Fix pre-commit issue
Fix pre-commit issue
Update Dockerfile instructions
Update Dockerfile instructions
Update cache installation
Update cache installation
escaping brackets for generating the onnxruntime dockerfile
escaping brackets for generating the onnxruntime dockerfile
fix openvino toolkit filename based on release
fix openvino toolkit filename based on release
bumping version of openvino to 2025.0.0
bumping version of openvino to 2025.0.0
Enable verbose output for ORT
Enable verbose output for ORT
Add ccache to CUDA and C
Add ccache to CUDA and C
adding openvino 2024.6.0 to the version map
adding openvino 2024.6.0 to the version map
Add support for session.use_device_allocator_for_initializers
in on…
Add support for
in on…Pull request merge
removed bad file
removed bad file
Update copyright
Update copyright