- Fix classifier metadata (
- Fix
- Fix: Do some sanity checks first before gathering default options
- Updated setuptools_scm to version 1.10.0
- Usage of
instead oftests_require
, issue #71 - Removed
flag since this is now included by default withsphinx.ext.napoleon
in Sphinx 1.3 and above - Added small template for unittest
- Fix for the example skeleton file when using namespace packages
- Fix typo in devpi:upload section, issue #82
- Include
in PyScaffold to avoid dependency problems, issue #71 and #72 - Cool logo was designed by Eva Schmücker, issue #66
- Fix problem with bad upload of version 2.4.3 to PyPI, issue #80
- Fix problem with version numbering if setup.py is not in the root directory, issue #76
- Fix version conflicts due to too tight pinning, issue #69
- Fix installation with additional requirements
- Updated pbr version to 1.7
- Allow different py.test options when invoking with
orpython setup.py test
- Check if Sphinx is needed and add it to setup_requires
- Updated pre-commit plugins
- Replaced pytest-runner by an improved version
- Let pbr do
, removed fromconf.py
, issue #65
Due to the switch to a modified pytest-runner version it is necessary
to update setup.cfg
. Please check the :ref:`example <configuration>`.
- Format of setup.cfg changed due to usage of pbr, issue #59
- Much cleaner setup.py due to usage of pbr, issue #59
- PyScaffold can be easily called from another script, issue #58
- Internally dictionaries instead of namespace objects are used for options, issue #57
- Added a section for devpi in setup.cfg, issue #62
Due to the switch to pbr, it
is necessary to update setup.cfg
according to the new syntax.
- FIX: Removed putup console script in setup.cfg template
- Allow recursive inclusion of data files in setup.cfg, issue #49
- Replaced hand-written PyTest runner by pytest-runner, issue #47
- Improved default README.rst, issue #51
- Use tests/conftest.py instead of tests/__init__.py, issue #52
- Use setuptools_scm for versioning, issue #43
- Require setuptools>=9.0, issue #56
- Do not create skeleton.py during an update, issue #55
Due to the switch to setuptools_scm the following changes apply:
- use
python setup.py --version
instead ofpython setup.py version
git archive
can no longer be used for packaging (and was never meant for it anyway)- initial tag
is no longer necessary and thus not created in new projects - tags do no longer need to start with v
- Use alabaster as default Sphinx theme
- Parameter data_files is now a section in setup.cfg
- Allow definition of extras_require in setup.cfg
- Added a CHANGES.rst file for logging changes
- Added support for cookiecutter
- FIX: Handle an empty Git repository if necessary
- Typo and wrong Sphinx usage in the RTD documentation
- FIX: Removed misleading include_package_data option in setup.cfg
- Allow selection of a proprietary license
- Updated some documentations
- Added -U as short parameter for --update
- FIX: Version retrieval with setup.py install
- argparse example for version retrieval in skeleton.py
- FIX: import my_package should be quiet (verbose=False)
- FIX: Installation bug under Windows 7
- Split configuration and logic into setup.cfg and setup.py
- Removed .pre from version string (newer PEP 440)
- FIX: Sphinx now works if package name does not equal project name
- Allow namespace packages with --with-namespace
- Added a skeleton.py as a console_script template
- Set v0.0 as initial tag to support PEP440 version inference
- Integration of the Versioneer functionality into setup.py
- Usage of data_files configuration instead of MANIFEST.in
- Allow configuration of package_data in setup.cfg
- Link from Sphinx docs to AUTHORS.rst
- Added numpydoc flag --with-numpydoc
- Fix: Add django to requirements if --with-django
- Fix: Don't overwrite index.rst during update
- Fix: path of Travis install script
- Fix: --with-tox tuple bug #28
- Support for Tox (https://tox.readthedocs.org/)
- flake8: exclude some files
- Usage of UTF8 as file encoding
- Fix: create non-existent files during update
- Fix: unit tests on MacOS
- Fix: unit tests on Windows
- Fix: Correct version when doing setup.py install
- Support pre-commit hooks (http://pre-commit.com/)
- Support for all licenses from http://choosealicense.com/
- Fix: Allow update of license again
- Update to Versioneer 0.12
- Fix when overwritten project has a git repository
- Documentation updates
- License section in Sphinx
- Django project support with --with-django flag
- Travis project support with --with-travis flag
- Replaced sh with own implementation
- Fix: new git describe version to PEP440 conversion
- conf.py improvements
- Added source code documentation
- Fix: Some Python 2/3 compatibility issues
- Support for Windows
- Dropped Python 2.6 support
- Some classifier updates
- Documentation updates due to RTD
- Added a --force flag
- Some cleanups in setup.py
- Update to Versioneer 0.10
- Moved sphinx-apidoc from setup.py to conf.py
- Better support for make html
- Added Python 3.4 tests and support
- Flag --update updates only some files now
- Usage of setup_requires instead of six code
- Fix: Removed six dependency in setup.py
- Better usage of six
- Return non-zero exit status when doctests fail
- Updated README
- Fixes in Sphinx Makefile
- Simplified some Travis tests
- Nicer output in case of errors
- Updated PyScaffold's own setup.py
- Added --junit_xml and --coverage_xml/html option
- Updated .gitignore file
- Problem fixed with pytest-cov installation
- PEP8 and PyFlakes fixes
- Added --version flag
- Small fixes and cleanups
- PEP8 fixes
- More documentation
- Added update feature
- Fixes in setup.py
- Checks when creating the project
- Fixes in COPYING
- Usage of sh instead of GitPython
- PEP8 fixes
- Python 3 compatibility
- Coverage with Coverall.io
- Some more unittests
- Bugfix in Manifest.in
- Python 2.6 problems fixed
- Unittesting with Travis
- Switch to string.Template
- Minor bugfixes
- First release