample id is entered.
- revert opacity=0 on hidden legend items so they are always shown
- matrix groups should be sorted based on order defined in divideby term
- allow empty categorical term.values
- shouldn't show multiple testing correction when association test skipped due to limited sample size
- fix sample view WSI checkbox issue
- create a custom term with just one group the custom term has equal number of samples in each group
- At gdc bam slicing ui, replace outdated sample_type with new terms
- Mass app removes invalid plots from the state on init.
- always show Processing data... when a divideby term is selected for oncoMatrix and hierCluster
- Removed the host from the whole slide imaging card for testing
- WSIViewer launchable from runproteinpaint() as a mass plot.
- Example for the WSIViewer available from the app drawer.
- hierCluster: click left dendrogram to highlight selected cluster, and show options to list items (add link to GDC gene page for genes) and perform ORA
- At GDC lollipop subtrack, disable survival term when building the filter
- fix file-based session recovery of regression plot
- matrix divideby breaks when using gene exp
- From custom variable -> gene expression, submit one gene will launch violin plot overlayed by the custom variable, submit two genes will launch scatter plot colored by the custom variable.
- In the gene set edit UI: If available in the dataset, more controls are available to edit gene lists for top variably expressed genes.
- fix the error that when hiercluster is using divideBy, the tw will not show in Cases menu for gdc"
- from matrix term group edit menu, term group name submit button will close the term group edit menu.
- fix the error: from matrix term group edit menu, delete group name and submit still show the old name.
- Assign alive/dead labels to GDC survival exit codes
- add missing return in switch statement that breaks dual-term select ui
- when a term has no computable values, do not calculate descriptive stats that breaks
- Fix wsi request type issue
- support up to 1000 genes in GDC Gene Expression Clustering tool
- Add Whole Slide Images Viewer to the project
- In addition to launching the sample view, the user may also see a simplified list and/or create a group from selected samples from the facet table.
- Allow to divide hierCluster by a term
- Allow to launch geneExpression hierCluster from custom variable
- Proper pass case filter to GenesTable gdc query so ssm case count can correspond to filter
- Facet table renders for all datasets.
- oncomatrix and gene expression hiercluster genes menu: at editing a group, move the group selector from secondary menu to primary menu
- prototype to allow GDC dictionary terms to work for barchart and query data without any genomic filter
- on validating container, gdc logic will skip case caching and stale cache check
- improve getData() to handle missing bin config for gene exp term for better performance
- pp and gdc filter are passed to getDefaultBin request for gene exp terms etc. bins are always computed against cohort to be precise
- violin data request at gene exp termsetting ui observes filter0
- prototype periodic check if gdc case-id-cache is stale and re-cache
- Allow to add survival term to GDC gene expression clustering map
- bug fix: when clicking labels on violin plot breaks on master
- matrix and hiercluster: allow to recompute term shown in continuous mode as zscore
- pass filter0 in barchart request to work for gdc data
- New Data Matrix and Gene Expression cards on the homepage
- Enable edit option for geneVariant terms in oncoMatrix
- New continuous variables scatter plot example available from the scatter plot card on the homepage.
- New GDC sample disco plot example available from the disco card on the homepage.
- implemented the "snp" term type for summarizing and analyzing sample genotypes for a given SNP
- allow the drag/drop of rows from non-clustered row groups
- Added Facet plot to the UI
- New gene expression example available from the scatter plot card on the homepage.
- In the gene set edit UI, user is able to choose returning all genes or compare against a predefined or custom gene set.
- Handle custom matrix geneset input option
- In GDC gene exp clustering, when screening user-defined gene sets, use a close-to-zero min_median_log2_uqfpkm parameter to keep more genes expressed at low level
- hierCluster group Add_Rows ui can only add compatible terms
- filter0 is passed to violin request and improve to enable type checking
- gene expression hierCluster group Add_Rows ui can only add gene expression terms
- pass filter0 at sampleScatter to enable gdc gene exp plot, remove duplicating backend call for gene exp data
- allow GDC gene exp scatter plot to show case name
- improve oncomatrix non-ci test to include gene expression and survival, and CNV-only cohort
- Trigger browser notiffications of dev events such as rebundling status
- Support inputing custom CNV segments in mds3 tk, improve cnv rendering
- Support overall survival data from gdc
- New Publications button in the ProteinPaint header. Results are searchable in the omnisearch.
