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Suppose we are given

  • Two types of devices, A and B
  • An unspecified number of devices of each type
  • A continuous data stream from each device, where A devices stream integers and B devices follow the structure outlined in the ModelB class

and we wish to create a streaming API that provides

  • The latest element in each A device's stream
  • The latest element in each B device's stream
  • All elements in the each A device's stream
  • The last five elements in each B device's stream

We will show here that this problem can be cleanly solved by a simple Swim server. Recall from the top-level README that all we need to run a Swim application is

  1. Write Swim Services with the appropriate Lane definitions
  2. Write a Plane with the Service URI definitions and the application configuration
  3. Ingest data into Lanes using commands or Links.

Writing the Swim Services



If we take an object-oriented approach to our API, we may imagine an A class and a B class. Each class could store its latest stream element and its list of historical elements as a value field and a list field, respectively. Each endpoint corresponding to a specific device is an instance of one of these classes.

The Swim equivalent of a class is a Service. fields translate to either ValueLanes or MapLanes. methods and functions manifest themselves as the callback functions on Lanes, including any CommandLanes.


  • To access the Swim API, each user-defined Service must extend swim.api.AbstractService.
  • Let's enable the simplest spec requirement: storing the latest stream element. This simply requires declaring a ValueLane. Things to note:
    • A @SwimLane annotation must precede every Lane declaration. The String inside the annotation defines the Lane's globally addressable URI and does not need to match the Lane's field name.
    • Lanes are parametrized. Any parameters that are not explicitly provided (e.g. using ValueLane.valueClass(), MapLane.keyClass()) default to <recon.Value>. We use an Integer here because A-type devices stream Integers.
  • Capturing a stream's history simply requires declaring a MapLane instead of a single-dimensional ValueLane, and providing a key to order the historical values. Typically, this is accomplished by using a key of type Long and storing the relevant Unix timestamp.

And, at least in terms of the final API, that's all! You likely have noticed the additional CommandLane, but it will make more sense to discuss this in the Data Ingestion section.


Filling out follows almost identically, but we'll need to utilize a few more tools here.

  • To store the latest stream element, we again need a ValueLane. But this time, defining our stream data type requires a custom Java object.

    Thankfully, any Java class can be used as a lane parameter, provided that recon serializations and deserializations are defined for the class. If we annotate the class fields with @ReconName appropriately, Swim will automatically generate and store these transformations using reflection. Although this annotation-based process is simple and sufficient for this example, it proves rather restrictive in general; alternative means to generate the recon transforms can be found here.

  • After defining these transforms, we can set model.ModelB to be the valueClass of both the latest and the history Lanes. However, there's one more thing we should do.

    "History" is simply a collection of all "latest" values. Thus, it would be nice if every update to the latest ValueLane automatically populated the history MapLane.

    This is the beauty of lane callback functions. Users can override the didSet(newValue, oldValue) callback of any ValueLane with custom logic that will take place every time the ValueLane is set. In this case, we only need to add to the history MapLane. While we could (and arguably should) have done this in AService as well, we have intentionally left the MapLane.put() logic in the CommandLane to provide more diverse Lane manipulation examples.

    The MapLane equivalent of didSet is didUpdate. We override it here to drop all but the last 5 events in history as defined in our spec.

We will again save the CommandLane discussion for the Data Ingestion section.

Writing the Plane


A Swim application is relatively unintrusive. Despite exposing a potentially huge number of API endpoints, an application only utilizes a single configurable port because Swim Service URIs are resolved internally. Persistent data is written to a configurable location on disk.

The object that manages such runtime behavior of Swim elements is called the Swim Plane, and while its responsibilities are complex, it is straightforward to configure.

  1. For every Service in the application, declare a ServiceType<?> instance in the plane.

  2. Identify all desired plane configuration properties. Here, we only set the application's port binding, so we can do this inline when running the Swim bundle. We will cover more involved Plane configurations in the join services example

Data Ingestion

Relevant reading

Data ingestion is a two-part problem. Swim Services must expose means to receive data, and data sources must be able to send data to Swim Services.

Ingress by Services

Swim Services and Lanes form a bidirectional API. We utilize them here to enable receiving external data, and we will use them again to view data.

Let's revisit AService. We have declared two Lanes to store data, but nowhere do we write to them.

CommandLanes are specialized Swim Lane that receive but do not store data. Each CommandLane permits overriding an onCommand callback that contains a reference to this data and will execute whenever it is commanded, such as in the Egress by Sources section). We declare one here to set the latest and history Lanes upon being commanded.

The equivalent in BService is nearly identical. However, because the didSet callback on latest already puts to history, we only need to set latest in this CommandLane.

Egress by Data Sources

To simulate a single AService stream for an A type device with id 1, we simply command the addLatest CommandLane at node a/1. Recall that the node and lane identifiers utilize the @SwimRoute defined in the Plane and the @SwimLane defined in AService, respectively.

Simulation for a single BService stream follows nearly identically.

