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Try our demos and get inspired with what you can do with face-landmarks-detection models!

Table of Contents

  1. Live Camera Demo

  2. Upload a Video Demo

  3. How to Run a Demo

Live Camera Demo

This demo uses your camera to get live stream and tracks your face in real-time. You can try out different runtimes to see the difference. It works on laptops, iPhones and android phones.

MediaPipeFaceMesh model entry

Upload a Video Demo

This demo allows you to upload a video (in .mp4 format) to run with the model. Once the video is processed, it automatically downloads the video with face landmarks detection.

MediaPipeFaceMesh model entry

How to Run a Demo

If you want to run any of the demos locally, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the demo folder, e.g. cd live_video

  2. Remove cache etc. rm -rf .cache dist node_modules

  3. Build dependency. yarn build-dep

  4. Install dependencies. yarn

  5. Run the demo. yarn watch

  6. The demo runs at localhost:1234. (Remember to provide URL model parameter e. g. localhost:1234/?model=mediapipe_face_mesh)