%%% title = "OpenID Connect for Verifiable Credential Issuance" abbrev = "openid-4-vc-issuance" ipr = "none" workgroup = "connect" keyword = ["security", "openid", "ssi"]
[seriesInfo] name = "Internet-Draft" value = "openid-connect-4-verifiable-credential-issuance-1_0-01" status = "standard"
[[author]] initials="T." surname="Lodderstedt" fullname="Torsten Lodderstedt" organization="yes.com" [author.address] email = "[email protected]"
[[author]] initials="K." surname="Yasuda" fullname="Kristina Yasuda" organization="Microsoft" [author.address] email = "[email protected]"
.# Abstract
This specification defines an extension of OpenID Connect to allow holders to request issuance of verifiable credentials in addition to the standard OpenID Connect assertions.
This specification extends OpenID Connect with support for issuance of verifiable credentials, e.g. in the form of W3C Verifiable Credentials. This allows existing OpenID Connect OPs to extends their service and become credential issuers. It also allows new applications built using Verifiable Credentials to utilize OpenID Connect as integration and interoperability layer between credential holders and issuers.
OpenID Connect is an obvious choice for this use case since it already allows Relying Parties to request identity assertions. Verifiable Credentials are very similar in that they allow an Issuer to assert End-User claims. In contrast to the identity assertions, a verifiable credential follows a pre-defined schema (the credential type) and is bound to key material allowing the holder to prove the legitimate possession of the credential. This allows direct presentation of the credential without involvment of the credential issuer. This specification caters for those differences.
A set of one or more claims made by an issuer (see [@VC_DATA]). Note that this definition differs from that in [@OpenID].
Verifiable Credential (VC)
A verifiable credential is a tamper-evident credential that has authorship that can be cryptographically verified. Verifiable credentials can be used to build verifiable presentations, which can also be cryptographically verified (see [@VC_DATA]).
Data derived from one or more verifiable credentials, issued by one or more issuers, that is shared with a specific verifier (see [@VC_DATA]).
Verified Presentation (VP)
A verifiable presentation is a tamper-evident presentation encoded in such a way that authorship of the data can be trusted after a process of cryptographic verification. Certain types of verifiable presentations might contain data that is synthesized from, but do not contain, the original verifiable credentials (for example, zero-knowledge proofs) (see [@VC_DATA]).
W3C Verifiable Credential Objects
Both verifiable credentials and verifiable presentations
Credential Manifests
A resource format that defines preconditional requirements, Issuer style preferences, and other facets User Agents utilize to help articulate and select the inputs necessary for processing and issuance of a specified credential (see [@DIF.CredentialManifest]).
Deferred Credential Issuance
Issuance of a credentials not directly in the response to a credential issuance request, but following a period of time that can be used to perform certain offline business processes.
Note: map the Issuer terminology to the OpenID Connect's OP term
A user comes across an app where she needs to present a credential, e.g. a bank identity credential. She starts the presentation flow at this app and is sent to her wallet (e.g. via SIOP v2 and OpenID Connect 4 Verifiable Presentations). The wallet determines the desired credential type(s) from the request and notifies the user that there is currently no matching credential in the wallet. The wallet now offers the user a list of suitable issuers, which might be based on an issuer list curated by the wallet publisher. The user picks one of those issuers and is sent to the issuer's user experience (web site or app). There the user authenticates and is asked for consent to issue the required credential into her wallet. She consents and is sent back to the wallet, where she is informed that a credential was sucessfully created and stored in the wallet.
A user comes across an app where she needs to present a credential, e.g. an university diploma. She starts the presentation flow at this app and is sent to her wallet (e.g. via SIOP v2 and OpenID Connect 4 Verifiable Presentations). The wallet determines the desired credential type(s) from the request and notifies the user that there is currently no matching credential in the wallet. The wallet now offers the user a list of suitable issuers, which might be based on an issuer list curated by the wallet publisher. The user picks one of those issuers (her university) and is notified that the issuer requires an identity credential as pre-requisite for issuance of the diploma. The wallet also offers to send the existing bank identity credential to the issuer for that purpose. The user confirms and is sent to the issuer's user experience (web site or app). The issuer evaluates the bank identity credential, looks up the user in its database, finds her diploma and offers to issue a verifiable credential. The user consents and is sent back to the wallet, where she is informed that a diploma verifiable credential was sucessfully created and stored in the wallet.