- support drag-and-drop groupsetting for geneVariant term
- support geneVariant term in regression analysis
- provide null values to brush range if there is no selection on brushing
- hiercluster refactored not to pretend geneVariant term type
- Centralize filter rehydration
- hiercluster: set missing term type based on data type
- Added use case to open the single cell gene expression violin of a sample
- At oncomatrix, allow gene expression term to pull data on all cases
- matrix: hover/click menu over geneexp/metabolite rows should indicate term type, and do not show undefined for missing data
- singlecell native gene exp data is loaded from rds file; no longer grep
- Speed up top variably expressed genes query from gdc api, directly submit case filter and do not first retrieve list of cases
- fix definitions for termsbyid route
- Single cell plots support now color by gene if geneExpression data it is provided
- Handle json payload for requests that contain authentication token
- Allow switching to other color scheme for hierCluster
- getFilterName() treats geneExp and metabolite same as float terms
- use Mds3 ttype, to catch potential typescript errors, early in termdb/config route handler functions
- create minified msigdb and associate to hg38-test for CI
- set appropriate response headers for all responses
- bug fix to pass terms[] when filtering by metaboliteIntensity
- use diagnosis specific age cutoff for the CHC burden calculation
- mds3 tk assigns in adhoc manner for gene search to work in stateless filter UI
- fix the detection of hierCluster term group when handling a gene expression cell click
- fix the generation of Function constructor arguments for dataset configured data getters and mappers
- make the matrix react to divide-by term edits from the label click
- Matrix plot survival term improvements: mouseover time-to-event and exit code info, color coding
- Replace "patients" with "samples" in barchart plots
- Fix termsetting scale for density plots
- bug fix to only apply niceNumLabels() when numeric tvs is not unbounded
- bug fix to allow for interactions with molecular variables in regression analysis
- test run on all genome tabix files on server launch to detect old index file issue early
- add missing jsonwebtoken import
- use esbuild in client unit and integration tests
- Fix setHostUrl function.
- Allow to add survival terms to oncoMatrix
- show a border on select dropdown elements, within sja scope
- replace client dev scripts and html to use esbuild-bundled code
- geneVariant term now supports grouping variants into predefined groups
- Limit the css reset to not conflict with embedder styles, by using scoped normalize css rules
- handle prebuilt matrix plots to work with the advanced sorter UI
- scope PP-specific css resets and styles to the root holder, such as the previously unscoped h2 style
- Adding sorting samples options for hierCluster
- Data for the hic whole genome view is cached for faster load. Additional UI improvements in the hic app.
- fixed rendering of barchart and violin when terms have uncomputable categories
- Fixed issues with the resolution in the hic detail view.
- GDC bam app can visualize truncated bam slice when streaming is terminated due to hitting max size
- Supported geneExpression filtering
- Mds3 backend reuse gene search helper to be able to find a gene by isoform access in addition to symbol
- import findParent in the groups component and create tests
- Update custom mutation data instruction.
- Significant improvements to the whole genome hic app including: faster load, ability to launch the chromosome pair and detail view from runproteinpaint(), rendering fixes, additional min cutoff input, and change to reactive app.
- support dataset-specific healthcheck information
- In mds3 tk, add Point up/down option when in skewer mode
- Filter mutations checkbox is not shown for if there is no CGC
- Bcf url argument for mds3 tracks fixed.
- No empty gdc filter elements will be created when mapping pp filter to GDC format
- show the incomplete caching message in the gene expression app
- COSMIC mds3 track bug fix, number of variants will go down in subtrack with sample filtering
- enable 'lollipop' plot btn through tsne sample clicking for geneVariant terms
- GDC sequence reads viz no longer limits slicing range; the only limit is slice file size
- GDC bam slicing ui show actual number of available bam files which can be lower than 1000, fix scrollbar appearance
- Updated protein domain color is applied to all instances of this domain, not just first one
- replace 'view' with 'Sample view' on tsne sample label clicking
- Disco plot: added hambuger menu
- Disco plot: added option to render CNVs as heatmap and barchart
- Disco plot: added option to set percentile for CNV rendering
- prevent showing a blank CNV legend in the lolllipop app
- oncoMatrix: after hiding a category from divideBy term, add an option to divideBy button to bring it back
- numeric setdefaultq() will default to term's own default bin type rather than always hardcoding to regular-bin
- Pass request header containing session when querying arriba file which is controlled
- improve GDC cohortMAF ui to add case link and make scrollbar more apparent
- Click on protein domain legend to show menu options to toggle visibility and change color.
