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Rules engine for processing Discord events with user configurable logic. In very early development and mostly experimentation. This readme is mostly a design doc and ideas, not actual documentation.

Rule Configuration

  1. Trigger
    • Discord gateway events
  2. Conditions (Different condition types per event)
    • Messages
      • message content -> String conditions
      • message created -> DateTime conditions
      • channel_id -> Channel + Integer conditions
      • etc.
    • Member join
      • username -> String conditions
      • isBot -> bool conditions
      • isVerifiedBot -> bool conditions
      • previousNumberOfJoins -> Integer conditions
    • Counter
      • x times in last y seconds/minutes
      • rate is x in y minutes
    • Random
      • rand() = > < x
    • etc.
  3. Actions
    • Discord actions
      • Message
      • Message via webhook
      • Add role
      • Ban
      • Kick
      • etc
    • sushii actions
      • Warn
      • Mute
    • Other actions
      • Sleep (sleeps longer than x minutes store in db and poll?)
      • trigger another rule? (prevent infinite looping, disallow recursive rules or add a TTL)
      • add/sub counter
      • Random action
        • sub actions*
      • Loop over multiple inputs
        • sub actions to loop
      • Save data
        • global (admin only)
        • guild
        • channel
        • member

Rule Persistence


  • set of multiple rules
  • a certain "feature" might contain a set of multiple rules
id guild_id name description enabled editable author category config
uuid bigint text text bool bool bigint text? jsonb


  • rules can only have 1 trigger
id rule_group_id rule_name enabled trigger condition actions
uuid fk text bool text jsonb jsonb

RuleStore Trait

Trait to easier handle different backend stores, basic starter MVP can use basic json stores.

  • get_guild_rule
  • save_guild_rule


On first trigger, rule is queried from db and then kept in memory for additional calls. Can maybe use an LRU cache if it grows too large.


Conditions (boolean statements, e.g. x contains y) are grouped by data types to make it easier for reuse and organization.

  • Primitives-ish
    • String
      • ==
      • startsWith
      • contains word from word list
      • languageIs/IsNot/IsIn/IsNotIn (language-api)
      • % uppercase
      • % non-alphanumeric letters
      • number of lines
      • length
      • etc
    • Integers
    • DateTime
    • bool
  • Discord Types - should be just using the underlying ID / integer comparisons, but UI should show separately + a list of guild channels)
    • Channel
    • Role
  • sushii types
    • Warns
      • number of warns
    • Mutes
    • Quotas (rate limiting with governor crate)
      • number in last x minutes
      • number in a row
    • Level


Actions should be able to reference to temporary data from conditions and other actions, similar to github actions' outputs. This data should be stored in a RuleContext which is newly created on each time a rule is triggered.

Main problem right now is assigning unique IDs to each condition/action, if this should be done. This may cause it to be more confusing for end users. This is mainly useful for multiple of the same condition / action and this will either overwrite the previous one if they aren't unique, or will require users to specify which one they want to use.

This context data is also passed to any handlebars text templating.

Example structure in json form.

  // Trigger data, e.g. a message
  "trigger": {
    "id": 12345,
    "content": "ping!",
    "author": {
      "name": "bob",
      "discriminator": 1234,
  // Condition data, should contain information on what data passed conditions
  // and the inputs / outputs
  "conditions": {
    "message": {
      "content": {
        "value": "!ping",
        "passed": true,
    "": {
      "value": 123978123,
      "passed": true,
  // Actions
  "actions": {
    "send_message": {
      "id": 1234567890,
      "content": "pong!"


Rule sets can have a configuration with key value stores for different above types. Rules can specify config keys to compare against. Could have a flag for repeatable which allows an array of the same config keys in order to run the same ruleset with different config values. (ie. reaction roles, same ruleset but multiple configs for each role)

Word List

For logical separation and easier data store for large lists, lists of words are stored separately and conditions just reference a word list ID / name. These are mostly just used for searches like x contains a word from word list (e.g. for blacklisted words). Larget lists should be searched with aho-corasik for linear executing large number of word searches in linear time. These Aho–Corasick FSM's should also be cached.

Data Store

Actions can save data to be referenced for later.

guild_id target_type target_id data
bigint enum {guild, channel, message, member, user} bigint json

User store is for admin only, for global features like rep and fishies.

Interop with sushii-2

End goal is to replace most if not all features in sushii-2 with the rules engine (excluding sushii special types and actions).

  • sushii-2 should run alongside the rules engine process (if separate)
  • database should be shared
  • actions such as bans and mod logs should work as usual
    • creating pending entry in rules process and ban should still create mod log entry in main sushii-2 process
  • HTTP API proxy should be required to not exceed rate limits


  • Integrate proxy with serenity-rs, requires modification to serenity
  • Serenity bot should serialize events into a redis queue to pass to rules process (a bit of redundant deserializing/serializing but CPU load isn't really a problem for now)
  • Rules process should be able to read events from redis message queue and respond with Discord HTTP API requests via twilight + twilight http proxy
  • Reimplementing features in rules engine means native features can be disabled in the main bot.