A user comes across an app where she needs to present a credential, e.g. an university diploma. She starts the presentation flow at this app and is sent to her wallet (e.g. via SIOP v2 and OpenID Connect 4 Verifiable Presentations). The wallet determines the desired credential type(s) from the request and notifies the user that there is currently no matching credential in the wallet. The wallet now offers the user a list of suitable issuers, which might be based on an issuer list curated by the wallet publisher. The user picks one of those issuers (her university). The user confirms and is sent to the issuer's user experience (web site or app). The user logs in to the univerity, which determines that the respective user account is not verified yet. The user is offered to either use a video chat for identification or to fetch a suitable identity credential from her wallet. The user decides to fetch the necessary credential from her wallet and is sent back. In the wallet, she picks a suitable credential and authorizes transfer to the university. The wallet sends her back to the university. Based on the bank identity credential, the university verifies her identity and looks up her data in its database. The university finds her diploma and offers to issue a verifiable credential. The user consents and is sent back to the wallet, where she is informed that a diploma verifiable credential was sucessfully created and stored in the wallet.
The user browses her university's home page, searching for a way to obtain a digital diploma. She finds the respective page, which shows a link "request your digital diploma". She clicks on this link and is being sent to her digital wallet. The wallet notifies her that an issuer offered to issue a diploma credential. She confirms this inquiry and is being sent to the university's credential issuance service. She logs in with her university login and is being asked to consent to the creation of a digital diploma. She confirms and is sent back to her wallet. There she is notified of the sucessful creation of the digital diploma.
The user visits the administration office of her university in order to obtain a digital diploma. The university staff checks her student card and looks up her university diploma in the university's IT system. The office staff then starts the issuance process. The user is asked to scan a QR Code in order to retrieve the digital diploma. She scans the code with her smartphone, which automatically starts her wallet, where she is being notified of the offer to create a digital diploma (the verifiable credential). She consents, which causes the wallet to obtain and store the verifiable credential.
The user navigates to her university's webpage to obtain a digital diploma where she is asked to scan a QR Code to start the retrieval process. She scans the code with her smartphone, which automatically starts her wallet, where she is being notified of the pre-requisit to present her digital student card already stored in the wallet in order to receive a digital diploma (the verifiable credential). She consents, which causes the wallet to obtain and store the verifiable credential.
The user wants to obtain a digital criminal record certificate. She starts the journey in her wallet and is sent to the issuer service of the responsible government authority. She logs in with her eID and requests the issuance of the certificate. She is being notified that the issuance of the certificate will take a couple of days due to necessary background checks by the authority. She confirms and is sent back to the wallet. The wallet shows a hint in the credential list indicating that issuance of the digital criminal record certificate is under way. A few days later, she receives a notification from her wallet app telling her that the certificate was sucessfully issued. She opens her wallet, where she is asked after startup whether she wants to download the certificate. She confirms and the new credential is retrieved and stored in her wallet.
This section describes the requirements this specification aims to fulfill beyond the use cases described above.
- Proof of possession of key material
- Support all kinds of proofs (e.g. signatures, blinded proofs) but also issuance w/o proof
- Proofs must be protected against replay by using issuer provided nonce (see also https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-dpop#section-8
- The proof mechanisms shall be complementary to OAuth/OIDC mechanisms for request signatures, client authentication, and PoP in order to allow for its parallel usage.
- It shall be possible to request a single credential as well to request multiple credentials in the same request. Examples of the latter include:
- credentials containing different claims for the same user (micro/mono credentials) bound to the same key material
- batch issuance of multiple credentials of the same type bound to different key material (see mDL)
- It shall be possible to issue multiple credentials based on same consent (e.g. different formats and/or keys - did:key followed by did:ebsi)
- Support for deferred issuance of credentials
- User authentication and identification
- Issuer shall be able to dynamically obtain further data and be able to authenticate the user at their discretion
- Holder shall be able to pass existing credentials (as presentations) or identity assertions to the issuance flow
- Assisted flow (utilizing credential manifest)
- Presentations/assertions must be protected against replay
- It shall be possible to request standard OIDC claims and credentials in the same flow (to implement wallet onboarding, see EBSI/ESSIF onboarding)
- Support for Credential metadata (holder shall be able to determine the types of credential an issuer is able to issue)
- Ensure OP is authoritative for respective credential issuer (OP (OIDC issuer URL) <-> Issuer ID (DID))
- Incorporate/utilize existing specs
- DIF Credential manifest(?)