- email log bug fix
- Both mutation and sv/fusion data can be submitted in one ui to create custom mds3 tk
- New BCF card on the home page. See
- fix npm start
- address mds3 mclass legend error by not setting uninitiated flag to true
- enable downloading data for oncoMatrix
- fix position errors after oncoMatrix/hierCluster zooming in/out caused by outdated imgBox
- when parsing phenotree, enforce uncomputable categories are numbers also
- Oncomatrix do not allow to hide all the alteration groups
- Support survival term as outcome variable in regression analysis
- include auth test status in server healthcheck
- Hide synonymous mutations by default for GDC oncoMatrix
- Improve the matrix sorting options to easily toggle sorting by cnv and/or consequence
- fix the error from genomic alterations rendering when there are no mutations or CNV data
- In GDC query, do not supply empty "case_filters{content[]}" that will slow down API. lollipop and oncomatrix are now faster when there's no cohort
- at GDC bam slicing UI, the table listing available cases and bam files can be filtered by assay types
- Add to GDC oncoMatrix mutation/cnv buttons all available mutation/cnv classes in GDC instead of all available mutation/cnv classes in the current matrix
- Display hints about persisted matrix gene set and option to unhide CNV and mutations when there is no matrix data to render
- Stream data into and out of R using the run_R.js module
- Reenable the option to create a single sample cohort from a lollipop sample table/menu
- refactor to move all gdc plot launchers into a separate folder
- GDC bam slicing download app now calls gdc api directly from client without going through pp backend
- Group similar mutation class colors together when sorting matrix samples and if CNVs are displayed
- Add Single style for GDC oncoMatrix
- enable selecting individual mclasses upon clicking GDC oncomatrix mutation/cnv button
- Fix the timeout issues when using ky http client
- change the defination of trancating/protein-changing mutation, change oncomatrix mclasses sorting order
- Fix to unhide a survival series by clicking its corresponding legend entry
- Do not persist highlighted dendrogram branch selection when the hier. cluster data changes due to changes to cohort, clustering method, etc.
- Disable the geneset submit button when there there is less than a minNumGenes option (3 for hier cluster, 1 for matrix)
- Include gfClient to the pp deps image
- remove main menu renderer from disco plot
- Add Mutation and CNV control buttons for GDC. Hide CNV by default for GDC.
- Fix custom jwt processing by replacing the remaining webpack_require in auth code
- Do not force the sample table to be positioned relative to screen bottom after a sunburst click
- updated mclass definitions and rank for protein_altering_variant
- mds3 tk temporarily disables sample selection button in single sample table, to avoid creating single-case cohort in GDC
- deprecated term "sample_type" is dropped from GDC dictionary
- preliminary fix for mds3 tk using custom bcf file to pull mutated smples
- Dataset configuration should have limited access to server code
- when a term has only 2 categories, then only a single category needs to be tested in the association test
- Return early on server validation instead of proceeding with startup
- Migrate the CJS server workspace into an ESM package
- Fix disco plot width issue
- Restore drag to resize on legacy ds gene exp panel
- Add test-data-ids to enable mds3 e2e testing
- GDC BAM slicing will be terminated if slice file size exceeds a limit (user is informed)
- switching GDC mds3 track from gene to genomic mode it can properly display ssm now
- enable geneVariant legend group filter for hierCluster
- combine all dts (except for dt=4) into mutations/consequences legend group for dt without assay availability
- allow to use a simplified filterObj on mds3 tk that will be hydrated on launch
- mds3 tk sample summary table will scroll if too tall
- Replace require syntax with import to prevent bundling errors in client package bundlers
- upgrade node from v16 to v20
- Show user error message for an invalid genome provided in a URL. Error message contains the list of available genomes from that server.
- when downloading GDC bam slice (no caching), do not limit request region max size;
- Reload page while streaming/downloading gdc bam slice to client will not crash server
- GDC bam slice ui requires hitting Enter to search and no longer auto search to avoid showing duplicate ssm table
- support ?massnative=genome,dslabel url parameter shorthand
- adding geneset edit ui from Gene Expression chart button
- Bug fix to show correct category total size by passing a missing filter0
- profilegenevalue track reports subtrack file error in a legible way
- Bug fix for disco plot launched from sunburst shows aachange in sandbox header rather than undefined
- BAM track bug fix to handle reads with no sequence and not to break.
