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Cutting a New Release

  • Update the CHANGELOG:

    • Create a new branch to prepare the release.

    • Ensure the CHANGELOG is up to date. (See below for a suggested workflow.)

    • Retitle the "Unreleased" section to this release and create a fresh "Unreleased" section (see comments in the CHANGELOG for details).

      Do not wrap bullet points in multiple lines. GitHub will use those line breaks in the Release Notes display.

      💡 Point releases (i.e., not patch releases) should also be given a name, taking the form ADJECTIVE TREE, incrementing alphabetically. This name should be decided amongst the team before the release.

    • Bump the package version number in Cargo.toml at project root.

    • Commit and merge (squash, if necessary) on green CI and peer approval.

    • Tag the merged commit with the release version, prefixed with a v (e.g., v0.1.0). The version number must match the one in Cargo.toml, otherwise cargo dist will fail during CI.

      git tag "v0.1.0"
      git push
      git push --tags
  • Let cargo dist create a new draft release.

  • Publicise.

    ⚠️ Point releases, only. Don't publicise patch releases, unless there's a pressing need to do so (e.g., fix of a security vulnerability, etc.).

    • Announce the new version on Tweag's Twitter and other social network accounts, via someone with access.
    • Share amongst other social networks (e.g., Reddit, Hacker News, Mastodon, etc.), under personal accounts, at your discretion.

Generating the PR List for the CHANGELOG

If the unreleased changes in the CHANGELOG have become stale, the list of merged PRs can be fetched from:>YYYY-MM-DD

Replacing YYYY-MM-DD by the date of the last release.

If you have the GitHub CLI client, the following may be more convenient:

gh pr list -L 500 -B main -s merged \
           --json number,mergedAt,title,body \
| jq -r --argjson release "$(gh release view --json createdAt)" '
     reverse | .[] | select(.mergedAt > $release.createdAt) |
     ["# PR#\(.number): \(.title)", "*Merged: \(.mergedAt)*", "\(.body)\n"] |

💡 The -L 500 is an arbitrary "large number" limit of PRs to fetch, overriding the low default. As of writing, there's no way to set this to "unlimited"; adjust as necessary.