This specification defines following mechanisms to allow credential holders (acting as OpenID Connec Clients) to request credential issuers (acting as OpenID Connect OPs) to issue Verifiable Credentials via OpenID Connect:
- An optional mechanism to pre-obtain a Credential Manifest
- An extended authorization request syntax that allows to request credential types to be issued
- Replay prevention of the credentials optionally submitted by the End-User as an issuance input (
) - Ability to bind an issued credential to a proof submitted by the Client
- A newly defined Credential Endpoint from which credentials can be issued one at a time
- A mechanism that allows issuance of multiple credentials of same or different type (
) - A mechanism for the Deferred Credential Issuance (
The following figure shows the overall flow.
+--------------+ +-----------+ +-------------+
| User | | Wallet | | Issuer |
+--------------+ +-----------+ +-------------+
| | |
| interacts | |
|--------------->| |
| | (1) [opt] obtain credential manifest |
| |----------------------------------------------------->|
| | credential manifest |
| |<-----------------------------------------------------|
| | |
(2) [opt] User selects credentials |
| | |
| | (3) [opt] request presentation nonce |
| |----------------------------------------------------->|
| | presentation nonce |
| |<-----------------------------------------------------|
| | |
| | (4) authorization req (claims, [opt] input, etc. ) |
| |----------------------------------------------------->|
| | |
| (4.1) User Login |
| | |
| | (4.2) [opt] request additional VCs (OIDC4VP) |
| |<-----------------------------------------------------|
| | |
(4.2.1) [opt] User selects credentials |
| | |
| | (4.2.2) VCs in Verifiable Presentations |
| |----------------------------------------------------->|
| | |
| (4.3) User consents to credential issuance |
| | |
| | (5) authorization res (code) |
| |<-----------------------------------------------------|
| | |
| | (6) token req (code) |
| |----------------------------------------------------->|
| | access_token, id_token |
| |<-----------------------------------------------------|
| | |
| | (7) credential req (access_token, proofs, ...) |
| |----------------------------------------------------->|
| | credential req (credentials OR acceptance_token)|
| |<-----------------------------------------------------|
| | |
| | (8) [opt] poll_credentials (acceptance_token) |
| |----------------------------------------------------->|
| | credentials OR not_ready_yet |
| |<-----------------------------------------------------|
!--- Figure: Overall Credential Issuance Flow
This flow is based on OpenID Connect and the code grant type. Use with other grant types, such as CIBA, will be possible as well.
Starting point is an interaction of the user with her wallet. The user might, for example,
- want to present a credential and found out there is no suitable credential present in her wallet or
- have visited the web site of a Credential Issuer and wants to obtain a credential from that issuer.
(1) (OPTIONAL) obtain credential manifest (as defined in [@DIF.CredentialManifest]) from the issuer with an information of which Verifiable Credentials the Issuer can issue, and optionally what kind of input from the user the Issuer requires to issue that credential.
Note: The wallet MAY also obtain the information about the credential issuer's capabilities using other means, which is out of scope of this specification.
(2) (OPTIONAL) If the issuer expects certain credentials to be presented in the issuance flow, it requests the user to select and confirm presentation of those credentials.
(3) If the user has confirmed the presentation of certain credentials with the issuance request, the wallet prepares the process by obtaining a nonce from the issuer. This nonce will be used to prevent malicious wallets from being able to replay those presentations.
(4) In this step, the wallet sends an authorization request to the issuer. This request determines the types of verifiable credentials the wallet (on behalf of the user) wants to obtain. It MAY also include verifiable presentations if required by the issuer.
The wallet SHOULD use a pushed authorization request (see [@!RFC9126]) to first send the payload of
the authorization request to the issuer and subsequently use the request_uri
returned by the issuer in the authorization
request. This ensures integrity and confidentiality of the request data and prevents any issues raised by URL length restrictions
regarding the authorization request URL.