- BAM track bug fix to not to break by hide/show toggling at track menu
- In GDC BAM slicing, before creating new cache file, find out old enough ones to delete to free up storage
- Bug fix to convert "case." to "cases." in case_filters[] for GDC mds3 sunburst clicking to load sample table
- Bug fix for GDC mds3 category total sample count to respond/shrink with cohort change
- Prevent double-clicking on a sunburst ring so that same sample table will not appear duplicated
- Fix the detection of sorting-related updates in the matrix app, as distinct from the hier cluster
- Pass the cohort filter to the lollipop track from the matrix gene label click
- Pass the cohort filter to the lollipop track from the matrix and disco plot label click
- Refactor and improve backend GDC BAM slicing logic
- BAM track in variant-typing mode, read group header clicking is disabled due to known issue with GFF
- GDC BAM slicing will reject if range>=50kb to be safe
- reliably detect stale async results using a rx component api method
- Cancel stale fetch requests to unblock current geneset, matrix, and hierCluster requests that are being throttled by the browser's concurrent request limit
- Do not re-render the matrix controls as part of displaying a no data message when svg dimensions and layout have not been computed yet
- Do not assign a non-auth related error as a token verification message, which caused the matrix to not rerender even with subsequent valid data
- Do not display a mouseover over a hidden matrix or hier cluster svg
- an unrendered matrix or hierCluster should not react to window resize
- do not redispatch a plot_splice from the oncomatrix and gene expression launchers
- Hide the undo/redo buttons until a more thorough fix is implemented for the oncomatrix and gene expression
- Matrix must skip data processing steps after detecting stale action, to avoid confusing rerenders
- Fix OncoMatrix and hierCluster brushing and list samples issue
- refresh the case count when there is no matching oncomatrix data
- pass opts.hierCluster in the launcher to handle create cohort
- hide the svg on error or matching data
- darken table2col row titles to meet Section 508 contrast requirements
- do not show the option to replace a gene expression/hierCluster term
- Return a defined adjusted state for the GDC matrix and gene expression tools, so that the undo/redo component can react
- Increase the contrast of the table header text in the BAM files and variants list
- Fix the geneFilter handling in the gdc tool launchers
- Hi-C whole genome view supports different matrix types (e.g. observed, expected, etc.). Users can select different matrix types from dropdown.
- The Hi-C whole genome view now calculates the cutoff on load and with user changes. Previously, the default was 5000.
- GDC bam slicing UI can still pull BAM files when experimental_strategy=Methylation Array filtering is used
- support navigation-by-keyboard of bam UI elements
- fix the display of no data error message and hiding of previously rendered heatmap in the hier cluster app
- For hierCluster, set left dendrogram position based on max gene label length, ignore variable labels.
- ignore the computed twlst of the hierCluster term group when tracking recoverable state
- Do not modify the hierCluster term group lst with server data, to avoid unnecessary state tracking and to prevent unwanted geneset edits
- Use the geneset edit UI when there is no initial computed geneset for hierCluster
- Do not show the "Edit" option when clicking a gene row label in matrix
- detect and handle race conditions in the matrix and hiercluster server data requests
- Use graphql query to replace /analysis/top_mutated_genes_by_project in GDC OncoMatrix
- Ensure that an embedder loading overlay gets triggered using the app callbacks.preDispatch option
- GDC bam slicing UI bug fix to forget previous coordinate input box search result
- Always trigger the closing of an embedder's loading overlay, even when there are no chart state changes
- Block track menu will not allow to hide a GDC bam tk, and no longer shows delete button for custom tracks
- Supply the missing api reference when launching a gdc matrix
- Option to override the matrix default of not rendering samples that are not annotated for any dictionary term, for more intuitive behavior in gene-centric use-cases
- Matrix should update when the filter0 changes while the geneset edit UI is displayed
- Ensure that the zoom controls has valid dimensions on update, in case it was initially rendered in an invisible div
- Detect unreleased notes in the CHANGELOG, in addition to the release.txt
- Detect empty hits before trying to render bam variants
- Reenable the handling of genome-level termdbs in the migrated server route
- Display an initial geneset edit UI when the GDC default matrix genes is empty
- Exclude embedder state in the standalone recover tracked state, for the matrix and hier cluster undo/redo
- Disable the term group menu for hierCluster gene expression term group, and remove the 'edit' and 'sort' options for other hier cluster term groups
- Fix the navigation of matrix and gene expression controls by keyboard
- GDC cohort-MAF tool: allow to customize output file columns
- Clicking matrix cell to show similar info table as hovering over the matrix cell.
- Mds3 track uses simpler radio buttons to toggle between view modes such as lollipop and occurrence
- Gene exp clustering will display an alert msg to inform user that a map is not doable when there is just one gene
- display total number of mutations on disco plot
- Fix oncomatrix error: adding dictionary term from row group menu
- Numeric termsetting edit UI allows a term to be default with custom bin config and will not switch to regular binning
- for hierCluster, nodejs always transform to zscore; use scaleLinear for improved heatmap rendering
- Fix the handling of multi-valued samples and group overlaps
- GDC gene exp clustering bug fix on querying data for dictionary variables and leads to speeding up
- Always show a menu after brushing matrix: Zoom in, List samples, and Add to a group/create cohort.
- Add clang missing dependency
- Fixed issues showing variable definition with termsetting instance, especially in chart edit menu.
- GDC OncoMatrix: use a more human-readable case ID as label instead of the UUID
- Fix the samplelst filter editor and auto-update of the pill label
- custom colors can now be assigned to custom groups
- Show a message about loading top gene in GDC hierCluster app
- show # of samples and add link for samples for dendrogram list sample menu option
- do not re-parse the already parsed result from cachedFetch
- Detect failure on GDC data caching and abort launch
- fix hierCluster gene dendrogram misaligned upon panning
- fix the toFixed error that randomly occurs when zoom on matrix.
