A collection of open source wifi tools
- WiPi-Hunter/PiKarma - Detects wireless network attacks performed by KARMA module (fake AP). Starts deauthentication attack (for fake access points)
- lennartkoopmann/nzyme - collects 802.11 management frames directly from the air and sends them to a Graylog (Open Source log management) setup for WiFi IDS, monitoring, and incident response. It only needs a JVM and a WiFi adapter that supports monitor mode
- calebmadrigal/trackerjacker - Like nmap for mapping wifi networks you're not connected to, plus device tracking
- brannondorsey/sniff-probes - Plug-and-play bash script for sniffing 802.11 probes requests
- xdavidhu/probeSniffer - A tool for sniffing unencrypted wireless probe requests from devices
- tehw0lf/airbash - a fully automated WPA PSK handshake capture script aimed at penetration testing
- ZerBea/hcxdumptool - Small tool to capture packets from wlan devices
- gabrielrcouto/reaver-wps - REAVER WPS modified version with MAC Address last character changer to speed up the attack.
- SilentGhostX/HT-WPS-Breaker - HT-WPS Breaker (High Touch WPS Breaker)
- brannondorsey/wifi-cracking - Crack WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Routers with Airodump-ng and Aircrack-ng/Hashcat
- mfontanini/dot11decrypt - a WEP/WPA2(AES and TKIP) on-the-fly decrypter
- wiire-a/pixiewps - is a tool to bruteforce offline the WPS PIN exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of some software implementations, the so-called "pixie-dust attack"
- sensepost/wpa_sycophant - A tool to relay phase 2 authentication attempts to access corporate wireless without cracking the password
MITM / Phishing
- OpenSecurityResearch/hostapd-wpe - Modified hostapd to facilitate AP impersonation attacks
- wi-fi-analyzer/fluxion - a remake of linset by vk496, the future of MITM WPA attacks
- wifiphisher/wifiphisher - Automated victim-customized phishing attacks against Wi-Fi clients
- P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin - Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack
- sensepost/mana - Our mana toolkit for wifi rogue AP attacks and MitM - see hostapd-mana too
- s0lst1c3/eaphammer - is a toolkit for performing targeted evil twin attacks against WPA2-Enterprise networks
- InfamousSYN/rogue - The Rogue Toolkit: An extensible toolkit aimed at providing penetration testers an easy-to-use platform to deploy Access Points for the purpose of conducting penetration testing and red team engagements
- immunityinc/silica - GUI wireless network assessment tool
- MisterBianco/BoopSuite - A Suite of Tools written in Python for wireless auditing and security testing
- xtr4nge/FruityWifi - a wireless network auditing tool
- v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon - is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks
- arismelachroinos/lscript - The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster
- Tylous/SniffAir - A framework for wireless pentesting
- savio-code/fern-wifi-cracker - a Wireless security auditing and attack software
- xtr4nge/FruityWifi - a wireless network auditing tool
- entropy1337/infernal-twin - wireless hacking - This is automated wireless hacking tool
- spacehuhn/esp8266_deauther - ESP8266 deauther
- s0lst1c3/silentbridge - Silentbridge is a toolkit for bypassing 802.1x-2010 and 802.1x-2004
- dxa4481/WPA2-HalfHandshake-Crack - POC that shows the possibility to capture enough of a handshake with a user from a fake AP to crack a WPA2 network without knowing the passphrase of the actual AP
- vanhoefm/krackattacks-scripts - scripts to test if clients or access points (APs) are affected by the KRACK attack against WPA2
Default passwords