Note: signed and encrypted request objects would also ensure integrity and confidentiality. However, this approach would further increase the URL size, which might decrease robustness of the process.
The issuer takes over user interface control at this point and interacts with the user. The implementation of this step is at the discretion of the issuer.
(4.1) The issuer will typically authenticate the user in the first step of this process. For this purpose, the issuer might
- use a local or federated login, potentially informed by an
(see [@OpenID]) or - utilize, if present, verifiable presentations passed to the authorization request.
(4.2) (OPTIONAL) The issuers MAY call back to the wallet to fetch verifiable credentials it needs as pre-requisite to issuing the requested credentials. The decision what credentials are requested may depend on the user identity determined in step 4.1.
From a protocol perspective, the issuers acts now as verifier and sends a request as defined in OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations [@OIDC4VP] to the wallet.
(4.2.1) (CONDITIONAL) The wallet shows the content of the presentation request to the user. The user selects the appropriate credentials and consents.
(4.2.2) (CONDITIONAL) The wallet responds with one or more verifiable presentations to the issuer.
(4.3) The issuer asks the user for consent to issue the requested credentials.
(5) The issuer responds with an authorization code to the wallet.
(6) The wallet exchanges the authorization code for an Access Token and an ID Token.
(7) This Access Token is used to request the issuance of the actual credentials. The types of credentials the wallet can request is limited to the types approved in the authorization request in (5). The credential request passes the key material the respective credential shall be bound to. If required by the issuer, the wallet also passes a proof of posession for the key material. This proof of posession uses the SHA256 hash of the Access Token as cryptographic nonce. This ensure replay protection of the proofs. The format of key material and proof of possession dependends proof scheme and is expressed in a polymorphic manner on the protocol level.
The Issuer will either directly respond with the credentials or issue an Acceptance Token, which is used by the wallet to poll for completion of the issuance process.
(8) (OPTIONAL) The wallet polls the issuer to obtain the credentials previously requested in step (6). The issuer either responds with the credentials or HTTP status code "202" indicating that the issuance is not completed yet.
Note: if the issuer just wants to offer the user to retrieve an pre-existing credential, it can encode the parameter set of step (6) in a suitable representation and allow the wallet to start with step (6). One option would be to encode the data into a QR Code.
This draft intentionally supports two different approaches for presenting credentials to the credential issuer, designated as "static" and "dynamic".
- "static": the wallet determines in the intial steps of the process based on metadata obtained from the issuer, which types of credentials are required in order to obtain credentials. If suitable credentials are available, the wallet creates verifiable presentations, which are then sent along with the authentication/authorization request to the issuer. This approach is facilitated by the DIF Credential Manifest [@DIF.CredentialManifest]. It requires the wallet to obtain cryptographic nonces, which need to be included into the verifiable presentations in order to prevent replay of those presentations.
- "dynamic": the wallet only requests credentials with the authorization request. The issuer determines what credentials it might need as pre-requisite to issue credentials while processing the authorization request. This approach is equivalent to an OP reaching out to an 3rd party identity provider to log the user in or to obtain further identity claims. The difference is that the claims source is dynamically determined since it is the particular wallet of the user. The dynamic approach allows the issuer to only request the credentials absolutely necessary since it can previously identify or even authenticate the user before requesting credentials. In best case, the issuer already has all ncessary data in place and does not need to fetch any credential.
The draft includes both approaches becauses there is no existing best practice. Given the lack of implementation experience, it seems to be the better way to leave implementers the choice. If the community, based on implementation experience, will gravitate towards one or the other approach, the draft could be simplified by removing one of the options.
This specification defines the new endpoints as well as additional parameters to existing OpenID Connect endpoints required to implement the protocol outlined in the previous section.
There are the following new endpoints:
- Nonce Endpoint: this endpoint provides the RP with a nonce it will include into verifiable presentations sent to the authorization endpoint
- Credential Endpoint: this is the OAuth-protected API to issue verifiable credentials
- Deferred Credential Endpoint: this endpoint is used for deferred issuance of verifiable credentials
The following endpoints are extended:
- Server Metadata: new metadata parameters are added to allow the RP to determine what types of verifiable credentials a particular OP is able to issue along with additional information about formats and prerequisites.