- Click dendrogram to highlight sub-branches, zoom in and select cases underneath
- topVariablyExpressedGenes is changed from a GDC-specific route to general purpose route. Awaiting further work for non-gdc dataset
- GDC BAM slicing UI will reject non-BAM files.
- GDC BAM slicing UI now works with submitter or UUID of samples and aliquots, in addition to cases
- GDC BAM slicing UI shares a common route to retrieve ssm by case, reducing code duplication
- Disco plot UI now allows users to upload tab delimited data
- Use a urlTemplates.gene.defaultText option to make a gene external link more intuitive
- Allow ssm url to be supplied from both snvindel query and termdb, so termdb-less clinvar is able to link to ClinVar portal
- Hardcoded normalization methods replaced with values encoded in Hi-C files.
- Disco plot now detects and reports data issues from user submitted data.
- Gdc bam slice download handles case with no ssm; bam table changes to radio to force single-selection; table.js bug fix to use unique input name
- Fix the processing of hierCluster overrides
- Use a urlTemplates.gene.defaultText option to make a gene external link more intuitive
- GDC BAM slicing UI supports new "download mode", will directly download BAM slice to client, including unmapped reads.
- Click matrix cell to launch gene summary and case summary page, click row label to launch gene summary page, click case id to launch case summary
- Bug fix to allow mds3 track variant download to work again
- In mds3 track, new option allows to show/hide variant labels
- Support optional postRender and error callbacks from the embedded wrapper code
- Bug fix that creating mds3 subtrack with long filter name breaks
- highlight the row and column of the matrix cell when hovering over it, allow the users to select color for the highlighter
- profile plots now have filters to the left and the new data model is plotted
- Use the GDC gene expression API to request top variably expressed genes
- In genetic association analysis, principal component covariates now use actual term names from db, rather than hardcoded adhoc name
- After creating mds3 subtrack via filtering, term name may be printed with value if short enough
- Mutation AAchange showing in scatterplot and matrix are now based on canonical isoform
- Darken selected colors for gencode and sandbox title, to address Section 508 contrast issues
- skip the GDC aliquot caching when validating the server configuration, data, and startup
- GDC maf ui indicates total size of selected files
- Bin default age ranges by 30 and 60 years for GDC age_at_diagnosis
- In mass sampleview, expanding tree branch everytime no longer triggers rerendering of disco/ssgq plots
- Disco: file name of downloaded svg preserves context including sample name and gene.
- Disco: by default it now prioritize CGC genes in hg38.
- Various scatterplot fixes: tooltip dot scale, divideBy bug
- Fix the session recovery within an embedder portal
- use a more specific class selector for detecting pill divs in the data download app
- Support clicking matrix legends and matrix legend group names to use as filters.
- Revert prev change that cause hic genome view to misalign
- Restore yellow highlight line when moving cursor over a genome browser block
- In GDC disco and bam slicing UI, detect when total number of SSM exceeds view limit and indicate such
- Supply the svg element as argument to the disco plot download handler
- in termsetting constructor option, getBodyParams() replaces getCurrentGeneNames() as a general and flexible solution
- fix the tp dir setup and package.json deps update for the integration test CI
- Bug fix to revert termdb/category route usage.
- search term with space character for genomic-equipped dataset should not break by gene search msg
- Use a jwt bearer auth to propagate basic session state to multiple PP server processes, beyond the server process that processed the /dslogin request
- Bug fix.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added radar plots to the profile
- Correctly parse a null URL parameter value
- Disco plot UI with an example on the app drawer. Users can provide SNV, SV, and CNV data to create a disco plot.
- We can support now reading hic files for versions 7, 8 and 9
- Support different auth methods for the same dataset, by server route and app embedder.
- New button in geneset edit UI allowing to load top variably expressed genes in hierarchical clustering, for eligible datasets
- Support clicking matrix legends to use as filters.