The remaining code in Client simply opens subscriptions to the API that we've developed.

UI Overview

Here we go through examples of how to display the data in ValueLanes and MapLanes into the Swim UI components. We will use the lanes in the AService and the BService to illustrate these concepts

UI Components

All Swim UI components need to link to a streaming API provided by the Swim Service. The streaming API is identified using the host, node and lane. In this specific example- the Swim Server is running locally and is listening on port 9001. The AService instance has the URi a/1 and the BService instance has the URI b/1 since the Client simulates data for these instances. Consequently all the UI components below use one of the following values for the above mentioned variables depending on their functionality.

  • host: swim://localhost:9001
  • node: 'a/1' or 'b/1'
  • lane: 'latest' or 'history'

Given the host, node and lane, there are two steps involved in integrating Swim UI components to Swim Services.

  1. A link needs to be established. To create a link use the @link tag.
  2. The data can be obtained from the link created from the @link tag. However the data has to be parsed and injected into the Swim UI components. This requires some knowledge of the data format that will be obtained from the different lanes.

Here are the examples for the different service and lane combinations

  • 'latest' lane of a/1: Example of a value lane that has primitive values i.e. booleans, integers, doubles, strings etc.
host: 'swim://localhost:9001'
node: 'a/1'
linkA: @link(lane: 'latest', type: value) 
value: $linkA.* 

'latest' is a value lane, use the type:value in the @link tag. Data in the 'latest' lane for 'a/1' contains a simple integer value, so you can use the $linkA.* expression to get the integer value.

  • 'latest' lane of b/1: Example of a value lane that has custom types.
host: 'swim://localhost:9001'
node: 'b/1'
linkB: @link(lane: 'latest', type: value) 
value: $linkB.i 

'latest' is a value lane, use the type:value in the @link tag. Data in the 'latest' lane for 'b/1' contains a custom type, ModelB. Remember that ModelB has a recon representation as follows: '@modelB{b:false,s:"1",i:1,l:1,f:1,d:1}', so you can use the $linkB.i expression to get the 'i' value. You can following the same pattern for getting the other fields, eg: $linkB.l expression to get the field 'l'.

  • 'history' lane of a/1: Example of a map lane that has primitive values i.e. booleans, integers, doubles, strings etc.
host: 'swim://localhost:9001'
node: 'a/1'
linkA: @link(lane: 'history', type: map) 
@each(t: $linkA.*:) {
  key: $t
  value: $linkA.($t)

'history' is a value lane, use the type:map in the @link tag. Iterate through the elements of the map using the code snippet: @each(t: $linkA.*:), here 't' is the key to the element in the map. Data in the 'history' lane of 'a/1' contains a simple integer value, use the $linkA.($t) expression to get the integer value.

  • 'history' lane of b/1: Example of a map lane that has custom types.
host: 'swim://localhost:9001'
node: 'b/1'
linkB: @link(lane: 'history', type: map) 
@each(t: $linkB.*:) {
  key: $t
  value: $linkA.($t)

'history' is a value lane, use the type:map in the @link tag. Iterate through the elements of the map using the code snippet: @each(t: $linkB.*:), here 't' is the key to the element in the map. Data in the 'history' lane of 'b/1' contains a custom type, ModelB. Remember that ModelB has a recon representation as follows: '@modelB{b:false,s:"1",i:1,l:1,f:1,d:1}', so you can use the $linkB.($t).i expression to get the 'i' value. You can following the same pattern for getting the other fields, eg: $linkB.($t).l expression to get the field 'l'.


Relevant Reading: Gauges

  1. gaugeA.html: Real-time gauge with values from the latest lane of AService instance 'a/1'
  2. gaugeB.html: Real-time gauge with values from the latest lane of BService instance 'b/1'


Relevant Reading: Pies

  1. pieA.html: Real-time pie with values from the latest lane of AService instance 'a/1'
  2. pieB.html: Real-time pie with values from the latest lane of BService instance 'b/1'
  3. pieA-history.html: Real-time pie with values from the history lane of AService instance 'a/1'
  4. pieB-history.html: Real-time pie with values from the history lane of BService instance 'b/1'


Relevant Reading: Charts

  1. chartA.html: Real-time chart with values from the history lane of AService instance 'a/1'
  2. chartB.html: Real-time chart with values from the history lane of BService instance 'b/1'


Relevant Reading: KPI Cards

  1. kpiA.html: Real-time KPI card with values from the latest lane of AService instance 'a/1'
  2. kpiB.html: Real-time KPI card with values from the latest lane of BService instance 'b/1'


Run the application

Execute the command ./gradlew run from a shell pointed to the application's home directory. This will start the Swim plane.

 user@machine:~$ ./gradlew run

Run the client

Execute the command ./gradlew runClient from a shell pointed to the application's home directory. This will start the client.

 user@machine:~$ ./gradlew runClient

Run the UI

Navigate to the ui directory which is in the root directory of this installation. This directory contains the html files for the different ui components.

Load the different html pages in your browser and see the SWIM UI components in action