- Authorization Endpoint: The
parameter is extended to allow the RP to request authorization for issuance of one or more credentials. The authorization request is extended with parameters to convey verifiable presentations to the authorization process and further data to alternatively callback to the RP (acting as wallet) to request further verifiable credentials. These extensions can also be used via the Pushed Authorization Endpoint, which is recommended by this specification. - Token Endpoint: optional parameters are added to the token endpoint to provide the RP with a nonce to be used for proof of possession of key material in a subsequent request to the credential endpoint.
The server metadata [@!OpenID.Discovery] is extended to allow the RP to obtain information about the verifiable credentials an OP supports. This extension uses [@DIF.CredentialManifest].
Credential Manifest contains information about which type of VCs the Issuer can issue, and, optionally, what kind of input the Issuer requires from the Client in the request to issue that credential. This allows for a static approach of presenting input credentials to the Issuer as defined in (#present_input_credentials).
This specification defines the following new Server Metadata parameter for this purpose:
: OPTIONAL. A JSON array containing a list of Credential Manifests. This parameter enables Issuers to pass Credential Manifests in a single , self-contained parameter.credential_manifest_uris
: OPTIONAL. A JSON array containing a list of URIs referencing a resouce containing Credential Manifest. This parameter enables Issuers to list Credential Manifests by reference, rather than by value. The scheme used MUST be https.
The following example shows a OpenID Configuration containing an embedded credential manifest.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"name":"Washington State Government"
"id": "output descriptor 1"
Note: the RP MAY use other mechanisms obtain information about the verifiable credentials an OP can issue.
The Nonce Endpoint provides the RP with a presentation nonce.
The Client MUST obtain a presentation nonce from the Issuer, when the Client needs to submit certain pre-obtained credentials to the Issuer to meet the requirements in one of the Issuer's Credential Manifests. The Client MUST bind credentials it is submitting to the received presentation nonce. This step is necessary to prevent submitted VCs from being replayed by a malicious Client.
Communication with the Nonce Endpoint MUST utilize TLS.
Clients MUST use the HTTP POST method to send the Presentation Nonce Request to the Nonce Server. The Request SHOULD NOT include any parameters.
The rules for client authentication as defined in [@!RFC6749] for token endpoint requests, including the applicable authentication methods, apply for the Nonce endpoint as well. If applicable, the token_endpoint_auth_method
client metadata parameter [@!OpenID.Registration] indicates the registered authentication method for the client to use when making direct requests to the authorization server, including requests to the Nonce endpoint. Similarly, the token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported
authorization server metadata [@!OpenID.Discovery] parameter lists client authentication methods supported by the authorization server when accepting direct requests from clients, including requests to the PAR endpoint.
Below is a non-normative example of a presentation nonce request using client_secret_basic
Client Authentication:
POST /nonce HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
After receiving and validating a valid Presentation Nonce Request from the Client, the Nonce Server returns a successful response that includes a presentation nonce. The response uses the application/json media type.
The following parameter MUST be included in the response:
: REQUIRED. presentation nonce that the Client MUST include in the presentations when submitting input credentials in the Authorization Request.expires_in
: OPTIONAL. The lifetime of the nonce in seconds.
Below is a non-normative example of a credential challenge response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"p_nonce": "fbe22300-57a6-4f08-ace0-9c5210e16c32",
"expires_in": "3600"
The Authorization Endpoint is used in the same manner as defined in Section 3.1.2 of [@!OpenID], with the exception of the differences specified in this section.
In addition to the required basic Authorization Request, this section also defines
- how pushed authorization requests can be used to protect the authorization request payload and when the requests become large, and
- an optional dynamic credential presentation request that may be used by the Issuer to dynamically request additional credentials after receiving an Authotization Request (see also (#present_input_credentials)).
Authentication Requests are made as defined in Section of [@!OpenID], except that it MUST include the claims
parameter defined in section 5.5 of [@!OpenID] with a new top-level element credentials
: JSON array containing one or more objectes specifying credentials the Client is requesting to be issued. It MAY optionally contain references to verifiable presentations provided as pre-requisite for credential issuance.