- Prototyped single sample viewer
- Default bin configs for GDC numeric variables are determined on the fly and no longer hardcoded
- For matrix plot, when hovering over gene label, show the percentage of mutation (#mutated samples / #tested sample)
- Click the divide-by term at the top left corner of matrix plot to edit, replace, or delete
- Display average admix coefficient for filter-vs-population comparison in genome browser
- Prototyped a server route for cumulative burden estimates
- Prototyped support for disco plot to show adhoc data
- Fix for sorting the custom bin labels on numeric terms in violin plot
- Gracefully handle a Hi-C file with no frag resolutions
- Display Age at diagnosis in years instead of days for GDC
- Fix the GDC Days to birth axis issue
- Fix the issues results from term conversion between continous and discrete mode
- Indicate the original value unit in termsetting UI if the term value is converted; safety check on bin size to avoid crashes
- Add a safety check for the first bin stop and last bin start in numeric discrete termsetting, make the ui actually usable
- Bug fix for the broken single variant panel from mds3 tk, by requiring tooltipPrintValue() to return [{k,v}]
- Mds3 variant2samples.get() returns an object to wrap the optional bin labels
- Allow a sample to be missing files for disco and singleSampleGenomeQuantification data types and do not break server
- Display matrix cell tooltip as two column table, and group events of same dt under same heading
- Bug fix to not to print text when average admix value is missing; improve population item UI in genomebrowser controls
- Improve INFO field UI in genome browser group selection
- Option to disable switching GDC SSM lollipop track to genomic mode, due to issues with api query
- Support more release note section titles and their corresponding commit keywords
- Avoid unnecessarily running unit test CI, for pull requests with unaffected workspaces and on automated push
- Improve the release text detection and generator, to minimize potential conflicts when merging
- add a latest tag to the docker build
- For hg38-based datasets, Disco plot may prioritize gene labels by Cancer Gene Census genes.
- Numeric termsetting edit UI shows density curve at mode=continuous.
- Update gene filter to restrict filtering for multiple alteration groups.
- Unify click behavior for survival and cuminc legend items.
- Mds3 numeric axis (e.g. occurrence) y scale can be edited.
- PrOFILE polar and barchart bug fixes and improvements.
- Implemented at-risk count filter in mass cuminc plot
- GDC "Age at diagnosis" value by day is shown as "X years, Y days" in mds3 sample table.
- Prototype a hierarchical cluster plot using the matrix plot
- New Info fields from gnomAD added to clinvar datasets for mds3 track
- CancerHotspot hg19 data added for mds3 track
- Display sample and catergory numbers in each subgroup when hovering over term label in matrix plot
- Ignore hidden values when conducting association tests for mass barchart.
- Do not force a matrix barplot min scale to 0;
- Fix the missing tooltip when mousing over second+ continuous matrix barplot rows
- For matrix plot, when the "Group Samples By" variable has a predefined order, use that order for subgroups.
- Fix the sessionid handling to allow more OncoMatrix data to be shown for a signed-in user.
- For SSM from GDC API, use consequence from canonical transcript designated by GDC.
- GDC SSM range query by graphql appropriately accounts for sample filtering from a subtrack.
- In GDC bam slicing block display, clicking on a transcript from native gene tk will disable the "View in protein" option.
- Improve the hierarchical clustering R script to include the scaling step.
- Add CNV information to label tooltips in disco plot.
- Fixed legend labels for continuous term and uncomputable categories in violin plot
- Display pairlst data, if available, for a fusion event on matrix cell mouseover
- Launch lollipop from a geneVariant row label of matrix
- User-controllable filter for at-risk counts in cumulative incidence plot
- Default binning improved for GDC numeric dictionary variables with stats{} from graphql query
- Bug fix to change cutoff grade for condition term
- Fix the matrix sample sorting by name, to use the display sampleName instead of sample ID
- Fix the matrux sample group sorting by group name, to use predefined or group name as applicable
- In lollipop tk, upon creating a subtk with a filtering criteria, sunburst generated from subtk will show correct total sample count for sunburst wedges by accounting for subtk filtering criteria. this fix works for both GDC and local TK
- Scatterplot bug fix to improve behavior upon filtering by gene mutation
- When filtering results in 0 eligible sample, big file query will not happen.
- Fix the npm publish CI to use the list of changed workspace dirs as argument
- Fix the empty change detection in the version jump script
- Profile plots have now filters and a download button
- Make disco plot rings width configurable
- Added to scatter plot scale dot option. Added also test for it.
- Support a reset button option for the rx recover component
- Selecting hundreds of samples from GDC lollipop no longer hangs or crashes (using a cached mapping to case uuid)
- Fix the numeric edit menu when violin plot data is requested for a GDC variable, which needs currentGeneNames
- Bug fix to show reduced sample summaries when creating sub-track from GDC lollipop (mds3) track
- Correctly handle special uncomputable numeric term values in a matrix row bar plot, when mode='continuous'
- GDC OncoMatrix has switched to use case uuid but not case submitter id to align data, while still displaying submitter ids on UI; the latter is not unique between projects.
- Reuse a published dependencies image for releasing new image versions to improve build times and stability
- Use import() instead of require() for dynamic import, so that rollup can bundle properly
- Display sample counts in matrix sample group labels, mouseovers, and legend.
- Option to toggle a matrix sample group visibility by clicking on the corresponding legend item
- Cohort creation in the matrix plot, where sample atttribute mapping is required.
- Allow continuous variables to be added to GDC matrix without breaking. Next will support query of graphql API to retrieve min/max of the variables.
