The Kafka examples require one or a cluster of Zookeeper/Kafka servers running to connect to. To start local instances with defaults:
./bin/ config/
./bin/ config/
You must either have a local Zookeeper and Kafka server running, or configure the necessary connection configurations to connect to your remote cluster. If no brokers are available, ZK/Kafka will throw :)
For remote cluster: (typically these are read from the deploy environment, variables set by chef, for instance, on deploy). The config file is merely for fallbacks, defaults, test deploys etc.
#initial seed:
continuum.kafka.port = 9092 = ""
# Comma-separated list of kafka 'host:port' entries
continuum.kafka.connect = ""
# Comma-separated list of zookeeper 'host:port' entries
continuum.kafka.zookeeper.connect = ""
Run the initial, simple sample and select examples.KafkaExampleSimple from the list:
sbt examples/run