The following claims are used in each object in the credentials
: CONDITIONAL. A JSON string denoting the type of the requested credential. MUST be present ifmanifest_id
is not present.manifest_id
: CONDITIONAL. JSON String refering to a credentoal manifest published by the credential issuer. MUST be present iftype
is not present.format
: OPTIONAL. A JSON string representing a format in which the credential is requested to be issued. Valid values defined by this specification arejwt_vc
. Profiles of this specification MAY define addtional format values.vp_token
: OPTIONAL. A parameter defined in [@OIDC4VP] used to convey required verifiable presentations. The verifiable presentations passed in this parameter MUST be bound to ap_nonce
generated by the respective issuer from the Nonce Endpoint.presentation_submission
: OPTIONAL. JSON object as defined in [@DIF.CredentialManifest]. This object refers to verifiable presentations required for the respective credential accoridng to the Credential Manifest and provided in an authorization request. All entries in thedescriptor_map
refer to verifiable presentations provided in thevp_token
authorization request parameter.wallet_issuer
: OPTIONAL. JSON String containing the wallet's OpenID Connect Issuer URL. The Issuer will use the discovery process as defined in [@SIOPv2] to determine the wallet's capabilities and endpoints. RECOMMENDED in Dynamic Credential Request.user_hint
: OPTIONAL. JSON String containing an opaque user hint the wallet MAY use in sub-sequent callbacks to optimize the user's experience. RECOMMENDED in Dynamic Credential Request.
Below is a non-normative example of an authorization request:
GET /authorize?
Below is a non-normative example of a claims
parameter with type
Note: type
and format
are used when the Client has not pre-obtained a Credential Manifest. manifest_id
and presentation_submission
are used when the Client has pre-obtained a Credential Manifest. These two approaches MAY be combined in one request.
Note: passing the format
to the authorization request is informational and allows the credential issuer to refuse early, in case it does not support the requested format/credential combination. The client MAY request issuance of credentials in other formats as well later in the process at the credential endpoint.
Note: The credential_application
element defined in [@DIF.CredentialManifest] is not required by this specification.
This step OPTIONAL. It is performed prior to the Authorization Request when the obtained Credential Manifest includes presentation_definition
and requires the Client to present certain credentials in the authorization request in the vp_token
parameter. The Client MUST obtain those credentials prior to initiating a transaction with this Issuer.
Performing issuance based on the credentials submitted by the Client provides the benefit of the Issuer being able to issue a credential without necessarily having information about that user being stored in its database.
Use of Pushed Authorization Requests is RECOMMENDED to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the request data and to avoid issues due to large requests due to the query language or if message level encryption is used.
Below is a non-normative example of a Pushed Authorization Request:
POST /op/par HTTP/1.1
Host: as.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Below is a non-normative example of a claims
parameter with manifest_id
and presentation_submission
This step is OPTIONAL. After receiving an Authorization Request from the Client, the Issuer MAY use this step to obtain additional credentials from the End-user. The Issuer MUST utilize [@OIDC4VP] and [@SIOPv2] to dynamically request additional credentials.
This provides the benefit of the Issuer being able to adhere to the principle of data minimization, for example by including only minimum requirements in the Credentiam Manifest knowing that it can supplement additional information if needed.
In order to enable dynamic callbacks of the issuer to the end-user's wallet, the wallet MAY provide additional parameters wallet_issuer
and user_hint
defined in the Authorization Request section of this specification.
For non-normative examples of request and response, see section 11.6 in [@!OIDC4VP].
Note to the editors: need to sort out credential issuer's client_id with wallet and potentially add example with wallet_issuer
and user_hint
Authentication Responses MUST be made as defined in Section of [@!OpenID].
Below is a non-normative example of
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://wallet.example.org/cb?
Authentication Error Response MUST be made as defined in section of [@!OpenID].
The following is a non-normative example of an unsuccessful token response.
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://client.example.net/cb?
The Token Endpoint issues an Access Token, an ID Token, and optionally a Refresh Token in exchange to the authorization code obtained in a successful Authorization Response. It is used in the same manner as defined in Section 3.1.3 of [@!OpenID], with the exception of the differences specified in this section.
Upon receiving a successful Authentication Request, a Token Request is made as defined in Section of [@!OpenID].
Below is a non-normative example of a token request:
POST /token HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
Token Requests are made as defined in Section of [@!OpenID].
