A collection of open source malware development tools
3rd-party lists
Windows libraries
- DarthTon/Blackbone - Windows memory hacking library - 文档少,直接看例子
- hakril/PythonForWindows - A codebase aimed to make interaction with Windows and native execution easier - Python 库,获取一些底层信息
- arbiter34/GetProcAddress - Recreation of GetProcAddress without external dependencies on Windows Libraries
- cobbr/SharpSploit - a .NET post-exploitation library written in C# that aims to highlight the attack surface of .NET and make the use of offensive .NET easier for red teamers
- woanware/win-catalog-dotnet - Managed library for accessing the Windows security catalog files
- Memory loading
Windows kernel
Linux libraries
- finixbit/elf-parser - ELF 解析库
- Kernel module
Scripting libraries
- operatorequals/httpimport - Module for remote in-memory Python package/module loading through HTTP/S
Process injection / DLL injection
- Windows C++
- rootm0s/Injectors - DLL/Shellcode injection techniques
- theevilbit/injection - Injection techniques
- odzhan/injection - Windows process injection methods (modexp 新研究的各种注入方式)
- wbenny/injdrv - proof-of-concept Windows Driver for injecting DLL into user-mode processes using APC
- vallejocc/PoC-Inject-Data-WM_COPYDATA - A tiny PoC to inject and execute code into explorer.exe with WM_SETTEXT+WM_COPYDATA+SetThreadContext
- countercept/doublepulsar-usermode-injector - A utility to use the usermode shellcode from the DOUBLEPULSAR payload to reflectively load an arbitrary DLL into another process,
- DarthTon/Xenos - Windows dll injector
- Windows dotnet
- pwndizzle/c-sharp-memory-injection - A set of scripts that demonstrate how to perform memory injection in C#
- jonatan1024/clrinject - Injects C# EXE or DLL Assembly into every CLR runtime and AppDomain of another process
- CameronAavik/ILject - Provides a way which you can load a .NET dll/exe from disk, modify/inject IL, and then run the assembly all in memory without modifying the file
- djhohnstein/.NET-Profiler-DLL-Hijack - Implementation of the .NET Profiler DLL hijack in C#
Application hooks
- tandasat/DdiMon - a hypervisor performing inline hooking that is invisible to a guest (ie, any code other than DdiMon) by using extended page table (EPT)
- tinysec/iathook - windows kernelmode and usermode IAT hook
- gdabah/distormx - The ultimate hooking library
- stevemk14ebr/PolyHook - x86/x64 C++ Hooking Library
- tandasat/DotNetHooking - Sample use cases of the .NET native code hooking technique
- secrary/Hooking-via-InstrumentationCallback
- EasyHook - The reinvention of Windows API Hooking
- int0/ProcessIsolator - Utility to hook SSDT of specific process and transfer control to a service (usermode app) for handling to determine action allow/deny API call etc
- Sentinel-One/minhook - The Minimalistic x86/x64 API Hooking Library for Windows
- Kernel
- LloydLabs/Windows-API-Hashing - This is a simple example and explanation of obfuscating API resolution via hashing
- 0xbadjuju/TellMeYourSecrets - A C# DLL to Dump LSA Secrets
- processhacker/phnt - Native API header files for the Process Hacker project
- 93aef0ce4dd141ece6f5/Packer - PoC executable packer using resources
- marpie/signed-loaders - signed-loaders documents Windows executables that can be used for side-loading DLLs
- mwsrc - Malware source code database
- maestron/botnets - This is a collection of #botnet source codes, unorganized
- hzeroo/Carberp
- ytisf/theZoo - A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure
- runvirus/LokiPWS - Loki PWS - Control Panel New Version leaked
- prsecurity/Neutrino - Neutrino C2 Source Code