- Sort matrix samples by gene variant hits before grouping, then sort again within each group
- Reenable selecting samples from lollipop view for cohort creation. On the fly aliquote-to-case.case_id conversion is performed on selected samples, allowing to create GDC cohort; next the conversion will be supported by caching to allow to work with large number of samples.
- Fusion event labels in disco plot are prioritized and displayed with a tooltip
- Various minor disco plot bug fixes
- Improved matrix sample sorting options and labels
- Option to truncate matrix labels for columns and rows
- Improved readme detection, sorting, and error handling
- Started type definitions for termwrapper and termsetting-related code
- Prototyped a custom profile barchart
- supported a matrix cell click option
- added a dtsv case in the bulk.svjson parser
- prototyped new chart profileBarplot
- handled on the fly cnv call from genebody probe signals
- defaulted to truncate matrix samples against gene variant hits even when there are selected dictionary terms
- fixed the matrix rezoom-by-outline zooming out instead of zooming in
- fixed bugs found in 3d plot opened from the new dynamic scatter
- handle optional action.config in mass store.plot_edit()
- fix recover to not prematurely replace state
- fix LohArc import for rollup
- fix the rollup bundling error caused by the dynamic import of Disco.ts
- fixed the matrix sample grouping input lag, edit menu error, empty column bug
- contextualized the matrix row label mouseover title
- removed GDC terms that are IDs or cause server response errors
- removed the numeric axis in the matrix row label when switching from continuous to discrete mode
- removed an empty matrix term group after its last remaining term gets moved to a different term
- supported launching disco plot from a matrix sample label click
- improved the geneset edit UI by having group input and fixing bugs
- supported a standalone scatter plot button in the charts tab
- mds3 gdc convert to case.case_id on the fly for disco plot
- improved disco plot tooltip, ring logic, other features and bug fixes
- use typescript for genomes, dataset, termsetting code
- start using typescript in core code
- option to filter by survival data
- precompute intermediate cuminc data to improve server response
- reactivate the support for selecting samples in the matrix plot
- create an improved geneset edit UI that can be used in matrix and other plots
- disambiguate variant and testing status matrix data by alteration type and origin
- fix the matrix sorting by fusion data
- fix the GDC server-side data query for matrix data, using cnv_occurrences
- fix the barchart sort order
- option to customize the violin plot "thickeness"
- experimental: prototype more features in the new disco plot
improve the matrix control layout, labels, and mouseover information
option to display quantitative CNV data using a chromatic scale in the matrix plot
support new flags to disable custom track ui to guard against html injection
support divide-by term and regression curve fitting for sample scatter plot
support downloading multiple charts as one svg image file for survival and sample scatter plots
update the optional origin values for variant data
improve wholegenome numeric data plotting
fix epaint panel positioning
manual info filtering due to bcftools not filtering multi-ALT
fix violin plot bugs related to scales, uncomputable values, pvalue table, and condition terms
detect missing sample vcf file
- pin the base node image version for the Docker build
- improved gene/variable search result logic and display
- more migrated disco plot features
- synchronize scatter groups with mass state.groups
- prototype sample scatter divide by variable
- fixed current and added new integration tests: regression, cuminc, search, matrix
- fixed the ordering of condition terms and added integration tests
- fix the missing gene isoform error, by allowing empty query result from the gdc genedb
- support a matrix sort filter for a multi-valued sample, where a non-targeted filter value may be used for sorting
- fix adding a gene term to the matrix plot, by including a unique termwrapper $id
- fix failing client-side integration tests
- use a null filter0 for the OncoMatrix
- use dataset-defined matrix settings in the GDC launcher
- fix the expected scope for local workspaces when bumping versions
- fix the serverconfig detection in the container app scripts
- cap cnv values in the disco plot
- use dissimilarity mesaure for computing y-axis of nodes
- test fixes
- fix the matrix zoom outline in firefox
- fix dom canvas scaling in browsers that do not support OffscreenCanvas
- fix unit and integration tests
- move the CGC filter input to the gene control menu
- label the OncoMatrix undo/redo buttons to address Section 508 errors
- fix and improve the zoom UI labels to address Section 508 warnings
- persisted custom terms in termdb-based charts and apps
- matrix zoom/pan/scrolling, canvas rendering
- customizable colors for overlays/legends in more charts
- improved termdb database schema, ETL scripts, and queries
- prototype dendograms and heatmap using rust
- reimplement disco plot in proteinpaint
- log-scale in violin plot
- more unit and integratin tests, inluding fixes and improvements
- matrix zoom and pan
- feature improvement and bug fixes for sampleScatter
- Switch to npmjs registry for npm publishing.