In addition to the response parameters defined in Section of [@!OpenID], the OP MAY return the following parameters:
: OPTIONAL. JSON string containing a nonce to be used to create a proof of possession of key material when requesting a credentials (see (#credential_request)).c_nonce_expires_in
: OPTIONAL. JSON integer denoting the lifetime in seconds of thec_nonce
Below is a non-normative example of a token response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Ikp..sHQ",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 86400,
"id_token": "eyJodHRwOi8vbWF0dHIvdGVuYW50L..3Mz",
"c_nonce": "tZignsnFbp",
"c_nonce_expires_in": 86400
If the Token Request is invalid or unauthorized, the Authorization Server constructs the error response as defined as in Section 5.2 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749].
The following is a non-normative example Token Error Response:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"error": "invalid_request"
The Credential Endpoint issues a credential as approved by the End-User upon presentation of a valid Access Token representing this approval.
Communication with the Credential Endpoint MUST utilize TLS.
The client can request issuance of a credential of a certain type multiple times, e.g. to associate the credential with different DIDs/public keys or to refresh a certain credential.
If the access token is valid for requesting issuance of multiple credentials, it is at the client's discretion to decide the order in which to request issuance of multiple credentials requested in the Authorization Request.
A Client makes a Credential Request by sending a HTTP POST request to the Credential Endpoint with the following parameters:
: REQUIRED. Type of the credential being requested. It corresponds to aschema
property in a Credential Manifest obtained in a Set Up phase. -
: OPTIONAL. Format of the credential to be issued. If not present, the issuer will determine the credential format based on the clients format default. -
: OPTIONAL. the key material the new credential shall be bound to. MUST NOT be present ifdid
is present. -
: OPTIONAL. the DID the credential shall be bound to.sub_jwk
are mutually exclusive. MUST NOT be present ifsub_jwk
is present. -
OPTIONAL. JSON Object containing the proof of possession of the key material the issued credential shall be bound to. The Client MAY provide this claim in addition to adid
claim. At the minimum, the following parameters MUST be included. Theproof
structure depends on the proof type and other parameters MAY be included.type
: REQUIRED. JSON String denoting the proof type.verificationMethod
REQUIRED. Cryptographically resolvable identifier referencing a public key to verify the End-User's control over the associated private key. The base URI of this identifier MUST match the DID given indid
parameter. It MAY contain relative path components, query parameters, and fragment identifiers.jws
CONDITIONAL. A signature performed by a key that can be obtained by an identifier in verificationMethod.
The proof
element MUST incoporate a fresh nonce value generate by the credential issuer and the credential issuer's identifier (audience) in order to allow the credential issuer to detect replay. The way those data is incorporated depends on the proof type. In a LD proof, for example, the nonce is included as challenge
element in the proof object and the issuer (the intended audience) is included as domain
The Client has three options to provide binding material for a requested credential:
- provide
- provide
- provide
in addiiton to adid
. When it is recommended to addproof
, see Security Considerations section.
Below is a non-normative example of a proof
"type": "RsaSignature2018",
"created": "2018-09-14T21:19:10Z",
"proofPurpose": "authentication",
"verificationMethod": "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21/keys/1",
"challenge": "2H4dB9xl-FZQL-pixV-WJk0eOt4CXQ-1NXKW",
"domain": "https://issuer.example.com",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..l9d0YHjcFAH2H4dB9xlWFZQLUpixVCWJk0eOt4CXQe1NXKWZwmhmn9OQp6YxX0a2LffegtYESTCJEoGVXLqWAA",
Below is a non-normative example of a credential request:
POST /credential HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: BEARER czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
Credential Response can be Synchronous or Deferred. The Issuer may be able to immediately issue a requested credential and send it to the Client. In other cases the Issuer may not be able to immediately issue a requested credential and would want to send a token to the Client to be used later to receive a credential when it is ready,
The following claims are used in the Credential Response:
: REQUIRED. JSON string denoting the credential's formatcredential
: OPTIONAL. JSON string that is the base64url encoded representation of the issued credential. MUST be present whenacceptance_token
is not returned.acceptance_token
: OPTIONAL. A JSON string containing a token subseuqntly used to obtain a credential. MUST be present whencredential
is not returned.c_nonce
: OPTIONAL. JSON string containing a nonce to be used to create a proof of possession of key material when requesting a credential (see (#credential_request)).c_nonce_expires_in
: OPTIONAL. JSON integer denoting the lifetime in seconds of thec_nonce
Below is a non-normative example of a credential response in a synchronous flow:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"format": "jwt_vc"
"credential" : "LUpixVCWJk0eOt4CXQe1NXK....WZwmhmn9OQp6YxX0a2L",
"c_nonce": "fGFF7UkhLa",
"c_nonce_expires_in": 86400
Below is a non-normative example of a credential response in a deferred flow:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"acceptance_token": "8xLOxBtZp8",
"c_nonce": "wlbQc6pCJp",
"c_nonce_expires_in": 86400
Note: Consider using CIBA Ping/Push callback. Another option would be the Client providing client_notification_token to the Issuer, so that the issuer send Credential response of successfully receiving a Creedntial request and than no need for the client to bring an acceptance token, the Issuer will send the credential once it is issued in a response that includes client_notification_token.
Upon receiving a Credential Request, the credential issuer MAY require the client to send a proof of possession of the key material it wants a credential to be bound to. This proof MUST incorporate a nonce generated by the credential issuer. The credential issuer will provide the client with a nonce in an error response to any credential request not including such a proof or including an invalid proof.
Below is a non-normative example of a Credential Response when the Issuer requires a proof
afterupon receiving a Credential Request:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"error": "invalid_or_missing_proof"
"Credential isser requires proof element in credential request"
"c_nonce": "8YE9hCnyV2",
"c_nonce_expires_in": 86400
This endpoint is used to issue a credential previously requested at the credential endpoint in case the Issuer was not able to immediately issue this credential.
This is a HTTP POST request, which accepts an acceptance token as only parameter. The acceptance token MUST be sent as access token in the HTTP header as shown in the following example.
POST /credential_deferred HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: BEARER 8xLOxBtZp8
The deferred credential response uses the format
and credential
parameters as defined in (#credential_response).
Some DID Methods do not require the End-User identified by a DID to also be a controller of a private key associated to a public key in a DID Document tied to that DID. In these cases, it is RECOMMENDED that in the Credential Request, the Client provides a signature using the private key tied to a DID in a proof
claim, in addition to a did
<title>Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0</title> Digital Bazaar ConsenSys Digital Bazaar ConsenSys Evernym University of Kent <title>Self-Issued OpenID Provider V2</title> Microsoft Microsoft Mattr <title>OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incoClientorating errata set 1</title> NRI Ping Identity Microsoft Google Salesforce <title>Presentation Exchange v1.0.0</title> Microsoft Evernym Bloom Workday <title>Presentation Exchange v1.0.0</title> Microsoft Evernym Consensys Mesh <title>OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 1</title> ConsenSys Mesh yes.com Microsoft Convergence.tech Mattr <title>OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 incoClientorating errata set 1</title> NRI Ping Identity Google Illumila <title>OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 incoClientorating errata set 1</title> NRI Ping Identity MicrosoftTBD
We would like to thank John Bradley, David Waite, and Alen Horvat for their valuable feedback and contributions that helped to evolve this specification.
Copyright (c) 2021 The OpenID Foundation.
The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) grants to any Contributor, developer, implementer, or other interested party a non-exclusive, royalty free, worldwide copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works from, distribute, perform and display, this Implementers Draft or Final Specification solely for the puClientoses of (i) developing specifications, and (ii) implementing Implementers Drafts and Final Specifications based on such documents, provided that attribution be made to the OIDF as the source of the material, but that such attribution does not indicate an endorsement by the OIDF.
The technology described in this specification was made available from contributions from various sources, including members of the OpenID Foundation and others. Although the OpenID Foundation has taken steps to help ensure that the technology is available for distribution, it takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this specification or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. The OpenID Foundation and the contributors to this specification make no (and hereby expressly disclaim any) warranties (express, implied, or otherwise), including implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular puClientose, or title, related to this specification, and the entire risk as to implementing this specification is assumed by the implementer. The OpenID Intellectual Property Rights policy requires contributors to offer a patent promise not to assert certain patent claims against other contributors and against implementers. The OpenID Foundation invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents, patent applications, or other proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required to practice this specification.
[[ To be removed from the final specification ]]
- Added Request & Response syntax and descriptions
- Reworked and extended sequence diagram
- initial revision