- improved docker build and release
- sample lists when allowed for violin and sample scatter plots
- allow listing samples from rendered charts for authorized users
- improved gene variant filters
- added license
- simplified file requests
- copy the gdc.hg38.js file from sjpp/dataset for the gdc Docker build
- configure the gdc.hg38.js dataset to de-prioritize cnv data for matrix sorting
- check the user permission using session id when generating GDC BAM search results
- option to set a default geneSymbol for mds3 gene search
- fix the rollup bundling of client code that breaks GDC bundling
- option to select samples from mds3 track
- activated more integration and unit tests on CI
- Bundle all cards.
- Bundle spliceevent.prep.js, spliceevent.a53ss.js and spliceevent.exonskip.js
- Set a default cards directory ONLY if it exists.
- Bundle shared/vcf.js.
- Budle dictionary.parse.js.
- Bundle termdb initbinconfig.
- Bundle checkReadingFrame and bedj.parseBed to the server module
- fixed rollup bundle issue
- Add violin plot integration tests
- Bundle lines2R to server module
- Improved matrix sorting
- OncoMatrix analysis card prototyped
- Release testing only for continuous delivery
- Fix the duplicate rows in about:filesize in bam track
- fit the gdc bam slice request by not using compression
- improve tvs and filter UIs, and fix the integration tests
- fix the alert visibility when submitting a BAM slice + variant selection
- samplelst edit UI
- bean plot over violin plot
- preliminary support for the GDC filter0 in the matrix plot
- fixes to the summary plot toggling
- track integration test data including minimal reference data slices
- more checks for gdc bam slice download, indexing
- support a samplelst term-type
- Github Actions for unit tests
- launch a separate SSM lollipop track using a term/variable filter
- fix the package files list for the GDC build
- temporary fix to GDC permission check request
- fixes to server tests
- fix the handling of optional environment variable for GDC API URL
- support for MSigDb genesets
- violin and TSNE plot prototypes
- auto-column width and more sorting options for the matrix plot
- improvements to other MASS UI plots
- handle sessionid cookie for the
- oncoprint-like prototype
- d3 upgrade to version 7
- prototype the sample scatter plot in the MASS UI
- Use the portal.gdc.* URL to handle the sessionid cookie, instead of api.gdc.* with X-Auth-Token
- fix the cohort filter handling for GDC case search and BAM slice
- input border for text and search input within sja_root div
- readme.html to easily navigate and view readme's in one place
- data download app in the MASS UI
- improvements to the cuminc plot
- app drawer refactor
- more customized mutation colors for Section 508 compliance
- Upgrade to Node 16 for development, non-breaking as transpilation still targets Node 12 for deployed builds, until SJ servers are upgraded to have python3
- node-canvas 2.9.3, fixes hardcoded requirement for Node 12 fonts
- Support Apple Silicon for Docker builds
- Support developer containers
- option to easily override colors for mutation class and other styles
- Improvements to MASS UI plots, including a data downloader app
- Updates to the BAM sequence read app
- move all React wrapper code to the GDC frontend framework repo
- make the React wrapper work in the GDC frontend framework
- include utils/install.pp.js in the package
- fix the Docker build and npm packing for pp-dist
- bug-fix for trailing comma in gencode bigbed
- BAM: determine by read width whether to clip arrowhead; clean up re-align logic
- alert if token is missing when doing GDC BAM slicing
- new regresssion options in MASS UI
- BAM track improvements
- started the MASS matrix prototype
- Now uses bigbed dbsnp files
- Requires additional columns for termdb database tables: terms.[type, isleaf], subcohort_terms.[child_types, includes_types]
- MASS UI: supersedes the dictionary tree-based UI as the default termdb portal app
- move targets/ contents under the build/ directory
- improve the app drawer and examples
- prototype cumulative incidence plots in the termdb app
- extract or synthesize data for testing
- Use the GDC API to view slices in the BAM track
- Synchronize the version update in client and server package.json
- Delete unneeded build scripts
- Fix the extraction of files from a clean git workspace
- Reorganize the code into a monorepo structure using NPM workspaces
- Split the build and packing scripts to handle each respective target
- TODO: improve SJ server and client builds
- Prototype a GDC-specific build script and Dockerfile
- TODO: create tiny test data files to test GDc features while building a Docker image
- Export the base_zindex from client.js
- Selectively import and re-order code in mds3/makeTk to address bundling issues in consumer apps or portal code that use Webpack v3
- do not use the test/init.js and pp bundle for automated tests of gdc-related code
- Bug fix: use the webpack.config.client.js (renamed) in build/
- Support passing gene, filters, and ssm_id as props (NOTE: URL parsed information will be deprecated when the gdc portal app switches to passing via props only)
- Highlight a lolliplot disc when ssm_id is available
- Link to sample aliquot information from a sample details table